Sequim~Dungeness Valley

Chamber of Commerce

Board Minutes

February 10, 2011 7:30 a.m.

The Lodge at Sherwood Village

Attendees: Christy Rookard, Scott Clausen, Bill Littlejohn, Jean Wyatt, Ron Gilles, Deborah Rambo Sinn, Lizbeth Harper, Vickie Oen, Marc Lawrence, Bill Thomas, Joe Borden, Deon Kapetan, Ron Farquhar

Partners: Jim McEntire

Excused: Jeff Anderson, Steve Perry

Staff: Vickie Maples, Jeri Smith

Call to Order by President, Christy Rookard 7:35 a.m.


Consent Calendar


·  January 13, 2011 Board Meeting minutes - moved by Marc Lawrence, second Ron Farquhar and passed unanimously.

·  January Financial Statements – moved by Joe Borden, second by Marc Lawrence and passed unanimously.

President’s Report – Christy Rookard

Partner Reports:

Port of Port Angeles – Jim McEntire

·  Jim attended the Economic Development Council’s fundraising dinner on January 28, at Seven Cedars Casino to hear Dr. Arun Raha, Chief Economist and Executive Director,WA State Economic & Revenue Forecast Council.

·  Federal Budget Cuts 2011 will mean less funding to state and community entities, thus a challenge to budget process.

City of Sequim – Ken Hays

·  The City hired a lobbyist to help procure grant funds to help fund transportation project.

·  Downtown Plan open house is today, February 10, 1:00 – 5:00 preliminary plan review, and 7:00 plan presentation.

·  Parks Advisory Board – discussed options for Sequim parks and the feasibility of establishing a parks department or park & recreation district.

·  Zoning reforms include minor changes to clarify intent.

·  Design Review board submitted code adjustment recommendations.

·  City of Sequim supports both the Lavender Festival and Lavender Farmer’s Lavender in the Park.

·  Sign board ordinance is in review.

o  Consensus: Sequim Chamber of Commerce may help by facilitating a community forum/workshop.

·  New Logo – City is still in the process of choosing a new logo and is also looking into branding options.

Executive Director’s Report – Vickie Maples

·  Menu ideas for future Chamber luncheons are being reviewed. Please write ideas on menu option handout and return to Vickie.

·  Business Friends and Followers are sponsoring a Facebook workshop on February 17th.


·  Sequim Lodging tax revenues for January 2011 compared to last year show an increase and ended up to be 19% higher for the year.

·  Erik Erichsen will be the City Council’s representative and Chair on LTAC again in 2011.

·  The City of Sequim will be combining their website with the tourism website,

·  Enhancement grants from Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission have been received in the amount of $6,000 to assist in print costs for travel planners and website updates.

·  Olympic Peninsula Tourism Commission – Lynn Elliott attended while Vickie Maples was out of town.

·  Damian Humphrey, The Holiday Inn Express, has asked the Chamber to advocate for the continuation of Washington State’s Tourism office.

·  Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe is having their 30th Anniversary Celebration on February 12, 12:00 – 4:30p.m.

·  “Sequim Year Round” – Spring edition has 10 event advertisers.

·  Sequim Visitor Information Center’s annual report was submitted to the City of Sequim. The Sequim Chamber will receive checks monthly rather than quarterly in 2011.

·  The Sequim Chamber’s Visitor Information Center was featured in the January 26 edition of the Sequim Gazette.

·  A Visitor Information Center steering committee meeting is being scheduled for later this month to gear up for summer hours.

·  The Chamber luncheon attendee goal for 2011 was set at 50 people. Luncheon attendance this year so far is as follows: January 11 – 61, January 25 – 54, and February 8 – 55

·  Sequim Downtown Plan meeting is today from 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. today with presentation at 7:00 p.m.

·  Vickie presented at a Peak Leadership meeting on January 28.

·  The National Park is reviewing transportation opportunities at Hurricane Ridge.

