The Messenger

The Newsletter of Christ Lutheran Church

Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey


The Church: Proudly Proclaiming Christ since A.D. 33

Youth, don’t miss this special event on Mothers’ Day, Sunday, May 11th when we will give our thanks to all the Cherub, Chorister, Chancel, Handchime choirs and our talented musicians! (All moms, sisters, grandmothers, aunts, will receive a special gift!) So jump on over here for a very special worship on Mother’s Day!

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Christ Lutheran Church RETURN

32 Pascack Road SERVICE

Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677 REQUESTED

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Ministers: the people of God at Christ Lutheran Church

Director of Music: Argine Safari

Director of Youth Choirs: David Scance

Musician: Fred Messner

Administrative Assistant: Doris Crouse – 201-391-4224 –


President's Message

Greetings to you—Spring has finally arrived! By the time you read this, we will have completed another wonderful Lenten season and Easter Sunday worship here at Christ Lutheran. Haven't we been lucky to have Pastor Gus Vinajeras with us during this season?

I wanted to update you on the status of our Call Process for a New Pastor. On April 10th, the Council met with Rev. Scott Schantzenbach, Assistant to the Bishop (of NJ) for Stewardship and Faith Formation. We presented our completed Ministry Site Profile and discussed it in detail. We then made some suggested improvements and have submitted it. On April 27th, we will vote at a short, but special congregational meeting to officially elect the six member call committee. This group of CLC members, will represent us during the call process. Their job is to screen and interview any Pastoral candidates and to make recommendations to the congregation council. To that end, we have selected people who are committed to the future mission of our church and accurately reflect a mix of ages, interests, gender and experience of the congregation. This group of people was carefully and thoughtfully selected by your Council. They will meet again with the Synod representative for Orientation and begin the process as soon as a candidate is brought forward to us by the Bishop. Let us all pray for the Bishop and for our church, as we begin this next step. We are hopeful for our future.

Thank you for your support and patience as we continue in our mission to be people of God.

Carla Hoenigmann


Check It Out!

If you missed the Wednesday night series "Who is this Man?", a study on the impact Jesus has had on all history, both secular and religious, the DVD is now available in the library for you to borrow. It's in the tower rack on the right of the book shelves, along with other DVD's for your use.

Dot Dohrmann, Librarian

The Care Committee . . .

Our annual Lenten Hunger Appeal 2014 closed on Palm Sunday, April 13th. The Care Committee extends its sincere thanks to our compassionate and generous congregation. As a result of your generosity our Lenten Hunger Appeal raised $735.

It is still a very difficult time for many of our neighbors. They still do not have the money to afford food. The bags of groceries that arrived faithfully in the narthex on a Sunday morning will be delivered to those families by the CFA. By sharing your blessings with those less fortunate you have brightened their Easter Sunday just a little bit more.

Mae Hulburt

Sponsored by Christ Lutheran Church Women

Reminder to All:

Trash & Treasure Sale is on Saturday, May 3rd, 2014

8:00 am- Noon and 1:00 pm-4:00 pm

Just a reminder that you still have the opportunity to bring your treasures (meaning non-clothing items) to church for the T&T Sale until Thursday, May 1st only!

If you are interested in helping on the Sale day, there's still time to do that! Just give Ann Christensen a call at 666-5078 or see her or one of us at church. If you'd like to help out the week before, just come on by anytime between 5:00-9:00 pm. New helpers (of any age) are always welcome . . . no experience necessary . . . it’s a lot of fun and a chance to make new friends and help the church raise funds for the many charities we support throughout the year.

Christine Badame

In today’s world, concern for the environment has traveled much farther than many of us might have imagined. The questions have become more insistent—Do we really need big cars?—and the stakes have become much higher—When will the polar bears no longer have a sustaining habitat? In their homes and schools, even small children are aware of the broad strokes of environmental stewardship. They already know about recycling, about conservation, about careful use of natural resources. They may not know or understand God’s providence and God’s agency in these matters.

Tell children how strongly God loves creation, how insistent God can be when it comes to stewardship of creation, how lovingly God invites the whole church to join together in appreciating, conserving, preserving, and carefully using the world God created—and still creates.

"As people of faith, we know that we are called to do justice for all, which includes that we be intentional in our care of our natural world by striving to live sustainably and to be good stewards of all the gifts which we gratefully receive.