Recreational Hall
Monday 5th September 2016
Councillor B Wheeler (Chair) / Councillor J Baiss
Councillor C Low / Councillor G Thomas
Councillor B Knaggs / Councillor P Hood-Williams
Councillor B Oliver / Miss C Bagley (Clerk)
1. Apologies for absence (received from)
Councillor T Porter (No apologies received)
2. Declaration of Interests / To be actioned by:
In accordance with the provision of the Code of Conduct, Council members must declare an interest at the commencement of such matter being discussed, or when the interest becomes apparent. Members disclosing an interest must enter the Agenda number of the item, together with their interest, onto the relevant form supplied by the Clerk during each meeting. / All Councillors
3. Introduction from the Public Gallery
Ø  Matthew Ward
Ø  Denise Morris
Ø  Anne Hamilton
Ø  Diane Kelleher
Ø  Billy Morris
Ø  Mair Price
Ø  Mair Thomas
Ø  Helen Chishomn
Ø  Beryl Talbot
American Football
Mr Matthew Ward advised that his request sent to SURFC to utilise the playing for American Football was rejected. The reason given was due to the field being block booked for 7 days per week.
Councillor Low reminded members of the meeting of a personal interest as a member of SURFC but stated he had not seen a season schedule. Councillor Low confirmed that he had seen the e-mail trail between SURFC and Mr Ward and appreciates the requirements of the club but does not understand why there are no gaps in availability.
Councillor Oliver stated that whilst he does not have a copy of the original agreement between UKCC and SURFC it did insist that recreational use for the Community would still be available and whilst UKCC are obliged to give SURFC priority booking, the club were not permitted to block book use for the whole season. It was agreed that this was certainly not in the spirit of the agreement.
Mr Ward confirmed that he would like use of the playing field twice per week (preferably to include one session on the weekend) for a minimum of three hours per session. Mr Ward agreed to contribute to the charges/utility costs and would work around the club’s schedule.
Councillor Low highlighted to Mr Ward that SURFC own the spotlights and they are charged via a meter system.
Councillor Low agreed to acquire a copy of the SURFC schedule and instigate a meeting to include the UKCC chair.
All other items raised from the floor will be discussed under main agenda items. / Councillor Low / Councillor Wheeler
4. Minutes of last meeting held on Monday 4th July 2016 / To be actioned by:
Minutes from the previous meeting held on 4th July 2016 were agreed and accepted as being a true and accountable record.
5. Matters Arising from Minutes (4th July 2016) / To be actioned by:
Ø  Hedges
A second letter has been received in regards to the hedges on the bend towards Trem-yr-Mawr on Fairwood Lane.
Councillor Oliver advised that in response to the first letter he carried out an investigation and went to discuss the matter with the complainant, following this he took approximately one foot off the top of the hedges. Councillor Oliver confirmed that he intends to remove more height in due course or include in the winter maintenance plan.
Mr Morris stressed that the hedges were unsafe and should not be left until the winter.
This was discussed in detail and it was agreed that hedges will be cut when time permits and ultimately drivers have a responsibility to slow down and take their time.
Ø  North Bank
Councillor Oliver confirmed that the North Bank nettle branches were cut three weeks ago.
Councillor Low asked if the Willow tree needs to be cut – Councillor Oliver confirmed that this was not included in the field maintenance contract and if required would be an extra charge.
Ø  Cattle Grid
Repairs to the cattle grid are ongoing.
Ø  Working Party
Working party to repair field fences to be organised within the October agenda.
Ø  Playground
The Clerk agreed to add bank reserves in to the monthly financial spreadsheet and recirculate in order for the playground budget to be reconsidered.
Ø  Noticeboards
Item carried over from previous meeting.
Hall Management to liaise with Mr Paul Hopkinson and Mr Squires to install the new noticeboards.
Ø  Hall Decoration
Completed – Item closed.
Ø  Bowls Club
Councillor Wheeler confirmed that unfortunately there were insufficient members present at the latest Hall Management meeting to discuss the Bowls club hall usage. Since then four more letters have been received requesting the Council reconsider their decision to take an alternative booking rather than reserve usage for the Bowls club.
This was discussed in considerable detail with members of the floor providing supporting statements and Councillor Wheeler apologising on behalf of the Council for both the outcome and the way the matter was handled.
Councillor Oliver stressed that it was a sad and awkward situation to be in, but he appreciated the need to keep the hall booked. Lessons have been learnt for the future and whilst the Council sympathises, equally they now have a long term booking will little alternative.
The majority agreed with the exception of Councillor Thomas who proposed to cancel the long-term booking and re-instate the Bowls Club. This was not seconded.
Councillor Wheeler agreed to draft a response to the Bowls Club.
Ø  Speed Check Figures
Councillor Hood-Williams explained that full figures have not yet been received in regards to recent speed checks but will be reported back in due course.
Ø  Hall Management
Councillor Knaggs confirmed that the Hall Management have agreed to split into a sub-committee to manage UKCC events. Meetings will be held on the second Monday of the month with the first meeting scheduled for Monday 12th September 2016.
Ø  Councillor Thomas advised that funds are required to order a license for the next event. Councillor Wheeler agreed to arrange this via the Chairs Float.
Ø  Fire Training
Councillor Wheeler and Councillor Oliver are now trained as ‘fire compliant’.
It was suggested that the Fire Department be asked to return to certify hall compliancy. Hall Management to liaise with Mr P Hopkinson.