·  Citizen of the Year luncheon is February 22, 12:00, at Sunland Golf & Country Club. The nominations for COY 2010 are Dick Hughes, Jim Pickett, and Joe Borden.

·  Two Chamber ribbon cuttings have been scheduled for February:

·  Carlsborg Chiropractic Center – February 7

·  North Star Concierge, February 23, at the Visitor Information Center from 3:30 – 5:30.

·  After Hours for February 15 is at Sequim Museum and Art Center from 5:00 – 7:00.

·  Lavender Weekend – July 15, 16, 17.

·  Sequim Lavender Growers Association & Lavender Festival – Mary Jendrucko is the new festival director will meet with staff to go over the events being planned.

·  Sequim Lavender Farmers Association, Farm Faire & Lavender in the Park – Scott Nagel, director, will be meeting with staff to go over the events being planned.

·  The Chamber will be meeting with Bell and Futch this month to have Chamber & Irrigation Festival 2010 taxes prepared.

·  KSQM will begin “Imagination Theatre” with Jim French. Bob Spinks requested information from the Chamber that could be used as intro before the show. Jeff Bankston is also working at putting together a one hour documentary.

·  Sequim High School drama club is presenting “100 Years of Comedy” on February 11 & 12.

·  Victoria Express is offering a one day cruise to LaConnor for the Tulip Festival on April 16th. The cost is $98.00.

·  The Holiday Inn Express is offering a package of overnight accommodations & cruise to Friday Harbor with focus on our area light houses on April 30. They are also working on a movie thriller production. Details forthcoming.

New Business

Economic Development Council

·  Invitation for Linda Rotmark, executive director, to partner with the Sequim Chamber.

Action: It was moved by Jean Wyatt, and second by Bill Thomas, and passed unanimously for the board to invite the Clallam County Economic Development Council to attend Sequim Chamber of Commerce board meetings as a partner.


Citizen of the Year – Bill Littlejohn

·  The COY committee met and choose three finalist for 2010 COY: Jim Pickett, Dick Hughes, and Joe Borden

Ways & Means – Jean Wyatt

·  The website committee, Jean Wyatt, Scott Clausen, Vickie Maples met with InsideOut Solutions about updating the Chamber’s website. InsideOut will be preparing an updated proposal and the committee will meet again on February 15 to review the options. Upgrades may be done within a two month time frame.

·  Jean Wyatt, Christy Rookard, and Scott Clausen will attend the next Port Angeles Chamber luncheon to learn about their new website improvements.

Fund Raising – Christy Rookard

·  Jeff Anderson will be contacting Tyler Sweet, Sunland Golf & Country Club general manager, about the feasibility of a golf tournament later this year. Special thanks to the Sequim Gazette for use of their conference room.

Membership – Bill Littlejohn

Action: It was moved by Joe Borden, second by Bill Thomas and approved unanimously to accept the cancelation of five non-renewing members. List presented.

·  Nine new members joined the Chamber since the last board meeting. They are as follows:

o  By Design Group, Inc

o  Discount Tire

o  Imagine Gifts and Boutique

o  Mystery Bay Seafood Catering

o  Pacific Coast Escrow

o  Sequim family Advocates

o  That Takes the Cake

o  The Garden Bistro

o  The Oyster Shoppe

Board members are encouraged to visit three businesses and invite them to become chamber members. Membership packets are available. Consensus: Review current dues rate and make suggestions to Chamber staff.

Legislative Advocacy – Ron Gilles

·  Ron attended the Economic Development Council’s fundraising dinner on January 28, at Seven Cedars Casino to hear Dr. Arun Raha, Chief Economist and Executive Director,WA State Economic & Revenue Forecast Council.

·  Board members are encouraged to attend the Downtown Plan open house is today, February 10, 1:00 – 5:00 preliminary plan review, and 7:00 plan presentation.

·  City Comprehensive Plan – Businesses are encouraged to review the zoning changes. Discussion ensued.

