Table of Contents
1Business Problem
2.1.1.UBE output files and background into UBEs at runtime
2.2Method of obtaining the output files
3Functional Solution
3.1Proposed Flow
3.2Table Design requests
3.2.1.Email Configuration table F550002
3.3Application Screen Requests
3.3.2.Logic Required
3.3.3.Screen /Shots
3.4Report Functional Specs
3.4.1.Data Selection
3.4.3.Output layout
3.4.4.Logic required
4Technical Solution
4.1B550002 - *** WSJ PDF Email Address BSFN
4.1.1.Datastructure D5500002
4.2F550002 - *** WSJ PDF Email Config table
Back to Top Generated on Tuesday 16 September 2014 at 07:44:28 for environment E900 Development Environment pathcode DV900 (OW Info v4.2.0.7U)
4.3F550002C - *** WSJ PDF Email Count table
4.4P550002 – *** WSJ Emailing Config Application
4.4.1.Event Rules
4.5T550002 – PO DSTR for P550002
4.6R550002 – *** WSJ PDF Email UBE
4.6.1.Event Rules
4.7R550002T – *** WSJ PDF Test UBE Harness
4.7.1.Event Rules
4.7.2.PO Values
4.8T550002U – *** WSJ PDF Email UBE DSTR PO
4.9V550002A – *** WSJ PDF Email Config Table BSVW
4.10Data Dictionary Items
5Objects Affected
1Business Problem
Almost ALL UBE jobs run on the E1 system will produce an output file of some sort. PDF, CSV or Text file etc. Users gain access to the completed jobs output by using the WSJ screen in E1 to see all their submitted jobs and using the row exits there in to obtain the output files.
This document deals with the issue of gaining access to these files and potentially having the E1 software configured to automatically email out completed jobs output files.PDF / CSV etc to designated users.
*** has several clients who would like the ability to be sent an E1 jobs output file or to be notified of certain processing events within the E1 system. UBE completed successfully or errors within the job etc.
These notifications will be in the form of emails that will have the completed jobs output file attached to the email.
E1 already does give you the ability to email completed jobs PDFs via the BI Publisher bolt on. This is a fairly labour intensive endeavour and is also OBNM specific. It is also more focused on and intended for media rich output. There is also another method of sending emails in E1 called OSA Output Stream Access. OSA is a very powerful feature in E1 but requires scripts to be written for a Unix platform and sadly is fairly unexplored feature in E1.Beyond the current skill set of ***.
The preferred way to send emails would be to create a solution in E1s native ER language using well tried and tested methodologies. A goal of this development is once complete, it would not involve any further development effort to give further UBE/VERS the ability to email its completed job file output.
Due to the fact the WSJ screen in E1 indicates the jobs status, it is important to note that *** can benefit from this proposed functionality by giving ***the ability monitor sensitive jobs by sweeping over the submitted jobs table looking for these jobs that may have ended in error. A designated internal ***user or team can then be notified automatically when things go wrong.
This scope of this document is to describe at a technical, object level, the method used to get certain E1 completed job output files sent via a mail server connected to E1 automatically. The approach taken here is to try and make this functionality totally achievable via configuration alone. This is to remove the need for future development effort in order to add future UBE jobs .
UBEs and VERS wishing to be emailed can simply be added to the config table.
BI Publisher is an extension of E1 that can send completed jobs via email but this process is intended for the optimisation and graphic illustration of the completed jobs ‘data’ with the aid of a rich text template.
BI Publisher is a great tool but lends itself to marketing media more than the simpler requirement needed here.
Plus BI needs too much development work at OBNMetc UBE level in order to merge the completed jobs output onto a media rich template file.
2.1.1.UBE output files and background into UBEs at runtime
ALL UBE jobs in E1 when run on the server will write a record to the WSJ table, F986110
Most UBE jobs in E1 will produce an output file of some sort. CSV, PDF, TXT or XML etc. These can be seen and accessed via the Work with Submitted Jobs screen (WSJ).
When the job is complete all the output files and logs reside in a network folderon the Unix enterprise servers print queue folder.
# / E1 Batch Server / E1 Environment / E1 PrintQueue network address1 / ***AX-JDED1 / DV900 / /App/jdedwards/e900_913/PrintQueue
2 / ***AX-JDED1 / PY900, UT900 & OQ900 / /App/jdedwards/e900/PrintQueue
3 / ***AXBATCHP / PD900 / /App/jdedwards/e900/PrintQueue
These files can be accessed and attached to an email via the WSJ screen if downloaded and saved but this is a manual and time consuming process.
E1 does not have the DIRECT ability to email out completed jobs file however E1 does have the ability to hook into an email server and use it’s services to send emails plus seen as E1 is platform independent we can also query operating systems and manipulate network files. Combining the 2 we can get the attachment and send this via email.
