Guided Reading
Third Grade
Tina Hanes
Third Grade Teacher
HuntsvilleElementary School
Guided Reading
During Guided Reading, all students in the class use the same text. The text varies in instructional difficulty, although most of the text is on grade level.
The purpose of Guided Reading is to teach reading comprehension strategies that will enable students to acquire, interpret, apply, and evaluate text.
There following are comprehension strategies that are taught during Guided Reading:
- Inferences
- Compare/Contrast
- Cause and Effect
- Sequencing
- Main Idea and Supporting Details
- Character Analysis
- Literary Elements
- Point of View
- Print Concepts
Time Management for Each Component:
Guided Reading is divided into three components!
Pre-Reading – 10 minutes
During Reading -25 minutes
Post-Reading – 10 minutes
(10 minutes)
This component occurs at the beginning of each guided reading lesson. The following activities prepare the reader to comprehend what he/she is reading.
- Activating Prior Knowledge
Brainstorm using prior knowledge
Discuss any specific about the text
- Key Vocabulary
Point out specific words or phrases that might interfere with comprehension
Read sentences that contain the vocabulary words
Students develop their own meanings for the words
- Set the Purpose for Reading
This is the “treasure hunt” and is often neglected during the pre-reading. Give students a specific question to search out as they read.
During Reading
(25 minutes)
Students read the same text in a variety of ways. Some students will need support as they read the text as it may be above their instructional reading level.
- Shared Reading
The teacher reads the text aloud as the students follow in their text. Some students may elect to choral read with the teacher.
The teacher: reads with expression, models the thinking process, models predicting and thinking aloud, makes inferences
- Paired Reading
The teacher pairs a strong compassionate reader with a weaker reader. These students take turns reading the text. The teacher may work with a flexible group as they read.
- Independent Reading
Students read the text alone. Students who need extra support can use an audiotape of the text as they read, or read with the teacher.
Post Reading
(10 minutes)
Using the strategies that are embedded in the text, the teacher leads the students to think critically about the text. The use of graphic organizers at this time will enhance the students’ understanding and comprehension.
Post Reading Activities may be done in:
- Whole Class
- Cooperative Groups
- Independent Study