Netball Activity Plan 1

Date: / Venue: / Redbourne Upper School, outside
Duration: / 1:30 / Number of players:
Session Goals: / 1. To improve shooting technique leading to better accuracy in a game situation: Achieving 70% success within 2m of the post
2. To identify potential shooters for competitive matches / Equipment requirements: / Post x4, balls x4
Personal coaching goals:
Content / Time / Task and Group Management / Coaching Points
Introduction / warm-up: / 5mins
10 mins
5 mins / Intro: Environment: check court and first aid – no fire exits as outside
Safety: Jewellery, Nails, clothing, shoes, Injury – existing? What to do if happens.
Intro: What did we learn in last session? This time looking at attack, specifically shooting
Focus on key technique points, and the right mind state to shoot
Pulse Raise: Jog, change direction, on whistle stop, pick a point, and concentrate on a point mid distance. Then same but running.
Dynamic Stretch: In quiet, heel Kick, high knees, lunges, sumos, side-stepx2 hamstrings / Change from rapid movement to still focus – get into the zone.
Focus on quiet intensity: mirroring game prep and practicing concentration
Skill practices (may include modified game activity): / 5 mins
15 mins
15 mins / Demonstration:
Use coach to demonstrate shooting technique. Adjust position x2
Questions: What does each part do?
Technique practice: Use all four posts, 4 to a post, 5 goes each from 2 different positions.
Watch each other. Check for understanding before starting.
Bring in: What worked? What did they notice about each other where they scored?
Try again: then progressions: Focus on goal then close eyes. Then eyes open with defender. Check for understanding before starting.
  1. Shooter and 3 receivers in ½ D. Pass out from shooter to player on edge of D and back in, pivot shoot. Take turns to be shooter. Concentrate on technique.
  2. Progression: Shooter, 2 receivers, 1 defender.
  3. Progression: Shooter, 1 receivers, 2 defender.
  • Feet shoulder width apart, hips and feet square to the target
  • Ball above and slightly in front of head, resting on hand with fingers pointing backwards - FOCUS POINT
  • Use second hand to steady and support ball at side
  • Bend knees, flex and extend arm upwards from elbow – FOCUS POINT
  • Release ball at highest point, following through with fingers to ensure a high trajectory

Content / Time / Task and Group Management / Coaching Points
Game (may include conditions)
Focus: / 10 mins
15 mins / Conditioned Game:
  • Use 1/3 of court with post either side, 4 vs 4.
  • Anyone can shoot but all other rules apply
  • Only score if correct technique used:
  • 1 point for correct technique but miss
  • 2 points for correct technique plus goal
Full game / Pause conditioned game on good technique and displays of focus
Cool-down / wrap-up: / 5 mins
5 mins /
  • Jog sprint jog lengths of court x2, jog x2
  • Walk, stretching hamstrings, quads, calves, groin.
Look at own stretches including arms and legs / Focus on the things that we have learnt
  • Where is that calm point
  • Think about the technique
  • What have we been concentrating on?
  • What difference did it make?
  • What more do we need to work on
Plan for next week
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