2.2Method of obtaining the output files
ALL completed UBE jobs in E1 reside on table F986110. So we will use this table to get the completed jobs PDF/CSV file off the server and attach it to an email.Field F986110.JCFNDFUF2 contains key fields OBNM_VERS_JOBNBR_PDF
- Create a custom table to configure the UBE/VERS and distribution list
- Create a sweeper UBE to look for configured completed jobs and gather PDFs/CSVs
- Create a BSFN to email out of *** and add the completed jobs PDF/CSV
3Functional Solution
3.1Proposed Flow
The diagram below illustrates the F986110 table and the subsequent PDF/CSV output files. Each record will have a unique JOBNBR.
New scheduled UBE R550002 will read over the F986110 and store its last read JOBNBR. This will be used to process newly submitted jobs since the last run.
For each F986110 record FNDFUF2 will be broken down from OBNM_VERS_JOBNBR_PDF and then checked against F550002 for a match on OBNM VERS USER and active Y/N = Y
If a match is found we get the PDF/CSV, attach to an email and use the configured F550002 record to obtain destination email address and subject text etc
The work described here will be split into 2 main parts:
- Create an application to allow completed jobs PDF/CSV to be emailed via configuration of a new custom table.
Allow email address to added and also the email subject and body text. Email limits per run and allow the attachment file to be renamed.
- Create a new UBE to read over the WSJ F986110 job table and email out the completed jobs PDF/CSV
This UBE will incrementally sweep over the F986110 table looking for jobs that are completed or in error. For every job found, it will thenreference the worktable above and see if emailing is required.
3.2Table Design requests
Create a table to store email related values
3.2.1.Email Configuration table F550002
Create a new table in the E1 schema to store values relating to email address, email subject, email body text and email limit.
This table is to allow differentiation by OBNM, VERS and USER and job status (E/D).
The table should also have an active flag so we can disable/enable the emailing of certain jobs.
The table may also benefit from the inclusion of MCU if site separation of shared versions is required. MCU row security can then also be added.
3.3Application Screen Requests
Create an E1 application screen to allow the maintenance and creation of WSJ email related data.
Create a BSVW to read over table F550002. Show ALL fields. Allow MCU row security to prevent cross site data.
Allow the Find Browse form to filter on UBE VERS USER ID, Active Y/N and MCU.
3.3.2.Logic Required
Allow the users branch to default into the application screen. This can be used for row security.
Job status cannot be blank as dictated by the linked UDC.
USER ID cannot be blank. Send To/From emails cannot be blank. Subject cannot be blank.
Allow the user to select what output file they want. CSV/PDF.
Allow the user to set a limit if desired on the volume of emails a job can create per 30 min run.
3.3.3.Screen /Shots
3.4Report Functional Specs
Design a report to read over the WSJ Bootstrap F9861110 table in 30 minute intervals.
It should select and read F986110 records from the last run. Therefore it will need to keep a track of the LAST read job number so it knows where to start from next run.
It should select records with a job status equal to Done or Error D/E.
To prevent spamming an inbox it should keep a count of the number of emails sent per unique job.
The UBE should get the completed jobs file and add it as an attachment to the outbound email.
3.4.1.Data Selection
JOBSTS = D/E and UKID greater than LAST read JOBNBR
<If any data sequencing is required list it here>
3.4.3.Output layout
CSV output listing records selected for emailing. List email address etc.
3.4.4.Logic required
It is important to note the different file address of PDF and CSV files.
CSV = /App/jdedwards/e900/PrintQueue/R550002_***0001_1935821_PDF.csv
PDF = /App/jdedwards/e900/PrintQueue/R550002_***0001_1935821_PDF
4Technical Solution
A new application P550002 will be used to create records on new table F550002.
F550002 will be able to store fields based on email subject and destination addresses. F550002 will be unique on OBNM VERS USER and JOBSTS
New UBE R550002 will read over F986110 based on JOBNBR greater than the last read job number (or first starting point) saved in next number table F00022 under TBLE = ‘F550002’
New UBE R550002 - *** WSJ PDF Email UBE will be scheduled to run every 30 minutes.
The UBE will incrementally sweep over the WSJ table looking for jobs run since the previous run of R550002.
The WSJ table also holds the name of each report UBE and Version VERS that ran in that 30 minute window. It also holds the USER ID of the user who ran the job.
We can utilize these values to look for and target specific users or specific UBE, VERS and USER combinations for designated emailing out of the E1 system.
