Paper title Courier New 16 bold, centered
Author 1, Author 2
Department or Centre
Author 3
Different department or Centre
JEL Classification Codes: You insert at least one
Abstract should be around 200 – 300 words in italic.
Keywords: list, up, to, six, key, terms
JEL classifications: list, relevant, codes
First level heading in Courier New 12 bold
In the body of your paper please use Courier New 10 point, fully aligned, single spaced. The size of your paper should not exceed 16 pages including references and appendices.
Insert blank lines before and after headings and paragraphs. Please do not use idents.
Second level heading in Courier New 10 bold
Put a blank line after a second level heading.
Third level heading in Courier New 10 point bold-italic
Do not include a blank line after a third level heading. Use bulleted or numbered lists in preference to third level headings where possible.
This is an example of a long block quotation. Use Courier New 10 point, fully aligned, single spaced, indented 1.0 cm left and right, not italicised, without quote marks, one blank line before and after. Short quotations should be given with quote marks in your running text. Only longer quotations are formatted as block quotations. Referencing should come at the end (Seferis, 2002, p.8)
Bulleted lists example:
- Courier New 10 point fully aligned, single spaced, hanging indent 0.5 cm
- second bullet item
- last bullet item.
Ordered list example:
1Courier New 10 point, fully aligned, single spaced, hanging indent 0.5 cm
2second ordered item
3last ordered item
(In order not to “break” a table use several carriage returns to move it to the next page. In those lines it is advisable to move some of the text that comes after the table if relevant)
Table 1: Sample table title bold, consequetive numbering (table 1, table 2, etc)
General / Use Courier New 10 point or smaller as required for narrow columns.Format / Centre each table within the page width Use of borders for all cells. In columns of numbers, use centre alignment. For text use full allignment.
For references please use the Harvard style. This style prescribes alphabetical order by first author. Use Courier New 10 point, fully aligned, hanging indent 0.5 cm, no blank lines according to the following list:
Abel, A.B., and O.J. Blanchard, 1986, “The Present Value of Profits and Cyclical Movements in Investment,” Econometrica, 34(2), 249-273.
Crash,” in R.W. Kamphuis, R.C. Kormendi, and J.W.H. Watson (eds.), Black Monday and the Future of Financial Markets, Dow Jones Irwin, Homewood, Ill.
Blanchard, O.J., C. Rhee, and L.H. Summers, 1988, “The Sock Market, Profit and Investment,” unpublished, Harvard University.
Cowles Commission for Research in Economics, 1939, Common Stock Indexes (2d ed.), Bloomington, Ind.
Romer, C.D., 1987, “Gross National Product, 1909-1928: Existing Estimates, New Estimates, and New Interpretations of World War I and its Aftermath,” Working Paper 2187. National Bureau of Economic Research.
After the references please add brief (50-60 words) personal CVs of all authors with contact details (you may insert your photo within your cv).