Section I Reference List

Idaho NRCS FOTG Section I - 1 Rev. November 7, 2007


Hard Copy Handbooks, Manuals, and References

National Agronomy Manual

Contains NRCS policy and technical procedures and methods on predicting soil erosion, tillage management, fertility management, pesticide management, cropping sequences, pasture and hayland management, etc.

Agronomy Technical Notes

Contains local agronomic information, procedures and methods needed to plan and apply conservation practices on cropland, hayland and pasturelands in Idaho.

RUSLE Handbook

(Released by Idaho Technical Guide Notice 85 dated May 1, 1997). Contains detailed instructions on calculating sheet and rill erosion on cropland.

Idaho RUSLE2 User Guide, April 2005

USLE Predicting rainfall Erosion Losses on Range and Forestland

Idaho Wind Erosion Guide

(Release by Idaho Technical Guide Notice 184, April 8, 2002.

Electronic Handbooks, Manuals, and References

Nutrient & Pest Management Considerations In Conservation Planning. Modules 1-6. (Materials contained on a CD provided by NEDS or hardcopy via formal training in state). NEDS course materials. Includes instructional material on developing nutrient management plans.

Nutrient Management Version 1.1 February 2001. (Material on a CD). Additional reference material addressing nutrient management planning.

Online Agronomy References at the Oregon State University:

Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook. Electronic on line at Oregon State University

Online Agronomy References at the University of Idaho:

The University of Idaho has numerous agronomic related publications which are downloadable. Two sites are listed below. Access either site, browse to locate the desired downloadable publication(s), select and print. The index for each site is located at the end of this section. Reference them to help identified desired publications.

The Crops section includes some but not all of the University of Idaho Fertilizer Guides. Some Guides are not available on line, reference hardcopy Guides contained in the Nutrient Training Handbook. A few guides are also located under the heading Fertilizer and Soils.

Downloadable Publications through the University Extension Service Site:

At the Extension Home Page, select:

·  Publications Catalog

·  Downloadable Catalog

·  17 Categories are available, select the desired one. Of most interest are:

·  Crops

·  Fertilizer & Soils

·  Pest and Pesticides

·  Water Quality

Agronomy (continued)

Downloadable Publications through the University of Idaho Pest Management Center:

The index is located along the left margin of the homepage. Of most interest is:

·  Integrated Pest Management

·  Crop Profiles

·  How To Manage Pests

Downloadable Publications through Washington State University:

The Universities of Washington, Oregon and Idaho working through the PNW STEEP program have published a number of case studies on No-Till/Direct Seed operations in the three states. The case studies overview the experiences and knowledge of producers using these systems.

Also available is the PNW Conservation Farming Handbook with information on tillage, fertility, pest management, etc.

Agronomy Computer Programs

Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE)

This model can be used to determine sheet and rill erosion on cropland.

Soil Conditioning Index (SCI)

An Excel spreadsheet customized for Idaho that is used to calculate the Soil Condition Indices.

Surface Irrigation Design & Evaluation (SRFR)

This model is used to evaluate surface irrigation systems in terms of efficiency, deep percolation, outflows, etc.

Surface Irrigation Soil Loss Equation (SISL)

(Released by Technical Guide Notice 145 dated June 20, 2000). This model is used to predict irrigation induced erosion from furrow irrigated crops.


(Released by Technical Guide Notice 217 dated March 11, 2004). This model is used to develop environmental risk analysis of off site transport and potential impacts on surface and ground water of chemicals used in pest management strategies.

Idaho NRCS FOTG Section I - 1 Rev. November 7, 2007