Special Events – Vickie Oen

·  Lavender Farmers Association will be offering farm tours and “Lavender in the Park” for Lavender Weekend on July 15, 16, and 17. They will be selling buttons and posters. More information to come.

Merchant Group – Lizbeth Harper

·  The downtown merchants met last night, February 9, at the Museum and Art Center with food provided by Costco. Attendance and enthusiasm was good. Topics included:

o  Irrigation Festival Street Fair, organized by Theresa Rubens and Dianne Drake.

o  2010 Centennial Celebration – Street Dance. A preliminary street dance is being planned for July 4th.

o  Sequim Family Advocates will be sponsoring a soccer play day as a fundraiser on March 19. Participating merchants will donate a portion of their retail sales toward the soccer field fund.

·  The Garden Bistro, a new business on the Corner of Washington Street and Sequim Avenue, has plans for beautifying and improving the lot.

·  A sound system for downtown events is needed.

Business & Retention – Bill Thomas

·  Bill had the opportunity to attend a legislative session in Olympic to testify about the tourism economy on behalf of Susan Parr Travel.

·  “Business Friends & Followers” will be hosting a Facebook workshop on February 17 at the Visitor Information Center. This event is for beginners and will be a “hands on” session.

·  Current ideas in progress are: 1) Shop Local 2) “How to use a trade fair booth to its best advantage” and 3) revitalization of the Sunbucks program.

·  Marc Lawrence will lead next month’s Business & Retention meeting.

Visitor Information Center – Scott Clausen

·  The Visitor Information sign is up temporarily. Plans for installing in permanently are in progress.

·  The Chamber attic needs to be finished before boxes can be stored in it. Scott is working with Fire Marshal, Patrick Young, to find what is required in order to do so.

·  A light has been installed on the flag pole. A lock on the flag pole needs to be procured as a precautionary measure against theft.

Shiso City – Ron Farquhar

·  Shiso City will meet tonight at 5:00 p.m.

·  Shiso City now has a Facebook page.

Irrigation Festival – Deon Kapetan

·  Two 2010 Royalty, Queen Fallon Schneider and Princess Sarah Berkes, will be giving up their titles due to a breach of contract. The Royalty Pageant will be February 26. Tickets are $5.00.

·  Kickoff Dinner will be March 26 at Seven Cedars Casino. Chamber board members are encouraged to attend. The schedule is: 4:00 – VIP event with wine & appetizers, 4:45 – Float rollout, 5:00- Dinner, silent and live auctions. Donations of baskets, packaging of dinners/trip/airmiles/ etc are being procured. Please let Deon know if you have anything to donate. Tickets are being presold for $35.00 until February 26. They will be $45.00 after February 26.

·  The City of Sequim plans to have an entry in the parade this year and would like to have the Chamber board participate with them. The feasibility of collecting canned food for Sequim Food Bank while in route is being reviewed.

Incredible Edible Festival – Christy Rookard

·  The organization of Incredible Edible Festival 2011 is coming together. Entry forms are being finalized, sponsorship efforts are being pursued and businesses have inquired about vending.

Board Closed Session

·  Due to out-of-state family commitments and responsibilities, Vickie Maples reluctantly submitted her notice of resignation to the Sequim-Dungeness Valley Chamber of Commerce. Ms. Maples voiced her complete support for the Chamber members, the Board of Directors, Chamber staff and volunteers, indicating that she has thoroughly enjoyed working with them over the past 2 ½ years. Ms. Maples noted that is with reluctance that she must resign but at this time it is important to her to more accessible to her family and to attend to family business responsibilities in the coming months.

The Board of Directors accepted Ms. Maple’s resignation, thanking her for her efforts and dedication to the Chamber.

Ms. Maple’s resignation will become effective April 15, 2011. And she will work diligently with the Board to recruit and fill the Executive director position prior to that time.

Next board meeting. March 10, 2011 Meeting adjourned at 9.45 a.m.

Submitted by Jeri Smith, Office Administrator