M & L 755


Summer Quarter 2010

Class Time: TU - TH 5:30 p.m. Faculty: McClure

Room: 305 Schoenbaum Hall E-mail:

Office Hours: Arranged Office: 500 Fisher Hall



The Promotional Strategy course is meant to introduce you to the most visible aspects of marketing - advertising,

sales promotions, public relations and direct marketing. The main source of communication a consumer products company has with its targeted consumer is via these four promotional strategies. We will attempt to understand how advertising works; the various types of advertising which are suited to the various situations faced by marketers; and how marketers decide which mediums should be purchased. In addition, we will learn how sales promotions impact product sales, and how sales promotions, advertising, and direct marketing work together for long-term product brand success. Also, we will learn about the important promotional strategy of public relations.


Two exams, each worth 1/3 of the course grade. The exam dates are indicated on the Course Schedule. The

exams will include questions that assess your understanding of the course material through direct questions

based on both lecture and text references.

One project report, worth 1/3 of the course grade. You will be provided a case description. Your task will

be to develop promotional strategies for a given situation faced by a consumer products company or retailer.


A text (optional) will be assigned by the Marketing and Logistics Department for this course. In addition, we’ll rely heavily on examples of promotional strategies via audio/video cd, dvd, electronic databases, and websites.

M&L 755



Summer 2010

Date Lecture Topic Text Chapter

June 22 Course Introduction, Marketing Concept ___ * (TBA)

24 Historical Perspective, Environmental Influences on Advertising ___ 29 Societal Criticisms, Societal Benefits ___

July 1 Demographics, Psychographics ___

6 Consumer Behavior: Influences, Purchase Behavior ___

8 Industry and Consumer Research ___

13 Branding, Positioning, USP ___

15 Advertising Budgeting, Advertising Production / Exam I Review ___

20 Exam I

22 Project Report Assigned, Reviewed ___

27 Advertising: Media Considerations ___

29 Sales Promotions ___

Aug 3 Public Relations ___

5 Direct Marketing ___

10 Global Considerations ___

12 New Technologies’ Impact on Promotional Strategies

17 Project Report Drafts Reviewed In-Class

19 Final Exam Review

24 Final Exam – Graduating Seniors

Project Reports Due – Graduating Seniors

26 Project Reports Due – Non-Graduating Students

Final Exam – Non-Graduating Students

*(TBA=To Be Assigned)