Chapter Executives Team Guidelines

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2

Chapter Executives Team Scope & Purpose 3

Chapter Executives Team Composition & Terms 4

Chapter Executives Team Roles & Responsibilities 5

Standing Team Leaders 5

Responsibilities Include: 5

Standing Team Members 5

Staff Liaisons 5

Executive Committee Liaisons 6

Chapter Executives Team Flow Chart 8

Chapter Executives Team Scope & Purpose


To build strong chapters by enhancing communications thus providing opportunities to network with other NTMA chapters, establishing professional development for chapter executives and facilitating board development


Ø  To create new relationships within the precision custom manufacturing industry

Ø  To establish professional development for Chapter Executives

Ø  To evaluate best practices of chapter/national associate relationships



**All teams must have Mission, Vision, Purpose and Objectives that are approved by the Executive Committee and align to the current NTMA Strategic Plan. Any updates to Mission, Vision, Purpose and/or Objectives must be turned in to the Executive Assistant by October to ensure the NTMA directory is updated to reflect such.

Chapter Executives Team Composition & Terms

The composition of the Chapter Executives Team is as follows:

Ø  One (1) Team Leader

§  2-year term, with one 2-year reappointment

Ø  Minimum of five (5) team members, no maximum, with the exception of the GAT as they need to have 15 members from each Association

·  3-year term, with one 1-year reappointment

·  One (1) Staff Liaison

·  One (1) Executive Committee Liaison who will be a voting member of the team

**Two (2) members from the same company cannot serve on the same team (unless otherwise approved by the Executive Committee)

**Members can serve on one Standing Team only (unless otherwise approved by the Executive Committee)

Chapter Executives Team Roles & Responsibilities

Standing Team Leaders

Responsibilities Include:

§  Ensure their team is working to meet the goals and objectives that have been established

§  Recruit team members (approved by the EC)

§  Hold regular team meetings as required to meet objectives throughout the year

§  Coordinate and assign tasks to team members and follow-up to ensure work is done

§  Report on team status at annual conferences

§  Assist in preparing team capsule report as described in Section 6.0 of the Team Leader Orientation Guide

Standing Team Members

Responsibilities include:

§  Provide new ideas, actions and objectives

§  Participate and contribute in regular meetings and/or conference calls

§  Perform actions as required and stated within team guideline book

Staff Liaisons

Responsibilities include:

§  Provide tactical and administrative support to the team

§  Keep lines of communication open with team leaders (Standing and Action), members and other staff

§  Assist the Team in preparing cost/benefit analysis on proposals (include accounting)

§  Draft agendas and minutes for the Team Leader’s approval

§  Support and assist in the implementation of projects and programs after Executive Committee approval

§  Ensure proper team structure and monitor team member terms

§  Work with the Executive Committee Liaison on progress reports of the team’s activities

§  Update content in appropriate locations (i.e. guideline book etc.)

Executive Committee Liaisons

Responsibilities include:

§  Advocate of the team to the Executive Committee

§  Act as a resource to the team

§  Ensure the team functions within their responsibilities outlined in these pages and their guideline book

§  Interpret and conduct discussions on the strategic business plan and organization goals for the team

§  Articulate the purpose and expectations of the team

§  Share the rationale in order to ensure alignment

§  Advise Team Leader of Executive Committee decisions and share the rationale behind the decisions

§  Notify the Executive Committee if the Team Leader is falling behind or not performing well

Meetings & Conference Calls

It is important to prepare your team for the NTMA conferences. Please try and conduct team business prior to any conferences, use the Capsule Report to give the members in the audience a review on your team’s activities.

Agenda Click “here” for Agenda Template

Meeting agendas should be sent out to the team within a week prior to the meeting date to get feedback (adjustments made when necessary). The meeting Agendas should include:

Ø  The call-in number and access code (conference call meetings)

Ø  Past unfinished business

Ø  Open tasks (a quick report should be given at each call until complete)

Ø  New Business (allow time to review new ideas)

Ø  Attach any reports or material to be reviewed

Conducting Meetings/Conference Calls

Ø  Team Leader should act as the moderator

Ø  Agendas should be used to keep the meeting/call on track

Ø  Try to keep conference calls to no more than one (1) hour

Meeting Wrap-Up

Ø  Do a quick review of action items

Ø  Determine next meeting date

Ø  Most of all, thank the members for taking out time to participate

Meeting Minutes Click “here” for Meeting Minutes Template

Ø  Staff Liaison should take the meeting minutes

Ø  The agenda should be used as an outline for the minutes

Ø  Meeting minutes should be complete within a week of the meeting, while the information is fresh

Ø  The Team Leader should review the minutes prior to distributing to the team

Ø  Meeting minutes should include:

§  Record and list attending members

§  Summary of all facts and/or actions per topic

§  Next meeting date and time

§  Attached referenced and/or revised materials

Chapter Executives Team Flow Chart

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