Geography and Early Roman Peoples

•Lots of rich ______land and mild climate, able to support a large ______

•Rome is based on the ______Peninsula, which is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea

Roman Republic

•______= a form of gov’t in which the leader is not a ______, elected officials governed the state, and certain citizens have the right to ______

•Early Rome was ______into two groups:

–P______= rich ______who controlled the gov’t and society

–P______= commoners, mostly ______and merchants

•Men in both groups were ______who could vote

•In the beginning, however, only ______could be elected to governmental offices

•The plebeians also forced the patricians to have all ______written down

–The Law of the Twelve Tables = Rome’s ______written law code, was displayed in the Roman ______(central square)

•The patricians and plebeians created an unwritten and flexible ______

–Constitution = ______for gov’t or political structure

•The government:

–The ______= a select group of 300 hundred patricians who served for life

•______elected officials, handled all foreign relations, and controlled public finances

•Chief executive officers of the Republic

–C______– two elected each year, one to run the gov’t and one to lead the army

•System of ______and balances that stopped one group from becoming too powerful

The Republic Expands


–All men between the ages of _____ and ______with a minimum amount of ______were required to serve in the army during times of war

–Army was organized into units called ______

•Roman Law

–One of the greatest ______was its system of law

•First code of laws adopted was the ______

•Later a more ______system of civil law was developed

•As Rome expanded, ______questions arose that involved both Romans and non-Romans, needed special rules

•Gave rise to a body of law known as the ______

–Law of Nations

•Used ______law (universal law) based on ______

•Established standards of ______that applied to all people:

–______until proven ______

–Accused allowed to ______themselves before a judge

–This law system greatly influenced the law system of the ______

The Punic Wars

•Due to the conquest of Italy, the Romans now faced the powerful city and empire of ______located in North ______

–Both wanted to control the ______

–After a ______of three years, Carthage finally fell in 146 BC

•Roman soldiers spent ten days ______and demolishing buildings

•The entire population was sold into ______

•Carthage became a Roman province called ______

Collapse of the Republic

•Social ______

–Growing ______among the various classes

–Soldier-farmers were returning home from years of service and finding that their land had either been ______or was in ______shape

•The military in ______

–Gaius ______, a talented young military leader was elected consul and he decided to improve ______for the army

•Eliminated ______requirements

•Poor people began to join and swore an oath of loyalty to the ______, not to the ______state, in hopes of sharing the plunder from war

–Result was that armies largely became ______forces devoted to a general and placed much ______in the hands of individual generals

•Generals could use ______of troops as a political tool

–New type of army that was not under gov’t ______

•The Civil War

–Sulla emerged victorious and became a ______

•Dictator = an ______ruler

•______all who had opposed him

•Carried out reforms aimed at ______the power of the Senate and ______the Republic

–Legacy of Sulla = using an ______to seize power

Rise of the Roman Empire

•The old Republic was mostly gone within a ______of Sulla

–Was the result of the ______of just a few men

•Senate declared Caesar ______for life in 44 BC

–Gave citizenship to people in the provinces and gave public land to ______

–Was ______with the people, but many senators thought he meant to ______the Republic

–______of March (March 15) – a group of senators ______Julius Caesar

•Senate awards Octavian the title ______“the revered one”

–Continued to control the army and took the name ______

•Imperator = ______in chief (______)

•Became the first ______of Rome

•The Augustan Age

–Augustus ruled Rome for more than ______years

–Divided the power to rule Rome between himself and the ______

•Later emperors took over more and more ______of the Senate

Pax Romana

•Pax Romana = Roman ______

–Age of peace and ______

–Started off with the reign of ______in 27 BC and ended with the death of the last Good Emperor, ______, in 180 AD

•______gov’t, strong legal system, widespread trade

•Not much ______or invasion

–The Roman gov’t was the strongest ______force in the empire

•Maintained order and ______the laws

–Extensive road network – ______miles

Rise of Christianity

•Some ______began to revolt against Roman rule, resulting in all Jews being banned from Jerusalem

•______of Nazareth

–Born in the town of ______

–All knowledge about Jesus comes from the ______, the first four books of the New Testament

