Social Problems (Sociology 201)—Fall 2014 (MWF)

Instructor: Tim DunnOffice: Fulton Hall 270

Office Hours: MWF 1:15-2:15, T/Th 11:00-12:00, & by appt.

Web Page (& class links):

Phone & email:410-543-6432;

Mail box:Across from 289 Fulton Hall


1. Corey Dolgon and Chris Baker. 2011 Social Problems: A Service Learning Approach. (1st edition) Pine Forge / Sage.

2. Joel M. Charon and Lee Garth Vigilant. 2012 Social Problems: Readings with Four Questions. (4th edition) Wadsworth.

3. Victor Rios. 2011 Street Life: Poverty, Gangs, and a Ph. D. (1st edition) Five Rivers Press.

4. various other assigned readings linked on my web site.

I. Course Description – This 4-credit course will introduce you to the study of a wide range of social problems and various ways to try to resolve them. In doing so, we will use the “sociological imagination” to examine the relationship between individuals and the broader society, emphasizing the latter. Also, we will examine social problems comparatively and internationally at times. A critical perspective is used in this class – i.e., one generally critical of various aspects of our society -- as we focus on key problems in our society, their causes, and how society might be improved. Workload expectations: 4 credit class = approximately 8 hours of work /week, outside of class, on average.

In terms of format, the class will be a mix of lectures, student-led small group discussion, video clips, and guest speakers to create a structured yet interactive learning environment. I welcome the expression of a diversity of views on class topics, though I ask you draw upon (and react to) sociological concepts and research from course materials (i.e., assigned readings). You will also apply some of these to outside of class activities as well.

A variety of class materials (web readings, class note outlines, etc.) will be available on a class web site, accessible through links my faculty web page (address: ).

II. Objectives – Salisbury University’s “highest purpose is to empower our students with the knowledge, skills, and core values that contribute toactive citizenship, gainful employment, and life-long learning in a democratic society and inter-dependent world.” (SU Catalogue, 2012-2014: pg. 6). Moreover, the university’s values include “community””(caring, civility, learn through interaction),“diversity” (global, society, and individual differences and equal opportunity) and “civic engagement” (seek to improve the quality of life for area residents). This class reflects these principles by developing your ability to understand and discuss key social problems facing the US and much of the world (incorporating diversity and community), and by closely examining and many becoming involved in efforts to address social problems (civic engagement). This involves utilizing a sociological perspective to look beyond surface appearances and "common sense" explanations to gain a deeper understanding, expanding your critical thinking skills. The larger objective is that you develop intellectual tools to be an informed and engaged citizen who can take an active part in your community, and to be prepared for rewarding employment.

III. Coursework Requirements (read carefully!)

A. 2 Readings Discussion Papers (RDP’s)--- Write on the readings for 2 topics -- 1 by Oct. 8( from 1st 4 topics, after Intro.) and 1 Nov. 14(Next 4 topics). No papers are allowed for the first topic (Intro) or last topic (War & Terrorism). The papers are generally due the 3rdday we are scheduled for a topic; I will announce due dates.

Format (Length 5 pages);

1. Main Ideas and Themes– Length 4 pages. Explain / describe several details or key ideas from at least 5 assigned readings for a topic, at least one of which must be textbook reading. No introduction or conclusion is necessary; do not provide a general overview. Be selective and detailed; focus on specific information & ideas in rdgs. that you find most interesting (i.e., you can’t discuss everything.). Do not quote text extensively or frequently; put things in your own words (paraphrase). You must provide at least 1 citation of a rdg./paragraph– list author and page #(s) in parentheses, e.g. “ (Mills, 27-28).”

Two additional things you must do in Part 1:

a. Draw at least 1 connection or linkbetween 2 or more readings (e.g., by comparison or contrast);

b. Provide 1 outside (non-rdgs.) exampleof some idea or issue from assigned rdgs.; the example can be hypothetical or real.

