November Newsletter

Mrs. Campbell’s Class News

News from 2nd Grade!

November reminds us that the holidays are

fast approaching. This is going to be a fun and busy month for us! Mark your calendars for Tuesday, November 24. We will have our Thanksgiving class playat11:15. Be sure to bring your cameras! This will take place in our classroom.

Please come early. We will begin promptly at 11:15.


We continue to target phonetic patterns in ourreading groups each week. Our goal is for these skills to carry over in correct spelling in everyday writing. We are working on consistent use of capitalization and punctuation in sentence writing. We shouldnot have capital letters in the middle of words or on words that do not need to be capitalized. Punctuation at the end of sentences is extremely important. Pease encourage your child withtheseskills when writing at home. Good spelling takes time, practice, and sometimes asking an adult help spell a lot of words!

Marvelous Math

Standards for Unit 2

Operations and Algebraic Thinking (Addition and Subtraction)

  • Demonstrate competence representing and solving problems involving addition and subtraction
  • Demonstrate competence adding and subtracting within 20

Number and Operations in Base ten: Deepening Understanding of Place Value

  • Demonstrate competence using place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract.

Multiple Methods for Basic Skills Practice

Everyday Mathematics provides numerous methods for basic skills practice and review. These include written and choral fact drills, mental math routines, practice with fact triangles/flashcards, daily sets of review problems called math boxes, homework, times tests and a wide variety of math games.

Reading, Phonics, Comprehension, & Language Arts

Comprehension and fluency are so important to the reading process! Please be sure your child reads to you orally several times each week so you can listen for fluent reading. Independent reading of course, is good for them too. If they enjoy reading to themselves be sure to ask them questions about what they’ve read or something that happended in the story and why. Then, talk about what might happen next. When they do read aloud to you, encourage them to read each sentence pausing at punctuation marks and new paragraphs. If expression isn’t coming naturally, you should model it for them by rereading a sentence that was just read. Explain that expression makes the book more interesting and increases comprehension.

Social Studies

We are learning about communitites, how they are structured, and the impact each person has in a community. We will compare our community with early american communities. As we compare and contrast these communities we’ll discover the ways communities have changed over time. We are learning about the pilgrims and what they had to experience on the Mayflower. We are also learning that as Americans we have freedoms. With Vererans Day coming up, we are discussing the symbols of America and what they mean. Feel free to discuss some of the ways that we are free!


Our Write SourceSkills book provides us with opportunities for daily practice in editing and proofreading skills. The program highlights three important skills used in writing. The “Proofreading Activities” focus on punctuation, the mechanics of writing, usage, and spelling. The “Sentence Activities” provide practice in sentence combining and correcting sentence problems. The “Language Activities” highlight the parts of speech.

We are also leaning some new skills in writing. We are learning that writers write about experiences, memories, first times, and feelings. We are keeping a writing notebook full of ideas and writings that we’ve done this year. I want your child to love writing and be able to write about what is important to them.


Remember to use our class website to find information on student of the week, differentiated homework, FAQs, announcements, etc. ( Also, I recommend using as learning tool for math.

Mark Your Calendars:

November 11 Veteran’s Day Assembly at 9:15.

November 24Thanksgiving Play 11:15 Come Early!

November 25-27 Thanksgiving Break. No School.

I am thankful for my wonderful students who bring a smile to my face each and every day! Your children are amazing individuals, and I am SO happy to be their teacher!

I appreciate your e-mails. Communication is so important for a successful school year. Together we are making it happen! 

“The power of being included and valued by peers motivates students to active participation in their own learning.”
