Soil and Glass Test Review

  1. How do artifacts in soil impact forensic investigations?
  2. What is a mineral
  3. What is a good way to characterize soils?
  4. Where is quartz found?
  5. What makes soil Fluoresce?
  6. What does dark soil contain in it that makes it dark?
  7. What is a way to identify limestone in soil?
  8. What is a common ingredient in glass?
  9. What is a refractive index?
  10. What is a Becke line and id how it works?
  11. Name types of trace evidence that could be found at a crime scene?
  12. What is the difference between a chemical test and a physical test?
  13. What is a confirmatory test?
  14. List chemical properties of a substance.
  15. List physical properties of a substance.
  16. What is the pH of an acid and a base?
  17. What are 3 ways to tell if a chemical reaction has taken place?
  18. What is the forensic definition of soil?
  19. How is soil evidence analyzed?
  20. Define density?
  21. What is a topographic map?
  22. What is a soil horizon?
  23. What is spectroscopy?
  24. The amount of light transmitted through a sample can be measured using what procedure?
  1. How is glass evidence considered class evidence? Individual evidence?
  2. Based off of the density of an object what enables it to float?
  3. Which side of the glass will the largest part of the hole be present in a bullet entry?
  1. What is an amorphous solid?
  2. What test are used to compare glass samples?
  3. How is glass made?
  4. What factors influence soil composition?
  5. Be able to identify the sequence within broken glass.
  6. What is the organic part of soil called?
  7. What are major differences between sand and clay?
  8. Draw and describe radial lines in broken glass.