–Traveled around preaching people to repent their ______and seek God’s forgiveness

•People needed to seek forgiveness in preparation for the coming of ______Day

•People were to practice ______, mercy, and charity

–As Jesus traveled, he gathered a small group of ______, or followers

•According to the Bible, Jesus performed ______and defended the poor

–Roman authorities feared a political uprising and ______Jesus and sentenced him to death

•Jesus was ______= nailed to a cross

–Some believed he rose from the dead and spent another 40 days teaching his disciples before ______into heaven

–As a result, people began to call him Jesus Christ, the Greek word for ______

•Spread of Christianity

–Jesus’ disciples began to teach that all people could achieve ______

•Salvation = forgiveness of sins and the promise of ______life in heaven

–The ______– the 12 disciples that Jesus had specifically chosen to carry out his message

•Were the earliest Christian ______

•Mostly only taught in ______communities


–Some local officials and rulers saw Christians as a ______and arrested and killed them

•Fed to the ______, made them ______

•Martyrs = people who ______for their faith and thus inspire others to believe

–Christianity ______and triumphed

•Imperial ______of Christianity

–Emperor ______became the first Christian emperor after he converted after winning a ______

•He issued the Edict of ______, which made Christianity legal within the empire and declared official ______of Christianity

–Emperor ______outlawed public non-Christian sacrifices and ceremonies

•As a result, Christianity was ______as the Roman religion and polytheism began to disappear

•The Early Christian Church

–Development of ceremonies that inspired people’s faith and made them feel closer to Jesus

•______= held in memory of Jesus’ last ______with his disciples

•Eat bread and drink wine in ______of Jesus’ death and resurrection

Roman Society

•Rich vs. Poor

–The rich usually had a ______in the city and one in the country

–The poor (most of the people of Rome) lived in ______apartment buildings where ______was a constant hazard

–To keep the poor from rebelling against the bad living conditions, free ______and public ______became a major feature of city life

•“B______and C______”

•Entertainment – provided on a ______scale for Romans


–Coliseum - ______fights, animals killing ______

–______performances held in theaters


–Romans relied the ______on slave labor and had the most slaves

–Large numbers of ______peoples brought back as slaves

–Slaves built buildings and roads, were used as ______, on farms, and as shop assistants

–Conditions for most slaves were ______

–The murder of a master by a slave meant the ______for all the household slaves

–Most of the gladiators were ______

–The most famous slave revolt was led by ______and involved ______slaves – they managed to defeat several armies before being caught and ______


–Women could do little without the intervention of a ______

–Could own and inherit ______

–Could attend ______, the theater, and events in the Colosseum, but had to sit in ______female sections


–______– Roman physician who wrote several volumes that summarized all the medical knowledge of his time

•Was regarded as the greatest authority on ______for centuries

–______– stated that the ______was the center of the universe

–Aqueducts – man-made channels used to bring ______to the cities

Decline and Fall of Rome


–Weak ______

–Political upheaval – series of ______wars

•Military dictatorship – army ______emperors and elevated their own leaders

•Between 235 to 284 there were ______emperors, all but one died ______


–Economic crisis – ______in trade and farming

–The result was growing ______= dramatic rise in prices


–Difficult to pay and enlist more soldiers, had to rely on hiring ______to fight

•Had little ______to the Empire


–Disease ______the Roman Empire

–Not enough ______or farmers to harvest crops


–Invading ______tribes, mostly enter Roman territory to flee from the ______

•Huns = feared nomadic warriors from ______

•V______– crossed the Danube river into Italy

•V______– came into Italy from north ______

–______of Rome

•Fall of Rome

–476 – the last emperor of Rome was ______by the Germanic commander Odoacer

–Many consider this to be the end of the ______Roman Empire

•______of the Roman Empire

–To slow the empire’s decline, emperors ______and Constantine divided the empire into ______parts

–Western Roman Empire – capital at ______

•Destroyed in ______

–Eastern Roman Empire – capital at Byzantium, later renamed ______

•Lasted another ______years, becomes known as the ______Empire