Intercultural Affairs MeetingDecember 6, 2016
Attendance: Richard Pantele (guest), Caroline Emmons, Matt Dubroff, Dani Widdows, Dirk Johnson and Lisa Burns.
Dani opened the meeting asking Richard to share with the IAC committee how fraternities and clubs are transforming programming to promote inclusivity on campus. Richard reported that there are still growing pains for the students learning how to effectively manage the increase in CAC funds, but that he and Will Echols have been offering guidance on clubs partnering with other clubs to pool funds, decrease event competition, and increase student attendance and engagement. Partnering has worked well this semester and is being developed to increase steadily with the opening of the Brown Student Center. Movie nights, gaming, and assorted social programs sponsored bya rotation of campus clubs and organizations will provide gathering opportunities each weekend on Friday or Saturday nights. It was suggested that Student Affairs also contact Academic Departments for potential programming partners.
As last minute advertising has been a challenge for programming opportunities, we were pleased to learn that the HSC app is not only for orientation activities, but all College events are also available on app. The HSC app has a whole host of information for students, faculty, and staff to quickly access. Please share this wisdom!
A former bias incident was broached with Richard in an effort to determine our current sanctioning procedures, to ensure that bias incidents are addressed promptly and effectively to help create an open and inclusive H-SC community. It was noted that mandated diversity training has often been counter productive. Richard stated that he has noticed a considerable rise in self-policing among student groups due to the Step-Up Campaign and that sanctions such as fraternity closings and social closings have been effective.
Dani reminded the IAC members that Dr. Stevens would be attending a special IAC meeting at 4:05 on Tuesday, January 24th meeting. She encouraged all members to consider to what issues or initiativeswe would like our Office of Campus Safety and Police to be sensitive to. This is a great opportunity to share ideas of promoting an inclusive campus in how we respond to bias incidents and their targets, but more importantly, in what ways can the department be proactive in its influence?
Dani also reported that there were 15 faculty and staff members in attendance at the November 11th Safe Zone Training, plus an additional 10 persons requested materials as they had conflicts with the training date. A student Safe Zone training sponsored by the IAC is being planned for the spring.
The committee also discussed the development of a climate survey on race. 2011 was the last climate survey conducted related to race. Dani, Caroline, Lisa, and Hakeem volunteered to work on the climate survey as well as a few focus groups. The idea of a Town Hall in February open to all students was also suggested. Matt Dubroff volunteered to draft an unsolicited Green Paper based on the data collectedfrom Admissions, the climate survey and the focus groups this spring.
It was reported that the Unity Alliance is in a rebuilding year and have a new president. As the former advisor to the Unity Alliance, Dani Widdows offered her time to mentor the new president, Ian Burns ‘20.