(print or type)
Contract Title: ______Contract #: F______
Administrator (CA):______QA Name:______
CA Office Symbol: ______QA Office Symbol: ______
CA Duty Phone: ______QA Duty Phone: ______
Is QA performing QA duties part-time or full-time? ______
Primary or Alternate QA? ______
NO. / ITEM(ref: AFI 63-124 & AFFARS 5346.103) / DISCUSSED
Indicate Y (Yes),
N (No) or N/A
A. / MULTIFUNCTIONAL TEAM (The contract-specific BRAG will plan & manage service contract throughout the life of the requirement. The QA is usually appointed as the functional expert to the BRAG)
(1) / Members (see BRAG charter)
(2) / Roles and responsibilities (see BRAG charter)
(3) / Training requirements
a. Phase 1 date (Required): ______
If Phase 1 not completed, immediately notify QAPC to schedule
b. Refresher: If Phase I was over 1 year ago, contact QAPC to schedule refresher.
(1) / Contract Type (FFP/IDIQ, commercial, etc)
Contract Amt ______Performance Period______
(2) / PBSA or non-PBSA
(3) / Review of Award Fee Plan , if applicable
(4) / Sections of the contract
(5) / Transition & how quality assurance will be managed during transition
(6) / Schedule B or commercial equivalent
(7) / Contract clauses, e.g. Inspection of Services clauses: FAR clause 52-246-1, Inspection of Services (non-commercial) and FAR 52-212-4 (Commercial). Ensure QA understands that services may and should be re-performed.
(8) / Right and remedies of the Government
(9) / Special contract provisions (Section H or commercial equivalent)
(10) / Potential areas of fraud, waste, and abuse
(11) / Payment Provisions:
(a) Do you have a password/login for Wide Area Work Flow (WAWF)?
(b) Have you been trained in WAWF? If not, provide POC for training.
( c) Explanation of types of invoices
(d) Importance of timely acceptance/submissions
(ref: AFI 63-124 & AFFARS 5346.103) / DISCUSSED
Indicate Y (Yes),
N (No) or N/A
(12) / PWS with Services Delivery Summary
(a) Review of scope of work
(b) Review specific tasking and deliverables
(c ) Government-furnished property/services vs contractor-furnished
1) Updating inventory listings (if applicable)
(d) Review performance goals and expectations
C. / PERFORMANCE PLAN (or Award Fee Plan, if applicable)
(1) / Contractor Management:
(a) Importance of documenting results of oversight
(b) Performance Objectives
(c ) Performance thresholds
(d) Methods/tools/documentation for surveillance and assessment of contractor performance prescribed by Performance Plan (discuss methods being used (i.e., Customer Complaint, Periodic, etc) and explain how PP may be changed if needed)
(e) Use and verification of contractor’s quality control plan
(f) Method of notifying CO of significant performance deficiencies
(g) Method of recommending improvements to PWS or PP
(2) / Contract Management:
(a) Reviews required prior to execution of any options
(b) Periodic reviews to determine if contract as written meets changing mission objectives/goals.
(c ) Past performance documentation requirements (CPARS or local procedures when CPARS is not applicable)
(d) MOASP (Management and Oversight of Acquisition of Services Process) overview -- required reviews and data collection.
(e) Process for capturing lessons learned/best practices.
(f) Cost, schedule, and performance constraints.
(g) Process contractor is using to mitigate risk and government process to understand contractor’s management process of risk.
(h) Scheduled reviews of the performance plan/award fee plan.
(i) Process to evaluate contractor correction plans.
(j) Process for conducting day-to-day business, e.g. minute meetings, modifications, etc.
(k) Schedule meetings
(l) Scheduled contract management reviews with multi-functional teams
D. / Maintenance of and submission of all QA documentation and past performance information required by the contract and applicable regulations.
(1) / Discuss forms/checklists used to document performance
(Use ‘ACCEPTABLE’ or ‘UNACCEPTABLE’. Unacceptable must be fully documented and initialed by contractor’s representative).
(2) / Ensure QAP understands he/she is responsible for maintaining all surveillance documentation and contract documents in an official QA file. Provide QA Sample File Index if needed. File should include:
-- QAP nomination/appointment letters
-- COs letter to contractor of appointment & duties
-- QAP training certificates
-- BRAG Charter; meeting minutes
-- Contract & all modifications; PWS or SOW
-- QASP or Performance Plan
-- Contractor’s QC Plan
(ref: AFI 63-124 & AFFARS 5346.103) / DISCUSSED
Indicate Y (Yes),
N (No) or N/A
-- Surveillance schedules and records of inspection; discrepancy reports
-- Certification of Services/Receiving Reports
(3) / The QA file will be inspected at least quarterly by the CA. Do not submit schedules and reports to Contracting until contract close out.
E. / OTHER DISCUSSION TOPICS. Ensure the QAP understands that
(1) / Changes to the Contract can only be authorized by a Contracting Officer.
(2) / The Contract Administrator is the point of contract for all contractual matters
(3) / Disagreements between the QA and contractor personnel must be promptly referred to the CO for resolution.
(4) / The contract administrator and/or QA Program Coordinator will accompany the QA periodically during surveillance of the contractor’s performance.
Briefed By (CA): ______
Signature Date
Acknowledged By (QAP): ______
Signature Date
QA Records updated by: ______
QA Program Coordinator
cc: QA