Present: Richard Cleaves (Chair); Julie Francis; Robert Matthews; Tim Bloomfield; Ruth Reed; Victoria Helstrip (arrived after adjournment); Val Dixon Henry and the Clerk.
1. Apologies for Absence
Apologies received from: Mary Foryszewski; Mike Turner; Chris Lyth; Victoria Helstrip apologised that she would be arriving late.
2 Minutes of The Last Meeting
Minutes of the last meeting on 18th March were approved as a correct record of the meeting and signed by the Chairman.
3. Declarations Of Interest
Councillor Rob Matthews declared an interest in Coneyhurst Gate and 5 Mount Close on Planning Appendices. Chairman confirmed these applications would not be discussed at this meeting.
4. Chairman's report
Letter to youth club regarding playground accident had been sent. Tree Warden from the Tree Warden Network is to be a speaker at our next meeting.
5. Adjournment- Seven members of the public joined the meeting.
A resident spoke concerning the Vachery Triathlon and described how it would appear he alone of all his neighbours had received a leaflet from the organisers ‘Brave Events’. His local shop who would be greatly affected knew nothing of the proposed event and neither did the Waverley Borough Council Community response. Many could be unaware of the event until notice of the road closures occurred which need not be until eight weeks before the event.GY advised that all should write to the Chief Executive of Surrey County Council David McNulty to express opinions about the event.
Ros Doree Councillor of Abinger and Forest Green Parish Council spoke next concerning the VT. She read out from a copy of correspondence she had received from Surrey County Councillor, Dorking Hills Division, Hazel Watson. HW had sent details of questions to be submitted to the Leader of the Council. HW had requested that only one event per summer be allowed due to the huge disruption to local residents. RD advised people write to David Hodge of Surrey County Council and the Secretary of State for Transport backing up this request.
A resident spoke next concerning VT. He had received a leaflet from the organisers. He is a pilot and often on call and all options of getting to the airports were closed by the VT. He would not know before the day if he were to be called upon and therefore his only option was to leave his home prior to the closure and wait elsewhere in case of a call to the airport.
Mike Brady from Abinger Parish Council warned that the organisers of VT were planning that year on year the event was to increase in size and that this year was not a one off.
Surrey County Councillor Alan Young spoke next. He was shocked that no one had seen fit to inform him prior to making the preliminary decision that the VT could go ahead. He had spoken with David Hodge who confirmed he had a meeting with David McNulty the chief Executive of SCC on 16th April. He advised that objections be e-mailed from all prior to this meeting. He spoke further that the profit making aspect of this event was wrong and if any profit were to be made it should go to the community.
A resident spoke again concerning a property Home Farm. He briefly summarised agricultural buildings were being used for storage of commercial materials. This had been occurring for some time and WBC had failed to take action to enforce their agricultural stipulation.. Councillor Val Dixon Henry spoke and thanked resident for bringing these matters to the attention of the Parish Council who relies on residents to inform them of such matters. VD-H confirmed that this matter would be on the Agenda for the planning meeting on 18th April and the PC would do all it could to move this forward.
A resident spoke concerning Arriva Bus route 53 complaining that the bus no longer stopped between Swallow Tiles and Gadbridge Lane. The Chairman advised that the stop in this area had never been official but that it the past the PC had had it agreed that the bus should stop opposite Connemara and that they would contact the company to get this stop reinstated. CLERK
6. Appendix 1 and Cheques & Payments,
Appendix 1 shows all payments and receipts over the month. BACS forms signed Cheques signed for S137 donations
for 2013-2014
7. Appendix 2.Planning.
The Planning Committee had met on two occasions, 21st March and 4th April details of comments were available
8. Correspondence
Appendix 3. A list of correspondence received by the Parish Council was shown to the Councillors.
9. Reports
TIM BLOOMFIELD - Ellen's Green, Highways, Airways:

Highways - School crossing refuge, The Street. No further news from Surrey CC following recent meeting and receipt by Highways of Survey commissioned by PC.

I have reported to Surrey Highways both deterioration of road surface at junction of The Street and The Green, and cutting back of vegetation required on east side of footpath to Shere Road [150 yards north of Ockley Rd junction] D Payne of Surrey CC Highways responded that he would try and arrange cutting back, although budget for minor works for 2013/4 not known at time of communication. DP also said Highways Inspector would patch following next annual
During meeting above, John Hilder confirmed that there was money in budget to replace directional signs each side of junction of The Street and The Green, which were now virtually unreadable. No further news.
Project Horizon – we now have details of this, which is 5 year programme for major road re-surfacing and remedial works. Suggest all councillors have link to this?
Despite reporting broken and missing signs and chevrons at junction of Horsham Rd and Somersbury Lane in Ellen’s Green, and being told that replacements were on order, no sign of any appearing. Craig Thomson [ex Parish Councillor and local resident] is also now chasing as well. CT is also communicating with both Surrey Highways and County Councillor about terrible state of Baynards Lane, with no apparent mention of this road in Project Horizon.
Ellen’s Green - RC and TB recently met representatives of Hall and Woodhouse at their request. They explained that they could not continue running pub, as even the temporary tenant trading at nil rent did not generate sufficient profit. They therefore were considering applying to change the use of the building to residential. We suggested that a scheme which also showed some affordable housing on the spare land might be favoured by the PC. We agreed to discuss and get the view of the whole PC to this at this meeting. Personally I would have no objections in principle. The Chairman confirmed that the council was awaiting a planning application before discussions could occur.
