Garner Police Athletic / Activities League
Minutes of the Board of Directors for January 9, 2014
In attendance:Bud Davenport, Lt. Chris Clayton, Buddy Gupton, Sgt. Chris Adams, Sgt. Mike McIver, Rob Smith, Claude Jenkins, Tim Montgomery, Jack Baldwin, and Chief Brandon Zuidema.
The meeting was called to order at 6:10 pm by President Bud Davenport. There was no quorum – at the time the Board had 13 members and only 6 were present.
The following items were discussed:
1)Program reports byChief Zuidema:
- Avery St. (by Lt. Clayton) – NGMS has tracked out for January. We finished December strong and have planned a bowling trip in February after the youth track back in.
- EGMMS – Youth participated in ice skating, football and a Holiday party. They continue to have great attendance and behavior, with about 13-18 students each week. Officers Behe, Jones, and Anderson are consistently helping with the program. One of the long-term PAAL students is moving to Texas, so this has allowed PAAL to gain 2 students who are struggling socially and behaviorally. EGMMS is looking for a service opportunity to participate in the coming months.
- Explorer Post/Cadets – The Shop With a Cop was a great success in December. Several of the Explorers helped with this event. They also participated in the Christmas Parade.
- Garner Magnet High School – The school has assigned the Public Safety Instructor to begin this program. This instructor will work with Dana Clay and Officers Behe and McCarter to implement this PAAL program.
- NGMMS Girls Club – Tracked out until 1/29, but they are planning on attending the Girls World Expo at the NC State Fairgrounds. This expo uses women who are leaders in business and government to show how young ladies can be successful in their future endeavors.
- Vandora Springs Elementary –They played basketball in December and missed two weeks with the holidays. On January 8 they had a pizza party and discussed bullying. They have 7 students and are recruiting for an eighth. Sgt. Selvek and Lt. Binns are going to start a program at Timber Dr. Elementary which mirrors the VSR program.
- Aversboro Elementary – This school is interested and may piggyback off the success of the VSR program. Sgt. McIver is going to reach out to Aversboro Elem.
2)GPD will request one police position for PAAL in FY’15 town budget.
3)The Board needs to consider topics each member and other volunteers are comfortable presenting and we need to compile a list. Staff in charge of PAAL programs can then use these resources in planning sessions with the students.
4)The Board will explore partnership with Community of Hope Ministry for a program during the evenings. We also discussed that it is probably time to have a planning retreat to work on a 3-5 year business plan.
5)Chief Zuidema gave an update on Broomball, which is scheduled for June. He is considering pairing the event with a “safety day” and having displays in the parking lot. Chief Zuidema is negotiating with the Ice House on selling advertisements on the rink.
6)We are getting credit cards for all program directors to help make paying for expenses easier. There is approximately $3000 in the checking account. Autobell and Belk fundraisers are this spring.
7)Rob Smith discussed a grant Parks and Rec. is applying for and wanted the Board’s endorsement. This grant will help offset some of the costs for the new recreation center on Main St. Due to lack of a quorum, this request was handled by e-mail on Friday. See the attached e-mail and approval for this endorsement.
The next meeting of the Board of Directors for the Garner PAAL Board will be held on Thursday, February 6, 2014at 6:00 p.m. at the Garner Chamber of Commerce.