4.1B550002 -*** WSJ PDF Email Address BSFN
A simple C++ /BSFN to get the print queue address off the server
Function B550002 - *** WSJ PDF Email Address BSFN
Source Language C - C
Location 2 - Both Client & Server Function
Parent DLL C57***
System Codes 55/55
***GetPDFAddress / *** Get PDF Address / D5500002
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Generated on Tuesday 16 September 2014 at 07:39:52 for environment E900 Development Environment pathcode DV900 (OW Info v4.2.0.7U)
4.1.1.Datastructure D5500002
Datastructure D5500002 - *** WSJ PDF Email Address DSTR
System Codes 55/55
1 / CMDS / szCommandString / N / String / 256 / 0 / Command String
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Generated on Tuesday 16 September 2014 at 07:39:52 for environment E900 Development Environment pathcode DV900 (OW Info v4.2.0.7U)
4.2F550002 - *** WSJ PDF Email Config table
Table to store all the relevant emailing details for each OBNM VERS USER combination
Column Prefix RE
System Codes 55/55
Go to Indexes
1 / OBNM / Object Name / String / Generic Edit / 10 / 0 / 0
2 / VERS / Version History / String / Generic Edit / 10 / 0 / 0
3 / GPUS / User ID / String / Generic Edit / 10 / 0 / 0
4 / ACTIVEYN / Active Flag Y/N / Character / Generic Edit / 1 / 0 / 0 / VALUE / Y N 1 0
5 / RPDEMAIL / Report Definition Delivery EMail Address / String / Generic Edit / 100 / 0 / 0
6 / EMAILFROM / Email From Field / String / Generic Edit / 256 / 0 / 0
7 / APPTSUB / Appointment Subject / String / Generic Edit / 256 / 0 / 0
8 / YEMALBOD / Mailto Text Body / String / Generic Edit / 1024 / 0 / 0
9 / CMDS / Command String / String / Generic Edit / 256 / 0 / 0
10 / YATTNM / Email Attachment Name / String / Generic Edit / 256 / 0 / 0
11 / YEMALCC / Electronic Address CC / String / Generic Edit / 256 / 0 / 0
12 / YEMALBCC / Electronic Address BCC / String / Generic Edit / 256 / 0 / 0
13 / YEMALLM / Email Limit / Integer / Generic Edit / 11 / 0 / 0
14 / USER / User ID / String / Generic Edit / 10 / 0 / 0
15 / JOBN / Work Station ID / String / Generic Edit / 10 / 0 / 0
16 / UPMT / Time - Last Updated / Numeric / Generic Edit / 6 / 0 / 0
17 / UPMJ / Date - Updated / Date / Generic Edit / 6 / 0 / 0
18 / PID / Program ID / String / Generic Edit / 10 / 0 / 0 / CHKOBJ / *PGM
19 / MCU / Business Unit / String / Generic Edit / 12 / 0 / 0 / IsColumnInBusinessUnitTable
20 / JOBSTS / Job Status / String / UDC / 2 / 0 / 0 / UDC / 98 / JS
21 / YERREML / Error Email Address / String / Generic Edit / 256 / 0 / 0
22 / CSVFLG / CSV Flag / Character / Generic Edit / 1 / 0 / 0
IndexesGo to Columns
Index 1 - Unique (Primary/Unique)Element / Alias / Description / Sequence
1 / OBNM / Object Name / A
2 / VERS / Version History / A
3 / GPUS / User ID / A
4 / JOBSTS / Job Status / A
Index 2 - Active YN
Element / Alias / Description / Sequence
1 / OBNM / Object Name / A
2 / VERS / Version History / A
3 / GPUS / User ID / A
4 / ACTIVEYN / Active Flag Y/N / A
5 / JOBSTS / Job Status / A
Index 3 - MCU
Element / Alias / Description / Sequence
1 / MCU / Business Unit / A
2 / OBNM / Object Name / A
3 / VERS / Version History / A
4 / GPUS / User ID / A
5 / JOBSTS / Job Status / A
Back to TopGenerated on Tuesday 16 September 2014 at 07:44:28 for environment E900 Development Environment pathcode DV900 (OW Info v4.2.0.7U)
4.3F550002C - *** WSJ PDF Email Counttable
Table to store a count per 30 minutes for each time an email is sent out for a given OBNM VERS USER combination. This is cleared down each run
Table F550002C - *** WSJ PDF Email Count table
Column Prefix RE
System Codes 55/55
Go to Indexes
1 / UKID / Unique Key ID (Internal) / Numeric / Generic Edit / 15 / 0 / 0
2 / OBNM / Object Name / String / Generic Edit / 10 / 0 / 0
3 / VERS / Version History / String / Generic Edit / 10 / 0 / 0
4 / GPUS / User ID / String / Generic Edit / 10 / 0 / 0
5 / JOBSTS / Job Status / String / UDC / 2 / 0 / 0 / UDC / 98 / JS
6 / INT01 / Integer01 - EnterpriseOne / Integer / Generic Edit / 4 / 0 / 0
IndexesGo to Columns
Index 1 - Unique (Primary/Unique)Element / Alias / Description / Sequence
1 / OBNM / Object Name / A
2 / VERS / Version History / A
3 / GPUS / User ID / A
4 / UKID / Unique Key ID (Internal) / A
5 / JOBSTS / Job Status / A
