Central Almaguin Economic Development Association
P.O. Box 1120 * Sundridge ON * P0A 1Z0
Phone (705) 384-5819 Fax (705) 384- 5892
Chair: Les Mahon email: Vice Chair: Merlyn Snow email:
October 15, 2009
Present: South River –Jim Coleman, Les Mahon Machar – Edna Coughlin, Harve Pinkerton
Sundridge – Elgin Schneider, Bill de Vries Strong – Merlyn Snow
Absent: Strong – Steve Rawn
Staff Present: Tera Kincaid, Recording Secretary
Chair Les Mahon called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.
The minutes of the September 17, 2009 meeting were circulated. It was
Moved by: Elgin Schneider
Seconded by: Jim Coleman
That we accept the minutes of September 17, 2009 as presented.
Strategic Plan
Some businesses are wondering what we are going to do with the Strategic Plan now that we have it.
There was discussion of hiring an E.D.O. Most councils seemed to be in favour of this, although some felt the plan doesn’t give enough direction. Everyone was in favour of hiring someone with experience. The E.D.O. would report to C.A.E.D.A. and take direction from them as a group as they would be working for the whole area, not singling out things such as Arena, Roads, Landfills/Garbage, etc. Maybe signage would be handled by the E.D.O. as well?
There was mention that it might be a good idea to inform AHED of our plans. Maybe this is a meeting the new E.D.O. could attend when one is hired? C.A.E.D.A. decided to change the date of their next meeting so Les can attend AHED’s next meeting to give them a report on what we are doing.
There was a short discussion on the future possibilities of school closers in this area.
Bill let the group know that the consultant has been paid.
There is a new regional director for MTO. The committee would like to meet with him, and will invite him to next month’s meeting.
Moved by: Merlyn Snow
Seconded by: Jim Coleman
Be it resolved that this committee does hereby recommend that the Strategic Plan be adopted in principle and that with Councils approval C.A.E.D.A. proceed with the hiring of an Economic Development Officer at a potential cost of 20,000 – 25,000 per/municipality per year. This Officer will report to C.A.E.D.A. and to the councils through their C.A.E.D.A representatives. Priorities for Economic Development will be established by each Council for the Economic Development Officer.
Moved by: Harve Pinkerton
Seconded by: Bill de Vries
That we now adjourn at 11:15 a.m. until the next regular meeting November 26, 2009 or at the call of the chair @ 9:30 a.m. at Machar Municipal Office.
…………………………………… ……………………………………… Chairperson Les Mahon Recording Secretary, Tera Kincaid