Ø  Commemorative Coin Photographs
Councillor Thomas confirmed that Cila School have agreed that photographs taken during the coin presentation can be used in the Newsletter and media. / Hall Management Agenda / Winter maintenance programme
Councillor Oliver
October Agenda
Miss C Bagley
Hall Management
Councillor Wheeler
Councillor Hood-Williams
Councillor Wheeler
Hall Management
6. Swansea Council Matters / To be actioned by:
Councillor Hood Williams reported on the following Swansea Council Matters:
-  White lines have been replaced at the end of Hen Parc Avenue.
Items raised by the group/floor:
Ø  The dog lock on the large dog waste bin has been repaired.
Ø  Councillor Thomas reported the broken sign on Edgemoor Lane and it has now been replaced.
Ø  Zebra Crossing
Councillor Knaggs reported that several people have requested a form of crossing aid near the Gower Road shop.
Councillor Hood-Williams expressed surprise as usual requests are for a crossing by the school and explained the request is unlikely due to insufficient statistics and funds but there may be more possibility of a ‘refuge’ to be placed west of the junction to Fairwood Lane. Councillor Hood-Williams agreed to investigate. / Councillor Hood-Williams
7. Hall Management / To be actioned by:
Councillor Knaggs confirmed that the Agenda covers all items discussed in the latest Hall Management meeting.
Other Items:
Ø  Councillor Wheeler proposed that Mr Paul Hopkinson take on the role of Booking Officer in conjunction with his role as Hall Caretaker. The booking process is now running smoothly and Councillor Wheeler confirmed this can be operated within two additional hours per month.
This was agreed by all and will be discussed and proposed to Mr Hopkinson during the next Hall Management meeting.
Ø  Councillor Thomas confirmed that the installation of the new playground swings commenced today and the price has been reduced by £600.
Future playground plans will be discussed and agreed during the next hall management meeting.
Councillor Thomas confirmed to the Clerk that an invoice will be provided for payment on completion of work.
Ø  Councillor Wheeler confirmed that children from Cila School recently carried out a sponsored walk and are kindly donating the proceeds to the playground.
Ø  Councillor Thomas enquired about a request to place benches in and around Cila School. Councillor Hood-Williams is still investigating.
From the Floor
Ø  Mr Morris gave thanks on behalf of the Gardening Club for the use of the hall during the Annual show. Dates for 2017 will be confirmed as soon as possible.
The next Hall Management meeting will take place on Monday 19th September 2016. / Hall Management
Councillor Hood-Williams
8. Governance / To be actioned by:
The Clerk confirmed that Financial regulations are ready to be distributed for adoption but are on hold until the recent 2015/2016 Audit has been completed and closed. / Miss C Bagley
9. Planning / To be actioned by:
Councillor Hood-Williams left the room.
Councillor Low reported on the following planning matters:
Application Number 2016/1426 – 8 Edgemoor Close, Upper Killay
Single story side extension and front access ramp
Councillor Low confirmed that the request is not unusual or unapproved in the past.
No objections were raised.
Councillor Hood-Williams returned to the meeting.
10. Finances / To be actioned by:
Monthly electronic copies of expenditure were circulated prior to the meeting.
The following invoices were approved for payment following proposal by Councillor Low and seconded by Councillor Wheeler:
·  BT £85.40
·  EON (July 2016) £41.01
·  EON (August 2016) £136.12 Credit
·  Postage £7.25
·  Postage £7.89
·  RICOH £10.27
·  SWALEC £188.43 Credit
·  Mr P Hopkinson (Expenses) £32.82
·  Paul Hartnoll Painter and Decorator £1,735
·  James Porter £241.00 (Additional work)
Councillor Oliver asked for clarification of payment to Welsh Water in regards to the common water trough. The Clerk will provide further information in due course.
Payments during the Summer break were discussed. The Clerk reiterated the requirement to have an invoice approved during a full Council meeting before payment can be made. Members of the meeting were asked to remind suppliers of the delay in payment in such cases. / Miss C Bagley
11. Any Other Business / To be actioned by:
-  As previously discussed.
Other items reported by the group:
Councillor Low
-  Reported a sudden burst of Fireworks from SURFC grounds a few weeks ago. Following investigation it appears that the fireworks were unauthorised during an event at the club and curtailed as quickly as possible.
Councillor Hood-Williams
-  Attended the following two meetings:
Ø  Community Town and Council Forum.
During the meeting a new code of conduct was discussed in which Community Councillors are no longer bound to report any breaches by other Councillors.
The other item in discussion was the Wales Planning Act and the development of a paperless planning process.
Councillor Hood-Williams reported that in future developers must declare any comments or views that have been given by a Councillor or member of the Community Council. During any major developments; the developer is required to liaise with the Community Council and declare their views in the application.
Ø  One Voice Wales Swansea Area meeting.
It was highlighted that Community Councils are duty bound to make pension arrangements for all employees.
The Clerk was asked to liaise with One Voice Wales for help and guidance.
During the meeting other Community Council activities were announced and these were relayed back to Upper Killay Community Council.
Councillor Wheeler
-  Advised that he is unable to attend the next meeting and asked the Vice Chairman Councillor Oliver to chair the meeting in his absence.
From the Floor:
-  Japanese Knotweed has returned alongside the playing field. Councillor Oliver confirmed that the site was treated earlier in the year but he will return to investigate.
-  A seat/bench was requested at the top of Hen Parc Lane. Councillor Hood-Williams agreed to investigate further. / Miss C Bagley
Councillor Oliver
Councillor Oliver
Councillor Hood-Williams
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.44pm.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Monday 3rd October 2016 at 7.30.

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