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Generated on Tuesday 16 September 2014 at 07:50:21 for environment E900 Development Environment pathcode DV900 (OW Info v4.2.0.7U)
4.4P550002 – ***WSJ Emailing Config Application
Application to maintain the F550002 email config records and job number starting point
Application P550002 - *** WSJ PDF Email Config Application
Platform Client or Web
PO Template T550002
System Codes 55/55
W550002A / Browse *** WSJ PDF Emailing / Find Browse / Yes / V550002A
W550002B / Setup Job Number / Fix Inspect / V00022A
W550002C / check file / Fix Inspect
W550002D / Edit *** WSJ PDF Emailing / Fix Inspect / V550002A
4.4.1.Event Rules
4.5T550002 – PO DSTR for P550002
PO Template T550002 - *** WSJ PDF Email Config Application DSTR
System Codes 55/55
1 / *** / Default Email From Field / EMAILFROM / szEmailFrom_EMAILFROM / String / 256 / 0 / Email From Field
2 / *** / Default Email Limit / YEMALLM / n***EmailLimit_YEMALLM / Integer / 11 / 0 / Email Limit
4.6R550002 – *** WSJ PDF Email UBE
This is the UBE that will that will run every 30 minutes and reference the last run job number on F00022 for ‘F550002’
It reads over F986100 using BSVW V986110A selecting on JOBNBR > saved JOBNBR on F00022 and where JOBSTS = D/E
4.6.1.Event Rules
4.7R550002T – *** WSJ PDF Test UBE Harness
All this UBE does is override the F9861110 datasource and call R550002 to allow this to run locally in DV PY and UT.
Pass in the name of the datasource DATP
4.7.1.Event Rules
4.7.2.PO Values
DV900 (LOCAL) - Versions - DV900 / R550002 - *** WSJ PDF Email UBEProcessing Option / ***0001 / SCH0001
1. Business Unit Enter the Business Unit to select over. Leave blank for ALL *NB the MCU usually defaults from the USERs default branch
1. Emails Active Leave BLANK to send emails out via the SMTP server To STOP emails please enter '1'
Values here are only to be entered if a SPECIFIC UBE VERS or USER is to be targeted Valid options are: OBNM only OBNM VERS only OBNM VERS USER USER only Please note that if a specific selection IS to be targeted, unless there is a catch ALL version of this Emailing UBE running, the Update Job Number flag below should be set to N in this version
1a. Object Name
1b. Version History
1c. User ID
2. Update the Job Number Setting this option to 'Y' will ensure the LAST selected JOBNBR from WSJ is saved. Saving the JOBNBR means once this version is run no other version of this UBE can process OLD records. Only NEW records as the WSJ moves on throughtout the day will be picked up. An example of where this would set to N is for versions that target a specific UBE VERS USER combination / Y / Y
4.8T550002U – *** WSJ PDF Email UBE DSTR PO
PO template for R550002
PO Template T550002U - *** WSJ PDF Email UBE DSTR
System Codes 55/55
1 / *** / 1. Business Unit Enter the Business Unit to select over. Leave blank for ALL *NB the MCU usually defaults from the USERs default branch / MCU / szCostCenter / String / 12 / 0 / Business Unit
2 / Process / 1. Emails Active Leave BLANK to send emails out via the SMTP server To STOP emails please enter '1' / EV01 / cStopEmails1_EV01 / Character / 1 / 0 / J.D. EnterpriseOneEvent Point 01
3 / Selection / 2. Update the Job Number Setting this option to 'Y' will ensure the LAST selected JOBNBR from WSJ is saved. Saving the JOBNBR means once this version is run no other version of this UBE can process OLD records. Only NEW records as the WSJ moves on throughtout the day will be picked up. An example of where this would set to N is for versions that target a specific UBE VERS USER combination. / EV01 / cSaveJOBNBR_EV01 / Character / 1 / 0 / J.D. EnterpriseOne Event Point 01
4 / Selection / FUTURE USE Values here are only to be entered if a SPECIFIC UBE VERS or USER is to be targeted Valid options are: OBNM VERS USER USER only Please note that if a specific selection IS to be targeted, unless there is a catch ALL version of this Emailing UBE running, the Update Job Number flag below should be set to N in this version
5 / Selection / 1a. Object Name / OBNM / szNameObject_OBNM / String / 10 / 0 / Object Name
6 / Selection / 1b. Version History / VERS / szVersion_VERS / String / 10 / 0 / Version History
7 / Selection / 1c. User ID / USER / szUser_USER / String / 10 / 0 / User ID
4.9V550002A – *** WSJ PDF Email Config Table BSVW