Module 10

Chapter 16 Innate Immunity: Nonspecific Defenses of the Host

The concept of immunity

·  Immunity: ability to protect against ______from microbes and their ______

o  Aka, ______

·  Susceptibility: vulnerability or lack of ______

·  Two general mechanisms of immunity

o  ______immunity: defenses against ______

o  ______immunity: immunity or resistance to a ______

·  Adaptive Immunity

o  Involve recognition of ______

o  ______to respond than innate immunity

o  Has ______component

o  Involves “______”

·  Innate Immunity

o  ______present and available

o  Does not involve ______of a microbe

o  Acts against ______in the ______way

o  ______of defense include physical barriers

§  Skin, mucous membranes

o  Early warning system to prevent ______

FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE: Skin and mucous membranes

Physical factors


·  Top layer is dead, ______continually

·  No space in between skin cells, microbes can’t ______

·  ______of skin inhibits most growth

o  In ______conditions, skin infections common

·  Keratin: protective ______in skin

·  Most infections of skin are “______” – below the skin

Mucous membranes

·  Inhibit ______of many microbes

·  Mucus: slightly ______fluid composed of ______

o  ______invading microbes

o  Some pathogens can ______in mucus

·  Lacrimal apparatus, saliva, urine, secretions

o  Continual ______helps wash away microbes

Ciliary Escalator

·  Cilia in respiratory tract ______microbes up

·  ______and ______speed up process

Defecation and vomiting

·  ______microbes



·  ______substance in skin produced by ______in skin

·  Forms ______film over skin

·  Contains ______acids the ______growth of some ______

·  Lower ______

·  Some bacteria can ______sebum  ______


·  ______that breaks down cell wall

·  Found in ______, tears, ______, and tissue fluids

Low pH

·  Skin (______)

·  Gastric Juice (______)

·  Vaginal Secretions (______)

Normal Microbiota

·  Normal microbiota protect via “______”

·  Normal microbiota ______with pathogens for ______


·  If microbes ______first layer, ______begins

·  Second line of defense to invasion include defensive cells, inflammation, fever, antimicrobial substances

Formed elements in blood

·  Formed elements: ______in blood

o  Leukocytes: ______(WBC)

·  Different WBC, ______

Types of white blood cells

·  Neutrophils

o  Highly ______against ______

o  Active in ______stages of infection

o  Can leave bloodstream and move into ______to fight infection

·  Basophils

o  Release ______, important in ______

·  Eosinophils

o  Produce toxins against ______, such as helminths

o  Can ______, move into tissue

·  Dendritic cells

o  Destroy microbes by ______

o  Activate ______immune response

·  Monocytes

o  Not phagocytic in ______

o  Can move into tissue, mature into “______”

§  Highly phagocytic

·  Lymphocytes

o  Natural killer (NK) cells

§  Kill ______cells, ______cells

§  Any cell that displays “______” plasma membrane proteins

o  T cells, B cells

o  Play central role in ______

Diiferential White Blood Cell Count

·  ______of each type of ______in a ______sample

·  Leukocytosis: increase in ______

o  Can double, triple, quadruple

·  Leukopenia: ______in WBC count

o  Due to impairment of white blood cell ______, ______

·  Differential white blood cell count can help ______type of ______or ______


·  Phago: from Greek, meaning ______

·  Cyte: from Greek, meaning ______

·  Ingestion of ______or particles by a ______

·  ______: cells that perform phagocytosis

o  ______, ______, dendritic cells

·  During infection, ______and ______migrate to infected area

·  ______increase in initial stages of ______infection

·  ______dominate in initial stages of bacterial infection

o  ______bacteria

·  As infection progresses, ______dominate

o  Clear up cell ______

·  In ______and ______infections, macrophages always dominate

Mechanism of phagocytosis

·  Chemotaxis: chemical ______of phagocytes to microbes

o  Attracted to microbial products, damaged tissue cells, various chemicals

·  Adherence: ______of phagocyte to microbe

·  Ingestion: ______of microbe

o  Projections called ______

o  Microbe internalized in vesicle called ______

·  Digestion: ______of microbe

o  Phagosome fuses with lysosome  ______, destroys microbe

o  ______material expelled from cell

Microbial evasion of phagocytosis

·  Inhibit ______

·  Kill ______

·  ______phagocytes

·  ______phagosome

·  Prevent ______fusion

·  Survive inside ______


·  ______response to infection

·  Characterized by ______, pain, ______,swelling

·  Acute inflammation: ______, intense

o  Cause of inflammation removed ______

·  Chronic inflammation: ______lasting, less intense

o  Cause of inflammation ______

·  Functions:

o  To ______the injurious agent

o  To limit the effects on body by ______injurious agent

o  ______or replace damaged tissue

Stages of inflammation

Vasodilation and increased permeability of blood vessels

·  Vasodilation: ______(increase in diameter) of blood vessels

o  Increases ______to area

o  Responsible for ______(redness), ______

·  Vasodilation also results in increased ______

o  Allows ______, chemicals to pass from ______to injured area

o  Responsible for ______(swelling)

Phagocyte migration and phagocytosis

·  Blood flow eventually brings ______to site of infection

o  ______invading microorganisms

·  In response to bacteria, neutrophils first, followed by monocytes

·  ______often die after killing many cells; contribute to ______

·  ______release from ______cells, ______results in vasodilation, permeability

·  Blood clots around injury prevents ______

·  Localized collection of pus called an ______

Tissue repair

·  Replacement of ______or ______cells

·  Speed of repair depends on tissue

o  Skin heals fast, cardiac (heart) muscle heals slow


·  ______temperature

·  ______response to infection

·  Most commonly caused by ______, ______infections

·  Certain chemicals trigger a “______” of body “thermostat” to a higher body temperature

o  LPS ______

·  Chill: response to ______body temperature

·  Crisis: response to ______body temperature

·  Fever is ______up to certain degree

o  Helps increase ______production, ______repair

·  Complications include:

o  ______: rapid heart rate, may compromise weak hearted

o  Increased ______

o  ______in young children

o  Delirium

o  Coma

o  ______C (______F) = death

Antimicrobial substances

·  Complement system: defensive system consisting of ______in blood

·  Destroy microbes by:

o  ______(______) of bacteria

o  Triggering ______

o  Helping with ______

Evading complement system

·  Some capsules prevent complement ______

·  Some gram-negative bacteria can lengthen surface glycolipids to prevent ______

o  “______-resistant”

·  Some gram-positive cocci release ______that ______complement proteins


·  ______produced by ______cells that ______with viral ______

·  Effective against many different types of viruses

·  Protect ______cells by causing them to produce “______” (AVP)

o  ______that inhibit ______of viral particles

·  Effective for ______

·  ______are toxic to heart, liver, kidneys, bone marrow

Antimicrobial peptides

·  Newly discovered, may be most important component of ______immunity

·  Small ______ 10 – 20 amino acids

·  Bind to ______causing cell lysis

·  Produced by ______, ______