ApplicationforAccreditation SEIAPI/PPA Program



(Full name and positionof representative) of


(Entity applying)

Hereby apply for company accreditation). I on behalf of my entity agree to be bound by the rules of the Association. (Please also sign and return ethics form)

(Signature of Applicant)Date______


As an industry member of the Sustainable Energy Industries Association of the Pacific Islands I/we agree to:

  • deal with all customers fairly;
  • provide customers with safe and quality services;
  • respect the rights of customers;
  • maintain the confidentiality and privacy of all customer information;
  • avoid conduct which may cause a conflict with customers or others;
  • engage in moral and ethical business practices, including accurate and truthful representations concerning professional information and system performance expectations;
  • respect the intellectual property and contributions of others;
  • further the professionalism of sustainable energy industry services;
  • inform our customers if circumstances arise, in which their judgment
  • or the independence of their service may be compromised by reason of business connections, personal relationships, interests or affiliations;
  • continue our professional development throughout their careers; and
  • observe and conform to all relevant guidelines’ and standards.



(Full name and position of representative) of


(Entity applying for member’s ship)

agree to be abide by the above code of ethics.

(Signature of Applicant) Date______


Membership fees for Industry and Associate Members is US$200 per year.

Currently the association has two payment methods: credit card and Electronic Funds Transfer.

If either of these methods are not suitable for your entity please contact the secretariat on and other solutions will be investigated.


Card Type:______

Card Number______

Name on Card: ______

Expiry Date:______

CVV Number______

I ______agree for Global Sustainable Energy Solutions Pty acting as secretariat for the SEIAPI to deduct US$200 form the above card




Please note the application fee is US$200 when using EFT $220 will be required to transfer to allow for the fees charged by the bank.

The following are the details for EFT:

Bank: Australia and New Zealand banking Group (ANZ)

Branch: Ulladulla Branch, 18Wason Street Ulladulla 2539, NSW Australia

Account Name: Global Sustainable Energy SolutionsProject Account


Acc No: 491086004

Swiftcode: ANZBAU3M


Sustainable Energy Industry Association of the Pacific Islands (SEIAPI)

PO Box 57, Ulladulla, 2539