2. Critical Reflection – Length 1 page. Use a heading for this section. Tell me what you think about these topics and the readings on them that you’ve just discussed in part 1. I want some thoughtful reflection on and critique of the readings and / or the issues they raise. You have a lot off freedom here.

-- No RDP’s may be written on the first or last topics (“Intro to Social Problems” and “War & Terrorism”).

B. 7 Readings Note Sheets (FOR all topics—except 1-- that you’re not writing an RDP):Length 1½-2 pgs. --generally due on 3rdday of topic; I will announce. [There are 10 topics—you do 2 RDP’s, & 7 Rdgs. Note Sheets, & you can skip writing anything 1 topic, but do the readings] You must at least touch on 2 assigned readings. These do not have to be cover everything you read, and the format can be quite informal (e.g., with abbreviations, not have complete sentences, etc.). You must have a page number and reading author(s) (citation) for each main point. Use your own words, not text quotes. This will aid group discussion and in test preparation.

C. Group Discussion Leading & Class Participation. You will lead a small group discussion for part of 2 classes, on 2 different topics (on 3rdday generally—same days as papers & notes due), which should be on the same topics for which you write RDPs/papers. When not leading, I expect you to participate in group discussions, as well as be generally involved in the class. This presumes your attendance and familiarity with the readings. This category will be crucial in the case of borderline grades (e.g., C+/B-). Attendance Policy: You are required to attend all classes. Failure to attend will negatively affect your grade. I won’t take attendance every class period, but many.

D. Attend & Briefly Write about 2 Campus Cultural Events(e.g., lecture, performance, group meeting), or do some Volunteer Service activity. (Paper Length 1-1½ pgs.Due within 3 weeks after the event) Write-up: Briefly describe the content (summary & some details) of the event or service activity, and then briefly (1 short paragraph) relate it to something specific from class materials (esp. readings). The goal is to become a more involved university citizen-student by looking for things on campus (or in service) that apply to class.Dec. 5 is last day to turn in.

E. Civic Engagement Or Research Exercise (5 pages):

1. Topic statement due Nov. 5 (1 Paragraph). Look at the broad topics on the class schedule and come up with a smaller, specific topic related to addressing some aspect of one (e.g., drug education, student mentoring, housing for the poor, health coverage for the uninsured, etc.). Also, briefly explain why you are interested it.

2. Get Involved in Organization OR Research Organization & Issue –Paper Length 5 pages: DUEDec. 5. Find an organization that addresses the social problem in which you are interested and (1)volunteer at least 5 hours with it and write up what you did and reflect on it and relate it to class materials.

OR (2), Do some research on the organization and the issue(s) they work on (look up 3 articles), and create some way to promote awarenessabout it (e.g., art work, poster), show it to others, reflect on it and relate it to class materials.. Additional guidelines coming in late October / early Nov.

F. 3 Tests. There will be three exams, each covering roughly a third of the material for the term. The last exam will not be cumulative. The tests will be a combination of multiple-choice and essay questions.

IV. Grade Calculation & Scale:

2RDP’s @ 25 points each 50points (21% of total points)

7 Readings Note Sheets @ 3 pts. each21 points ( 9% of total points)

Group Disc. Leading & Class Participation 25 points (11% of total points)

2 Cultural Event papers @ 5 pts. each10 points ( 4% of total points)

Civic Engagement Paper25 points (11% of total points)

3 tests ( #1 @ 32 pts. & 2nd @ 37 pts & 3rd @ 40 points)109 points (45% of total points)

Total 240 points

A 90-100%216-240pts.

B 80-89%192-215 pts.

C70-79%168-191 pts.

D60-69%144-167 pts.

F 59% & below143 pts. & below

V. Miscellaneous

Extra Credit: You may do up to 1 extra cultural events / volunteer service activities papers for 5 points. Same format as above, III.D. You must turn it in within 3 weeks after the event. December 5 is last day to turn in.

Make-up Policy: I will not grant make-ups or extensions for exams and papers unless you face extraordinary circumstances (illness, family problems, etc.) or a university-scheduled activity.

