Initial Registration Form

Osborne Nursery School

Data Protection Act 1998 – This information is being collected to administer your child’s progress though the education system. It may be shared with the Birmingham City Council Children’s Services, the Department for Education, Connexions, relevant health and welfare practitioners, Church or faith Authorities and other schools or educational establishments with whom your child becomes associated.

Child’s Details
Legal Surname: ………………………………………… Legal Forename ………………………………………
Other Legal Names: …………………………………………. Gender: Male Female
Name child is known as, if different from above: ……………………………………………………………….
Date of Birth: ……………………………………………..
Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
…………………………………………………………. Postcode: ……………………………………..
Property Type: House Flat Floor …………… Maisonette
Do you have access to a garden? Yes No
Office Use Only Start Date ______
Proof of Date of Birth seen Initials Proof of address seen Initials
Parent’s Details
Mr/Mrs/Ms etc / Forename(s)
(as on legal documents) / Surname
(as on legal documents) / Relationship to child
(Mother/father/legal guardian)
Address if different from child’s:
Telephone numbers:
NI Number: / Home: Work: Mobile:
Date of Birth: (needed for 2 year old funding check)
Mr/Mrs/Ms etc / Forename(s)
(as on legal documents) / Surname
(as on legal documents) / Relationship to child
(Mother/father/legal guardian)
Address if different from child’s:
Telephone numbers:
NI Number: / Home: Work: Mobile:
Date of Birth: (needed for 2 year old funding check)
Child lives with:
Legal Parental responsibility : Mother Father Other / Please specify
General Details
Position in family: / ______/ Older children attend: / ______
Previous day care/nursery/childminder/stay & play : / ______
Home language / ______/ Ethnicity / ______/ Religion / ______
Stage of speaking English: early developing established
Status in country: Perm Temp Refugee Asylum seeker Traveller
Dietary requirements:
GP Surgery and Address: / ______
Health Visitor / ______/ Known allergies / ______
Medical conditions: / ______
Referrals to (please circle): Children’s Hospital / Speech Therapy / Child Development Centre /
Hearing / Vision / Educational Psychologist / Specialist Support Service / Children’s Social Care
All children are eligible for 15 hours of free nursery education per week.
Preference for hours: (please place a tick in the appropriate box) We cannot guarantee your first choice.
5 mornings (8.30-11.30am) □5 afternoons (12.20-3.20pm) □ no preference □
2 ½ days a week (Mon, Tue 9.15am-3.20pm, Wed 9.15am-12.12pm) □
2 ½ days a week (Thur, Fri 9.15am-3.20pm, Wed 12.20-3.20pm) □ Eligible for free school meals
(See criteria below)

Children are eligible for free school meals if parents are in receipt of one or more of the following:

-Universal credit

-Income support

-Income-based Jobseekers Allowance

-Income-related Employment and Support Allowance

-Support under Part 6 of the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999

-State Pension Credit (guarantee element)

- Child Tax Credit (but not Working Tax Credit) and have an annual income less than £16,190 as assessed by HMRC).

Full-time places
Children in the following circumstances are likely to meet the criteria to be offered a full-time place:
Children with a Child Protection Plan or are subject to a section 47 Child Protection investigation, or a section 17 Children in Need plan. / Children whose parents/carers need support as a result of their physical disability, learning disability, mental health problem or illness.
Children in Local Authority Care or subject to a special guardianship order / Children from families where their physical accommodation places the child at risk of harm.
Children identified as in need of early help through an fCAF and have in place a family support plan. / Parent/carer in prison.
Children with diagnosed disabilities who have an Education, Health and Care plan (or are in the process of) and/or are in receipt of Disability benefit. / Children from families experiencing domestic violence or drug/alcohol abuse.
Children who have been referred to or by a Child Development Centre/equivalent specialist education agency. / Children who are in the first stages of language development.
Children in exceptional circumstances around a safeguarding/vulnerable situation need. / Children from families with no recourse to public funds.

It is expected that any child identified as potentially eligible for a full-time place will have a supporting referral from a professional engaged in their support and an fCAF detailing the need for a full-time place to support improving their outcomes.

I give Osborne Nursery School permission to do a 2 year old funding check on my behalf.

Signed ______Print Name______Date ______