Instruction: (12/6//07)
- All students access the general education curriculum.
- Instruction in the Comprehensive Core Curriculum focusing on the 5 essential components
of reading.
Implementation Responsibility:
- General Education Teacher (specified students may receive instruction from other support staff).
- All students assessed a minimum 2X a year using the 4J Reading Assessment. In addition,
other measures such as EASY CBM and DIBELS may be used.
Decision Rule:
- If a student scores below the 20th percentile on assessments, the IIPM team may recommend Tier II Instructional Differentiation with progress monitoring every 2 weeks.
If a student is identified ELL, on ELL monitoring status or receiving instruction in the ELL
curriculum and scores below the 20th percentile, the IIPM team must contact the District
ELL/SPED team before recommending Tier II Instructional Differentiation with progress
- The IIPM team may recommend that a student is moved directly to Tier III Targeted Intervention
for 12 weeks.
- All students access the general education curriculum.
- Instruction in the Comprehensive Core Curriculum and the 5 essential components of reading.
- Instruction is more differentiated and focused using Comprehensive Core Curriculum (on,
below, language support, challenge level) and additional supplemental materials.
- All students receive Tier II Instructional Differentiation as part of the Comprehensive Core
or as part of their instructional program in reading, e.g., special education or ELL curriculum.
Implementation Responsibility:
- General Education Teacher with collaborative support from Title I, Reading Specialist, ELL
teacher , Facilitating Teacher, and/or Special Ed[E41] Teacher.
Progress Monitoring:
- Minimum every 2 weeks for students scoring below the 20th percentile and recommended by the IIPM team using the district’s progress monitoring assessments.
- School teams or programs may decide to progress monitor students at or above the 20th
- Written Parent Notification for progress monitoring is required in Tier II and Tier III.
Decision Rule:
- Minimum of 6 weeks of Tier II Instructional Differentiation and 3 Progress Monitoring data
points that fall below the aim line or a flat trend line.
- May move to Tier III Targeted Intervention for a minimum of 6 weeks.
- May extend Tier II Instructional Differentiation if the data suggests that the
interventions are effective or the IIPM team determines the need for additional data.
- After a minimum 6 weeks of successful intervention, the team may use professional
judgment to discontinue Tier II Instructional Differentiation interventions and progress monitoring.
- All students access the general education curriculum.
- Instruction in the Comprehensive Core Curriculum focusing on the 5 essential components
of reading.
- Instruction is more differentiated and focused using Comprehensive Core Curriculum (on,
below, language support, challenge level) and supplemental materials.
• Tier III students will receive an additional 60 minutes per/week (minimum) to the Core Reading
instruction (Tier I &II) of small group instruction using targeted intervention resources matched
to the students’ academic needs.
Implementation Responsibility:
- General Education Teacher, Title I, Reading Specialist, Facilitating Teacher, and/or Special
Educational Teacher.
Progress Monitoring:
- Minimum every 2 weeks using the district’s progress monitoring assessments.
- Written Parent Notification for progress monitoring is required in Tier II and Tier III.
Decision Rule:
- Minimum of 6 weeks of Tier III Targeted Intervention and 3 data points that fall below the aim
line or produce a flat trend line, or if the student is moved directly from Tier I, a minimum of
12 weeks and 6 data points.
- The IIPM team meets to review progress monitoring data and other information from Tier II and Tier III to determine:
- If the student is not making adequate progress and the IIPM team suspects the student of having a disability, the IIPM team may refer the student for a Special Education Comprehensive Evaluation. This meeting should include information provided by the parents and the pre-referral/evaluation planning form must be completed.
- If Tier III Targeted Intervention data suggests that the interventions are effective or the IIPM team determines the need of additional data, the team may extend the Tier III Targeted Interventions for an additional 6 weeks.
- If after a minimum of 6 weeks of successful intervention, the team may use professional judgment to discontinue Tier III Targeted Interventions and progress monitoring.
- If the student is suspected of having a Specific Learning Disability (SLD), the IIPM
team will recommend the specific methodology for evaluation – (e) Response to
Intervention (RTI) and/or (f) Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses.
- The School psychologist contacts the parent to (a) obtain consent for evaluation and (b) notify the parent of the state’s RTI policies and the District’s procedures if a Response to Intervention methodology will be used as a component of the Special Education Comprehensive Evaluation.
- All students access the general education curriculum.
- Instruction in the Comprehensive Core Curriculum focusing on the 5 essential components of
- Instruction is more differentiated and focused using Comprehensive Core Curriculum (on, below,
language support, challenge level) and supplemental materials.
• RTI Model - Comprehensive Evaluation students will receive an additional 90-120 minutes
per/week to the Core Reading instruction (Tier I &II) of small group and/or individualized
instruction that is explicit, intense, and matches the student’s needs.
- Instructional intervention at this level replaces the previously implemented Tier III intervention.
Implementation Responsibility:
- General Education Teacher, Title I, Reading Specialist, ELL, Facilitating Teacher and/or Special
Education Teacher.
Progress Monitoring:
- Minimum 1X per/week using the district’s progress monitoring assessments.
Decision Rule:
- Minimum of 6 weeks of intensive and explicit instruction and a minimum of 18 data points
(including Tier II & III) that fall below the aim line or produce a flat trend line.
- The IEP team documents whether the student meets the eligibility
criteria for specific learning disabilities and the basis for that
determination including the description of instructional interventions
used as part of the Response to Intervention methodology.
- If the student qualifies:
- The IEP team meets to develop an IEP to
address the student’s instructional needs.
- The IEP team reviews the previously
implemented instructional interventions to
develop specially designed instruction that
incorporates the continued use of progress
monitoring assessments.
- If the student does not qualify:
- The IEP/IPM team meets to develop Tier III Targeted
Interventions based on information from previously
implemented instructional interventions and
progress monitoring data.