CHINA-CANADA Joint Health Research Initiative Proposal
A.Application Form
The complete and identical application must be submitted to both CIHR and NSFC. The Canadian Principal Applicant must provide a complete copy of the full application, Common CVs for all Canadian Principal Applicants and Co-Applicants, as well as this China-Canada Joint Health Research Initiative application form, to the Chinese Principal Applicant to include in their package to NSFC.
A1 / Title of Proposed ProjectA2 / Main Subject Area
1 Neurosciences
2 Child and Youth Health
3 CardiovascularSystem
4 Diabetes and Obesity
5 Cancer
6 Infection and Immunity / 7 Aging, Gerontology and Geriatrics
8 Gender and Health
9 Genetics
10 Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis
11 Population and Public Health
12 Respiratory Health
A3 / Applicant Information
China / Canada
Organization / Organization
Name of the Project Leader / Name of the Project Leader
Address / Address
Tel/Fax / Tel/Fax
E-mail / E-mail
A4 / Other Collaborating Participants and Institutions
China / Canada
A5 / Project Period
from to
(month) (year) (month) (year)
A6 / Budget Request
China / Canada
1st year / RMB / 1st year / CDN $
2nd year / RMB / 2nd year / CDN $
3rd year / RMB / 3rd year / CDN $
total / RMB / Total / CDN $
Last Updated: March 2012
B. Project Details (see Funding Opportunity)
B1. Project Abstract (not to exceed this page)
B2. Project Description (not to exceed a total of 5 pages)-detailed description of research project including objectives, background, literature review, proposed experiments, complete description of methodologies that are applicable, and a work plan showing individual tasks and responsible institutions
-statement describing the importance of proposed project
-description of the collaborative arrangements between participating institutions defining general responsibilities and tasks assigned to each participating institution
-description of any planned workshops or symposia with clearly defined goals and expected outcomes
-overall responsiveness to the criteria outlined in the Funding Opportunity Details under the section “Peer Review Process and Evaluation Criteria”
*The 5 page limit does not include references, tables, charts, and figures. Please attach your five page project description as the space below does not expand.
*This five page attachment must be formatted according to CIHR guidelines.
B3. Project Schedule and Milestones (not to exceed this page)
Describe the critical steps in the realization of the project objectives and expected timeline. For example, this would include key milestones and planned exchanges of researchers.B4. Biographical sketches (CV) of the Chinese Project Leaders
For China-based project leaders, an English version of your CV should be included. If not available, please provide the following information within this joint application form: name, academic degree obtained (title, year obtained, organization), field of research, a list of 10 major publications of the past 5 years and a list of grants held and applied for.*If it is not possible to insert this information within the application form itself, we ask that you include this information in an attachment formatted according to CIHR guidelines.
For all Canada-basedApplicants, a Common CV must be used:
Chinese Project Leaders
B5. Added value of the collaboration (not to exceed this page)
Detail the added value of the collaboration between the Canada-based component and the China-based component of the research plan, i.e.,explanation for the necessity of a China-Canada collaboration in order to realize the project goals, for example outline the unique strengths and skills that each of the researchers bring to the project.1
Last Updated: March 2012