Writing Help -- University Writing Center–Room 206 Guerrieri University Center, 410-543-6332 (x36332) .

Studying Help and other assistance – Center for Student Achievement – Room 213 GuerrieriUniversityCenter, 410-677-4865 (x74865)

Other Help—StudentCounselingCenter.Guerrieri University Center Room 263. (410) 543-6070

Please feel free to contact me outside of class. I am on campus in my office quite a bit beyond office hrs. You can call me or contact me via email. It generally takes me up to 24 hours to reply to emails, 48 hrs. on weekends.

Respectful Classroom -- I expect us all to treat each other with respect and civility in class; it is fine to disagree on issues, but not to be disagreeable / rude. Also, please silence your cell phones and keep texting to minimum.

Tentative Schedule (Subject to Change)


Aug. 27, 29, Sept. 3Intro to Social Problems:Dolgon & Baker: Introduction & Ch. 1 (pp.1-48)

Rios: Chs. 1-9 (62 pgs., reads fast & easy!)

Sept. 5, 8, 10, 12Human Rights & DemocracyCharon and Vigilant: Rdg. #44

Rios: Chs. 10-18 (52 pgs. reads fast & easy!)

Web Rdgs.: United Nations; Gaudiano and Greenhouse; Carter & Turley, Savage et al.; & 3 To Be Announced (TBA) –CA Kid migrants, etc.

Sept. 15, 17, 19Economic ProblemsDolgon & Baker: Chs. 2 & 3

Charon & Vigilant: Rdgs. # 6, 8

Web Rdgs. (5): Johnson; Nocera et al., Tavernise et al., Gupta et al., & Duhigg

Sept. 22Test 1

Sept. 24, 24, 29, Oct. 1Health & Health Care ProblemsDolgon & Baker: Ch. 9

Charon & Vigilant: 41, 42 43

Web Rdgs (3): Brill;Gawande; Brown et al.

Oct. 3, 6, 8Education ProblemsDolgon & Baker: Ch. 7

Charon & Vigilant: 37,38, 40

Web Rdgs (3): McKinney et al.; Mettler et al.; Ravitch


Oct. 10, 13, 15, 17Gender Inequality & Family Issues Dolgon & Baker: Ch. 4 (pp. 122-26, 137-39, 154-57)

Ch. 5

Charon & Vigilant: 22, 25, 32, 33

Web Rdgs. (3) –Alvarez & Merriman; Friedman et al.; Eckholm & NPR

Oct. 20, 22, 24, 27Racial & Ethnic Inequality Charon & Vigilant: 14, 15, 20

Dolgon and Baker: Ch. 4 (pp. 126-137, 142-154)

Web Rdgs (3): McIntosh; Araiza; Coates

Oct. 29Test 2

Oct. 31, Nov. 3, 5, 7Crime & DrugsDolgon and Baker: Ch. 8

Charon & Vigilant: 27, 29, 30

Web Rdgs. (4-5): Massey & Sampson; Shenk;

[Nov. 5Civic Engagement Topic Statement Due]Smith et al.; Protess et al.;1 TBA

Nov. 10, 12, 14, 17Environmental ProblemsDolgon and Baker: Ch. 6

Charon & Vigilant: 51,52

Web Rdgs (5-6): Hawken; Klare; & 3-4TBA

[You must do 2nd RDP by Nov. 14, unless you see Professor Dunn]

Nov. 19, 21, 24, Dec. 1War & TerrorismCharon & Vigilant: 45, 47, 50

[Rdgs. Notes Only: NO RDP’s, unless you see Dunn]Web Rdgs (7) : Eitzen, et al.; Schwartz; Wallerstein et al.; Landay et al.;Tarabay et al.;Currier et al.; McGreal et al.

Dec. 3Discuss Civic Engagement projects, & Wrap-Up/Review

Dec. 5Civic Engagement Paper Due, & Wrap-up/Review

Dec. 10--8:00-10:30TEST 3 / Final