IO/12/6597/CFE- Electromagnetic Analysis Support
Clarification No. 01
Sr.# / Description & Question / Response1 / Title of Technical Specification Document States that “Contract Technical Specification”, whereas the category is Call for Expertise instead of Contract/Call for Tender
Question -1: Can you please clarify that is this contract or call for expertise? / The specification is for a Call of Expertise
2 / Cover letter states that “to potentially interested candidates”.
Also in Para 2 in technical specification document states that “Very skilled and collaborative EM analyst and Tokomak Physics Expert”
Question -2: Can you please confirm that:
2a) How many experts will be required?
2b) Is there two requirements each for analyst and physics expert? / It is required 1 expert in EM analysis. As the work consists of simulation of plasma transient evolution the candidate needs to have knowledge of tokamak and plasma physics.
3 / Para 5 in technical specification document shows 05 (Five) tasks to be carried out under this contract.
Question -3: Can you please confirm that:
3a) As the SOW is very huge, Who will decide the required number of expert? (IO or Contractor)
3b) if there is more than one expert, Who will decide the responsibility/work of each Expert?
3c) Scope of Work will be on IO or Contractor head or Expert Head?
3d) what are the time schedule for each task order? / a)The specification has been prepared foreseen a single person covering the required experience. In principle, there is no objection if a company proposes more than one expert to cover different disciplines.
b)The company providing the expert(s) is responsible for the quality of the work and the completion of the task
c)Io has defined the scope of the work in this technical specification. As task evolves and new priorities may come from IO, the scope may be revised, following agreements between IO and Contractor responsible, in consultation with the expert.
d)The duration is foreseen 12 months + 12 months extension. Tasks will be performed following the sequence as defined in chapter 5. Priority may be changed during the execution of the work based on IO needs.
4 / Para 5.5 in technical specification document states that “Mesh modification in an automatic way using the software package provided by the expert.”
Question -4: Can you please confirm that:
4a) is there any software required from Contractor/Expert? / IO has already developed in the past software for automatic mesh modifications. These are ad hoc routines prepared for specific FE ANSYS models. These software have proved to be very efficient. During the task the expert will need to get familiar with the available models and develop (or modify) the required routines. There is no specific commercial software to be provided by the contractor before the start of the task, but the expert needs to have skill and experience in the field.
5 / Para 9 in technical specification document states that “attributes required knowledge of Plasma Physics, FEM EM Code and Program Language etc.”
Question -5: Can you please Clarify that:
5a) all mentioned skill in “Para 9- specific requirement”, is to be required with one expert? / Yes, I confirm