Brookvale Elementary School’s

2012Bronco Gallop

2012 T-Shirt Contest Winner: Brandon Reganit, 5th grade

“The Bronco Stampede”

Important Dates

Permission Slip Due………….……..Friday, Sept. 21th

Volunteer Sheet Due……….….…..Friday, Oct 5th

*The Bronco Gallop*……….….…Friday, Oct. 19th

All Money Due……….……..…..Wednesday, Oct 31st

Awards Assembly………….….…Wednesday, Nov 28th

This information can be found on our school’s website at

Brookvale’sBronco GallopFAQ’s

What is the Bronco Gallop? The Bronco Gallop is Brookvale Elementary’s annual fund-raiser. It is the only major school fund-raiser, benefiting classroom teachers and PTA sponsored programs. Your participation will enable Brookvale to provide a wide assortment of programs and events that enrich our children’s education and continue our school’s tradition of outstanding achievement.

*** Every dollar raised at Brookvale will stay at Brookvale ***

Our goal is to raise at least $65 or more per student

Most of the money raised will go directly to the teachers for use in the classroom. Brookvale teachers have been able to continue to pay for:

  • Educational Field Trips
  • Supplemental Classroom Materials
  • Reference Materials

Last year PTA spent additional funds on school-wide programs, including:

  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Campus Improvements (fencing, multipurpose room blinds)
  • Red Ribbon Week, Health Awareness, Founder’s Day, Talent Show

How does the Bronco Gallop work? Students obtain sponsors, who can pledge any amount. On Friday, October 19, participating students will walk around the course for approximately 20 minutes. The number of completed laps will be tracked and recorded.

Participants will have until Wednesday, October 31 to collect the pledged amounts from their sponsors. Students may participate in the Bronco Gallop without sponsors, but will not be entered into the prize raffle.

What do we need from you? Parents can help in many ways:

  1. Complete and turn in all forms on time. Permission slips need to be turned in immediately. Sponsor sheets and all donations are due on Wednesday, Oct. 31. Look for forms/information under the Parents tab at
  1. Help your children obtain sponsors. Go with them when they seek sponsors in the neighborhood. Take the sponsor sheet to work. Ask family and friends to be sponsors.
  1. Prepare your children for the event. Remember that this is an athletic event. Be sure your children wear cool, comfortable clothing, athletic shoes, sunscreen, and hats or sunglasses. Have them eat a healthy breakfast and lunch. Encourage your children to drink plenty of fluids before and during the walk-a-thon. We’ll have water and drinks available at the event.
  1. Help your children collect the pledged money. Count the money, verify the total against your sponsor sheet, and return the envelope to school no later than Wednesday, Oct. 31. Consolidating cash and combining the total into one check is most helpful!! Students may turn in more money than their pledged amount!
  1. Volunteer to help with the event. Please participate to what ever degree you can!

Can I attend the Bronco Gallop? Yes! Although spectators are welcome, the best way to see your child participate is to volunteer to help. If you will be attending with small children who aren’t yet school age, you must fill out a Hold Harmless Agreement in the office. You will not be able to volunteer to assist since you will be required to supervise your child(ren) at all times; however, you are welcome to watch and cheer on the walkers!! Alwaysbe sure to get a visitor badge from the office prior to coming on campus.

How do the prizes get distributed? Each student who raises $65 will receive a free “Bronco Stampede” T-Shirt. And in addition, for each $65 raised by your child, they will receive one entry to the prize raffle. The raffle will be held at the Bronco Gallop Awards Assembly on Wednesday, November 28.

Questions? If you have a question, please contact either Brenda Godfrey at or 797-8487. Also, join the Yahoo Group for updates!

Remember…Each Student who raises at least $65will receive a free“Stampede” T-Shirt!!

This shirt is made exclusivelyfor this event and will not be for sale!

Friday, October 19th

Bronco Gallop Walk Schedule

8:30-9:15 – Chug/ Bobosky / Dean/ Santos/ Gordon

9:15-10:00 – Creed / Dillon

10:05 – 10:50 – Mitchell / Freeman / Johnston / Weymouth / Divizich

10:50 – 11:35 – Morin / Munoz / Blair / Maciel

Lunch Break

12:45 – 1:30 – Ynzunza / Corona / Hatfield

2:00 – 2:45 – Schilling / Schumacher


Volunteer Sign-up

Please indicate how you can help. Check any category in which you would be willing to work. Questions? Contact Brenda Godfrey at 797-8487.

( ) Course Set-Up (before school)

( ) Course Clean-Up (after school)

( ) First Aid

( ) Hand out refreshments

( ) Information Booth/Volunteer Sign-in

( ) Lap Card Puncher: Select Preferred Shift(s) ( ) 8:15-10am ( ) 10am-12pm ( ) 12:30-2:45

( ) MasterCounter /Total All Lap Cards

( ) All day availability – fill in where needed


Adult Volunteer NameStudent's Teacher Room


Phone NumberEmail Address

Is email a timely way to contact you? ( ) Yes ( ) No

Only one form per family is needed. Please return by Friday, Sept. 28th!