Present : Cllrs. Mr. Truesdale (Chairman), Mr. Armitt, Mr. Sharp
8 members of the public.
- Apologies : Mrs. Aston, personal. Mr. Moore & Mr. Young, holiday. Mr. Fell, Ms. Poole & Mr. O’Hanlon, business commitment. Accepted.
- New Townsend Green development – members of the public attended the meeting raising concerns regarding access to the new open space area created adjoining Townsend Green.
Mr. Truesdale explained the situation : the Parish Council was one of 4 parties, the others being AVDC, Farrah-Bell and Rectory Homes who signed a Legal Agreement regarding this piece of land. The Planning Permission and the Legal Agreement showed that after completion of the development the paddock would be laid out as public open space and would be handed over to the Parish Council. For 2 years after building completion the land would remain with Rectory Homes – this was therefore from last autumn. The layout of the land showed that there would be access from Townsend Green to the new development through an access point on the southern edge into new development.
The houses have been built and sold and the Parish Council has been given a Legal Transfer Document transferring the land from Rectory Homes to the Parish Council. The Parish Council has queried as it is being asked to take on land which hasn’t been laid out in accordance with the Plans and Legal Agreement.
The Parish Council has made enquiries with its solicitor that if the Legal Agreement is not signed would there be a financial penalty and also to write to AVDC’s solicitor informing that the PC is reluctant to sign as the Planning Permission has not been adhered to. It was suggested that the residents should write to AVDC expressing their concerns.
The residents attending the meeting were concerned that there was not a through access, the gate has been locked with a combination padlock and people walking into the area are climbing over this gate. There was also concern that if it is not a through way it will become an area for people to congregate. A letter had been received from Mr. Woodrow and his concerns had been discussed.
The Parish Council feels this is for AVDC and Rectory Homes to sort out – AVDC being the Planning Authority who gave the planning permission and Rectory Homes the developer. Neither has adhered to the planning permission granted.
- New Applications
(a)13/00777 – 10 Churchway – rebuild part of garden front wall.
No objection.
(b)13/00841 – 18 Quakers Mede – removal of flat roof over existing front garage and porch. Replace with pitch roof and single storey front extension.
No objection.
(c)13/00760 & 13/00761 – 11 Rudds Lane – alteration to height and position of the front boundary wall.
No objection.
(d)13/00987 & 13/00838 – 1 Fort End – installation of wood burning stove and flue with cowel and new chimney pot.
No objection.
(e)13/00934 &13/00936 – St. Mary’s Church, Church End – removal of section of witchert wall and repair and reconstruction (retrospective).
No objection.
(f)13/01025 – Scotsgrove Farm, Aylesbury road – change of use from B1 (Office) to C3 (residential) to provide separate dwelling including erection of side extension and detached car port.
No objection subject to a suitable agricultural occupancy clause.
(g)13/01069 – 17 Woodways – single storey rear extension.
No objection.
(h)13/01147 – 49A Thame Road – single storey rear extension.
We do have some concerns. We objected to sub-division of the plot on the original application and are now concerned about the loss of such garden/amenity space that remains.
(i)13/01161 – 28 Slave Hill – application for a Lawful Development Certificate for proposed single storey rear extension and new entrance porch.
No objection.
(j)13/01172 – 15 Flint Street – fell one ash.
We understand that the applicant is proposing to plant a new tree nearby in which case we have no objection.
(k)13/01214 – 1 The Paddocks – fell and grind one pine tree.
We oppose the application as the report from the surveyor does not provide any justification for felling.
(l)13/01275 – 5 Fort End – fell one Thuja tree to ground level and grind the roots.
We oppose as no justification offered.
(m)13/01274 – 13 High Street – reduce one weeping willow by 30%; crown lift one hybrid poplar; pollard one weeping willow; fell one cherry tree and two ash trees.
No objection.
(n)13/00863 – 14 Wirethorn Furlong – single storey rear extension.
No objection. However, we are concerned that the original planning application for Wirethorn Furlong had extensions along the back of numbers 12 – 22. These were removed at planning stage because of the proximity to the rear of properties in Yolsum Close.
Mr. Truesdale declared an interest.
- Applications Approved
(a)13/00314 – 20 Churchway – demolition of existing bungalow and detached garage and erection of 2 new dwellings with associated car ports and parking and resited access.
(b)13/00403 – 4 White Hart Lane – insertion of rear and front dormers and raising of roofs to create first floor accommodation.
(c)13/00557 – 7 The Croft – reduce height of 1 conifer tree by 1/3 and fell 1 ash tree.
(d)13/00608 – 3 Barton Farm Cottages, Townside – reduction by 1ft of 1 apple tree and prune vertical growth and thin crown by 15% 3 apple trees.
(e)13/00588 – 32 Wykeham Way – application for a Lawful Development Certificate for a garage conversion into living accommodation. Certificate issued.
(f)13/00683 – 8 Church End – fell 1 conifer and 1 holly tree.
(g)13/00612 – 21 Wykeham Way – single storey side extension.
- Application Refused
(a)13/00623 – The Wychert Barn, 28 Station Road – single storey rear extension and insertion of 2 rooflights in rear elevation.
- Appeals Allowed
(a)12/01603 – Red Lion, Church End – demolition of existing outbuildings and conversion of existing public house into a detached residential dwelling and erection of 2 new dwellings with parking and amenity space.
(b)12/01605 – Red Lion, Church End – demolition of existing outbuildings.
- Appeals Lodged
(a)12/01724 – Red Lion, church End – demolition of existing public house and outbuildings and erection of 3 detached residential dwellings with parking and amenity space.
(b)12/01725 – Red Lion, church End – demolition of existing public house and outbuildings.
PC would send a letter reiterating our previous concerns.
(c)13/00043 – Land at Isom Fordham & Elgin, Lower Waldridge Farm, Owlswick Road, Ford – construction, operation and decommissioning of single 3 bladed wind turbine with maximum height to tip of blade of 101.5 metres and associated infrastructure including new highways access, access tracks, temporary site compound, crane pad and substation.
- Letter received from John Bercow MP informing he had written to the Secretary of State and the Department for Transport, Rt. Hon. Patrick McLoughlin MP and the Chief Executive at Heathrow Airport Holdings, Colin Matthews informing he could not see how rural Buckinghamshire could be a viable or suitable option in increasing the UK’s aviation capacity. If anything comes of this plan he will fight against it. He would support HPC in any way he could. We understand that this has now been withdrawn and will ask Mr. Bercow to confirm.
- We had received a copy of a reply Rectory Homes has made to a resident of Wyre Close concerning issues raised by her concerning building site developers of the development off of Wyre Close.
- The Vale of Aylesbury Plan Strategy Proposed Submission document had been received. Publicity period is from 8th May to 19th June. During this period comments can be made on the legal compliance and soundness of the VAP Strategy and the accompanying Sustainability Appraisal. Comments would not be made on this.
- Neighbourhood Plan – it was agreed there should be some guidelines :-
- Reports from the group to be made to Planning Committee on a regular basis.
- Any financial decision to be put to Planning Committee.
- All key decisions to be put to Planning Committee.
- There should be a Project Plan and timescale.
- Project Group should be a balance of people from the community.
Charlotte Clitheroe from AVDC would be invited to a Planning Committee Meeting to ascertain what is required by AVDC.