In Attendance:

Amy Poorman: PRCTC / Debbie Wipert: PRCTC
Penny Dehner: Paint Valley ADAMH / Elaine Miller: PC Health Dept.
Aimee Roberts: Early Intervention/ HMG / Michael Pelcic: PCBDD
Vicki Pierce: BREATHE / Megan Michaelis: Children’s Hunger Alliance
Mark Denniston: Community UMC / Harold Henson: PC Commissioner
Larry Simpson: DYS / Meghan DeBrosse: SPVMH
David Benett: PARS / Amy Seidle: PARS
Rodney Griffith: Community UMC / Bruce Rickerd: PICCA
Hannah Dehl: Integrated Services / Pamela Hively: WSU
Andrew Binegar: PICCA / Joy Ewing: PCJFS
Dawn Dalessandri: Hopewell Health / Rachelle Paisley: Juvenile Court
Shannon Clark: PC ESC / Ashley Cunningham: Integrated Services
Jennifer Murphy: Hopewell Health / Ty Ankrom: PC ESC
Jimmie Davis: PCGHD / Terrance Scott: Pickaway Metro Housing
Joyce Lutz: PCBDD / Michelle Callahan: Pickaway County Library
Donna Solovey: PICCA Early Intervention / Kim Martin: FCFC Executive Director
Marie Wilbanks: PCBDD

The Meeting was called to order at 9:19 am by Elaine Miller, SFY 2018 Chairperson.

Previous Minutes: Previous minutes from April 12, 2017 were available in the agenda packet.
Motion to Accept: Joy Ewing; Second: Terry Scott; Vote: Unanimous

Program/ Committee Reports

Finance Committee Report: Shannon Clark presented an overview of the budget report. An effort is being made to spend down funding by the end of the fiscal year in June.
Motion to Accept: Pam Hively; Second: Aimee Roberts; Vote: Unanimous

FCSS/ TEAM Report: Kim Martin shared that referrals for TEAM have increased. This is attributed to an increase in mental health providers working with children in school districts. Data regarding school districts and children served is included in the board packet.

Help Me Grow Report: Aimee Roberts shared a flow chart of referrals. The new “Help Me Grow” name is still undecided. There has been an increase in referrals for services.

Teen Task Force Report: Marie Wilbanks reported that the annual Run, Walk, Roll raised more money this year than any previous year. The date of the next meeting was shared with Committee members.

Ohio Capacity Building Funds Application Presentation: Kim Martin shared the SFY 2018 OCBF application and budget information, which is included in the agenda packet. Council members were sent a copy prior to the meeting and copies were available at the meeting for review. An application is submitted every year. A motion was made to submit the SFY 18 OCBF application as presented.

Motion to Approve Application: Rodney Griffith; Second: Terry Scott; Vote: Unanimous

Shared Plan Update Presentation: Copies of the SFY 2017-2019 Shared Plan updates were available at the meeting and sent to members a week prior to the meeting. Director Martin reviewed the Shared Plan SFY 2-17-2019 updates with Council. Kim Martin reported that priorities stayed the same from last year but indicators were updated to be measurable. Council made a motion to accept the updates as presented.

Motion to Approve Updated SFY 2017-2019 Shared Plan: Mike Pelcic; Second: Rodney Griffith; Vote: Unanimous


Megan Michaels with Children’s Hunger Alliance presented information about Pickaway County’s hunger rate, and how this ranked with other Ohio counties. She shared details about how Children’s Hunger Alliance is combating childhood hunger, and the various services offered.


Kim Martin: A flyer for SBIRT training was distributed. The training will be offered at ESC.

Ty Ankrom: An alternative school is opening in Pickaway County. It will serve three of the school districts with approximately 30 students in total receiving instruction.

Marie Wilbanks: PCBDD is hosting a fashion show on July 29th. Flyers are available.

Harold Henson: Pickaway County has the most positive economic outlook in Ohio, and there will shortly be opportunities for everyone interested in employment to find a job.

Debbie Wipert: Nine children were graduated from her program, and one was named “student of the year”.

Dawn Dellasandri: Hopewell Health has a position available for any interested applicants.

Amy Seidle: Pickaway County’s recovery rate is higher than the state average. This shows success in addressing addiction.

Michelle Callahan: Summer reading programs for all ages are offered at the library. There are varying programs based on age.

Bruce Rickerd: PICCA is updating is coordinated transportation plan. Surveys will be mailed to stakeholders.

Terry Scott: Waiting lists are open for one, three and four bedrooms homes. There are openings for seniors in several of their locations. The Section Eight waiting list will be open at some point this year.

Joy Ewing: Children’s Services is participating in a pilot project to address child welfare in homes where parents are struggling with addiction. United Way is looking for a new director, and applications are available.

Andrew Binegar: The Turkey Trot is organized for this year and will take place at 9:00 on Thanksgiving Day. Energy assistance programs through PICCA start July 1st.

Donna Solovey: Head Start/ Early Intervention is accepting applications, and day care options are available.

Rachelle Paisley: Picakway County’s Family Treatment Court application was submitted last Friday.

Ashley Cunningham: There is currently no waiting list for Integrated Services.

Vicki Pierce: Art therapy is available for free every Friday from 12:30 – 2:30.

Meghan DeBrosse: SPVMH is launching a new group for inter-hunger support, which provides assistance for over-eaters.

Mark Denniston: Roundtown as One is offering activities for kids the weekend of July 8th. The group is hosting a college selection seminar on July 12th that is open to everyone.

Mike Pelcic: Early Intervention is hosting a Friday in the Park activity on June 30th.

Penny Dehner: The ADAMH Board passed in Pickaway and Fayette Counties but was defeated overall. They will not return to the levy until rejection by voters in Ross County is further assessed.

Jimmie Davis: The Health Department is working on community improvement efforts and increasing access to dental care.

Elaine Miller: Accreditation for the Health Department will be uploaded soon. Immunizations are being offered now.

Upcoming Pickaway County FCFC meeting dates: August 9th, October 11th.

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn: Rodney Griffith; Second: Terry Scott; Vote: Unanimous

Meeting minutes submitted by Marie Wilbanks: ______