Deuteronomy 8:3,10
Birkat Ha Mazon
Grace After Meals
For Jewish People / For God-Fearers*BirkatHaZan:He who Nourishes
Blessed are you, O LORD our God, King of the universe, who nourishes the whole world in his kindness, grace, and mercy. He gives food to all flesh, because his favor toward us and his great kindness are everlasting. For the sake of his great name, no good thing has ever been lacking to us nor ever will be because he nourishes and feeds all.
Blessed are you, O LORD who nourishes all. / 10.2
We thank you, our holy Father, for your holy name that you have caused to dwell in our hearts
…and for the knowledge, faithfulness, and eternal life that you have made known to us through your servant Yeshua.
Yours is the glory forever.
BirkatHaAretz: Blessing of the Land
We thank you, O LORD, our God, because you have given us as an inheritance a desirable, good, and spacious land, the covenant and the Torah, life and peace. For all these we thank you and bless your great and holy name, eternally and always.
Blessed are you, O LORD, for the land and for the food. / 10.3-4
You, O Lord of Legions, creator all things for the sake of your name; you gave nourishment and drink for human beings to enjoy in order that they would give thanks to you.
You also bestowed upon us spiritual nourishment and drink and eternal life thorough your servant. And for all things we thank you because you are powerful.
Yours is the glory forever.
BirkatYerushalayim: Blessing of Jerusalem
Have mercy, O LORD, our God on Israel your people, on Jerusalem your city, on the house of David, your anointed one, and on the great holy house upon which your name has been invoked. Hasten to restore the kingdom of the house of David to its place in our time. Rebuild Jerusalem quickly; restore us to its midst and give us joy in it.
Blessed are you, O LORD, who in your mercy rebuilds Jerusalem. Amen. / 10.5
Remember, O Lord, your congregation, to rescue her from all evil and to make her complete in your love.
Gather her, the sanctified, from the four winds to your Kingdom that you have prepared for her.
For yours is the power and the glory forever.
May grace come, and may this world pass away. Hoshana to the God of David!
Everyone who is holy, let him come.
Everyone who is not, let him repent.
Maran etcha! Amen.
From The Way of Life (Didache), Chapter 10 by Toby Janicki