Internship I Portfolio Rubric

Fall 2017

Name: ______

Activity / Points Possible / Points Recvd / Comments
Develop 5 Professional Development Goals for internship and submit by the second week of the semester / 5
Conduct ongoing individual counseling with a minimum of 5 clients with a mix of gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, & developmental issues / 5
Lead or co-lead ongoing small group counseling / 5
Participate in consultations with colleagues within your primary site and/or with your community partner. / 5
Demonstrate use of technology in counseling services / 5
Reflect on competency working with diverse clients / 5
Assist with or develop a project based on assessed needs at your site (e.g. domestic violence assistance resource seminar, peer helper training, parent education, in service workshop, etc.) / 5
Develop or identify a community resource database with resources appropriate for use as referral sources and collaborative partnerships / 5
Participate in a professional development opportunity (local, regional,state,or national) and submit reflection and evidence of participation. / 5
Develop and implement a public relations/community outreach activity for your site (e.g. brochure, website, bulletin board, newsletter, newspaper article, civic group presentation) / 5
Develop a client snapshot, which should include an intake and biopsychosocial assessment, diagnostic assessment report, treatment plan, and referral form. / 10
Complete 2 case presentations that include assessment with site-appropriate processes and/or tools / 10
Maintain a weekly log of contact hours / 5
Provide samples of case notes / 5
Develop a Professional Disclosure Statement and Consent for Release of Information / 5
Submit Comprehensive Crisis Plan / 5
Complete a NC LPCA Application (Not to be submitted until graduation from program—this is just to help the intern understand the process) / 5
Develop a reflective statement on internship experience / 5
TOTAL / 100