NOVEMBER 10, 2011
The Supervisors of the Upper Chattahoochee River Soil and Water Conservation District held their Annual Affiliate Members Meeting on Thursday, November 10, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. at the White County Ag Science Center in Cleveland, Georgia.
Supervisors present were: George Lyons, Charlie Tatum, Leonard Ridings, E. H. Reid, Morris Frady, Gilbert Barrett, Tracy Grizzle, Kenneth Beasley,David Sills and Edsel Nix = 100%. Visiting supervisors from the Hall County SWCD were: Mike Hayes,T. Larry Nixand Sewell Blackstock and from the Stephens County SWCD, Evan Hellenga. Others present were: Robert Amos, Kelli Coleman, Kim Chapman, Brent Dykes, Buddy Belflower, Russell Biggers andJosh Crozier.
The supervisors held a brief business session prior to the annual meeting and Chairman Ridings presided.
The minutes of the October meeting were approved on a motion by Nix and seconded by Tatum. The motion passed. A motion was made by Barrett and seconded by Grizzle to approve the treasury report. The motion passed.
Regional Representative Amos gave the State Conservation Commission report. Amos reported the following supervisor’s terms expiring: Tatum, Reid, Barrett and Beasley. A motion was made by Lyons and seconded by Sills to recommend the reappointment with Tatum as first choice; Jerry Smith as second choice and Greg Gilreath as third choice. A motion was made by Ridings and seconded by Nix to recommend the reappointment with Reid as first choice; Emory Martin as second choice and David Standford as third choice. A motion was made by Lyons and seconded by Tatum to recommend the reappointment with Barrett as first choice; Roy Jamieson as second choice and Wayne Franklin as third choice. A motion was made by Grizzle and seconded by Tatum to recommend the reappointment with Beasley as first choice; John Benjamin Fields as second choice and Bobby Pittman as third choice. The motions were approved by the supervisors. Amos then reported that the GACDS Annual Meeting will be held January 6-8, 2012 at the Chateau Elan in Braselton, Georgia.
UpperChattahoocheeRiver SWCD Minutes
November 10, 2011
Page Two
Erosion and sediment control plans were reported as follows:
ForsythCounty – 22 plans submitted for ratification. A motion was made by Ridings and seconded by Reid to approve the plans.
HabershamCounty – 2 plans submitted for ratification. A motion was made by Barrett and seconded by Lyons to approve the plans. The motions passed.
The Supervisors agreed to hold their next district meeting onThursday, December 8, 2011 at 6:30 p.m.at Baby Land General in Cleveland, Georgia. There being no further business, the business session was adjourned and the Annual meeting proceeded.
Approximately 150 people were in attendance at the Annual Affiliate Members Meeting. Chairman Ridings presided and called the meeting to order. District Chaplain Vernon gave the invocation and the Supervisors and Affiliate Members enjoyed a meal catered by Johnny’s BBQ and Acrosstime Singers provided entertainment. After the meal the veterans in the audience wererecognized and the pledge of Allegiance was recited. The National Anthem was performed by Acrosstime Singers and a welcome was given by White County Commissioner Edwin Nix and Ridings made the introductions. Executive Director Dykes gave a report from the State Conservation Commission and the Supervisors presented the farm family of the year from each county. After the Farm Family Presentations, the annual meeting was adjourned.
submitted by,
Robert Amos
Regional Representative