Leeds Apprenticeship Awards 2015

Apprentice Nomination Form

Pleaseindicate which Award Category you are entering a nominationfor (highlight in bold):

Apprentice of the Year - Intermediate

Apprentice of the Year – Advanced

Apprentice of the Year – Higher

Apprentice of the Year – Against All Odds

Section 1- Background Information on the Apprentice


Home Address:


Landline: Mobile:


Date of Birth / /

Apprenticeship Details

Which industry does the apprentice work in?

Which Apprenticeship framework and level are they undertaken or have achieved?

When did the apprentice start the Apprenticeship?

Expected end date or achieved date?

Name of learning provider: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

What training/qualifications has the apprentice achieved to date? Has the apprentice progressed to a higher level qualification e.g. Advanced Apprenticeship, Higher Education?

Leeds Apprenticeship Awards 2015 – Nomination Form- Apprentice1

Nominator’s Organisation Details - Employer / School / Academy/Learning Provider

Organisation Name:

Contact Name:






Number of Employees (if applicable):

Section 2 - Questions

Question 1

What outstanding achievements has this apprentice demonstrated in the workplace? Provide examples of the particular areas or projects where expectations have been exceeded. (Why do you feel this apprentice deserves the Apprentice of the Year Award?) (No more than 280 words)

Question 2

What exceptional personal qualities and work skills has the apprentice demonstrated to you in the workplace/training environment? (No more than 280 words)

Section 3 - Declaration


I have obtained permission of the apprentice to enter them into the Leeds Apprenticeship Awards 2015and use their details.

The apprentice has agreed to take part in all publicity concerning the Leeds Apprenticeship Awards 2015.

Print name:Date:

(Please note that the person nominated will receive the invite and the nominator will be updated.)

Parent or Guardian: (If apprenticeis 16 years of age or under)

I agree that the above named apprentice may apply and participate in any publicity concerning the Leeds ApprenticeshipAwards and that they can attend the Awards ceremony under my supervision should they be invited.

Parent or Guardian Name:

Print name:Date:

Your completed Nomination Form must be sent by email to:

The closing date for entries to be received by is 17:00 GMT on Friday 23rd January 2015. Entries received after the closing date will not be entered.

Guidelines for completing Section 2 – Questions

As a guide to completing these questions you are allowed to write up to 280 words for each question. Anything after 280 words will be disregarded from the judges’ final decision.

The judges will be looking to grade your descriptions and examples using a marking scheme that has the following criteria-

9 - 10 points=Truly Exceptional

8 points =Impressive

6 - 7 Points =Good

4 - 5 Points =OK

1 - 3 = Weak

Marketing Information

For future marketing purposes please would you indicate how you found out about the Leeds Apprenticeship Recognition Awards (highlight in bold):

School/AcademyEmployerLearning Provider


Other (please state)

Leeds Apprenticeship Awards 2015 – Nomination Form- Apprentice1