Thames Water Pumping Station – Their contractor has been on site for some weeks now with no problems reported to me.
JULIE FRANCIS- Security/Law & order, Legal Matters,SALC:
A meeting had been arranged with PCSO James Ansell on 21st March to discuss Security and Law and Order in Ewhurst the meeting had gone well and PCSO had mentioned he would be available to come to talk to the whole Council. V D-H thought it would be appropriate for the APM next year. JF advised she had obtained through an incident occurring at her property telephone numbers that might be appropriate to all. These were numbers for a BT police liaison officer and BT security number which she would pass to the clerk after the meeting in order that an e-bulletin could be sent out.
Five speakers had been confirmed for the APM. Posters and banners in situ. VH to speak to CL concerning drinks for the event and CLERK to organise nibbles. Table and chairs to be put out by caretaker.
VH advised there was a Playground Committee meeting on Wednesday to discuss and arrange further the Children’s tea party to be held in the grounds of the Rectory on 23rd June.
CHRIS LYTH – Rights of Way: The clerk read out CL report.
SCC Action reported Feb. meeting- No feedback but will update at meeting 17th April with SCC
ROW Volunteers - Meeting SCC 17th April with LEAP to finalise details and minimise bureaucracy. EPC insurance with Came & Co. covers Volunteers for £50,000 Personal Accident and £10m Employers Liability.
FP 362 Rapsley Farm to Ride Way - Remedial works to S section completed. Thank you to landowner for clearing ditches and SCC for arranging community service.
ROW problems - None reported
Definitive Plan & Statement - New set of documents to collect 17/4
FP 361d, north of High Canfold Stud - Investigate whether 50metre muddy section could be improved.
ROBERT MATTHEWS – Youth Matters, Environment, Tree Warden :
Youth club asked whether it would be agreed with the PC to put up two notice boards which they had funding to purchase. The Chairman asked that the details of the type of board and the situation proposed be given to the PC for consideration. The parents of the youth club members had expressed a wish for low level lighting in the EYSC car park. The Council resisted this request on the grounds that its intention was to preserve the rural nature of the village.
RUTH REED – Allotments:
Paul Stevens, our village caretaker, (who has been scheduled to cut allotment grass more often), has started his spring cutting of the plot edges. The ivy-clad tree that had come over and down from the bottom boundary hedge onto the allotment land, has been cleared by our Tree Warden, Cllr Rob Matthews .Cllr. Rob Matthews has also finished his work on the southern boundary trees and has neatly stacked the logs in a pile at the bottom boundary. The weather has slowly improved and the majority of plots are looking well-tended. The main parking area still has to dry out and remains muddy in many places. A notice, asking allotment tenants to make especially sure that the roadways are kept clear and asking residents and their visitors to refrain from parking in spaces reserved for tenants has been fixed to the notice board. The Chairman asked that RR take on the Burial Ground in her portfolio which she was happy to do.
10. Parish Clerk Report- The Parish Clerk asked that all future payments to the Parish Council should be in the form of a cheque from fundraising bodies. Recent payments into the Playground funds had not been as noted on the packets of money provided to the clerk and although in this instance there had been more money than stated this may not be the case another time.
The Clerk mentioned that the Councillors had at the next Parish Council meeting on 20th May to reconfirm they were happy to continue as Councillors and with their portfolios as described above.
The Clerk advised that the three year insurance agreement with Aviva through Came and Co had recently come to an end. The Chairman and Clerk had a meeting with the Co. to go over an agreement for further years. The three year agreement format was the most cost effective and as an incentive the co. had agreed in the first year an eighteen month period for the price of twelve months of insurance. Using this format the Long Term Agreement would extend to August 2016. The Came and Co.’s experience in Parish Council matters was of great benefit to the Parish Council as was thought this over wrote any slight decrease in premiums which could be achieved in moving to another insurer. The Clerk advised that the EYSC cleaner would be taking on the responsibility of playground check every fortnight as required by the insurers and a check list had been drawn up for these inspections.
The year-end statements were available to the Council and all were happy with them.
12. AFFORDABLE HOUSING SURVEY-cost of the Survey and postage out to residents of £750 was approved by Val Dixon Henry and seconded by Tim Bloomfield and all in favour.
13. Annual Parish Meeting- Five speakers for the APM all confirmed and details sent out to all. Invites to Clubs and societies sent out. Banner and posters up around the village.A copy of the card for the Queens Coronation jubilee will be on display at the APM.
14. Grant of Easement Little Garlands- J Francis proposed the signing of the Grant seconded by Tim Bloomfield and all but Ruth Reed in favour. Ruth Reed was not in favour as she had not been given the chance to read the Grant of Easement. Signed by Tim Bloomfield, Julie Francis and the Clerk. Clerk to post back to solicitors
15. Surrey Tree Warden Network- cancelled until next meeting.
16 Parish Business The Councillors took on board the views of the community on the Vachery Triathlon and intend to fully support them. Agreed to write to all concerned to ask that the roads not be closed.
The bee swarm information for the website was to be gathered and reported upon at a later date.
V D-H asked that Councillors could let her know if they are coming to Planning meetings in advance in order that she knows I advance if she as the required number of three Councillors present.
16. Matters For Consideration Next Meeting
The Chairman provided plans of proposed village car park rearrangements he would obtain quotes and bring back to a later meeting.
Next Parish Council Meeting to be held on 20th May 2013