Exempt Administrator and
Full-time Faculty (Category I and II)
Search Procedures
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Office of the President
Equal Opportunity Office
Revised October 2017
Table of Contents
Section I
Equal Opportunity Office Staff...... 1
Executive Director’s Letter to Screening Committees...... 2
Best Practices for a Bias-free Hiring Process...... 3
Section II
Organizing the Screening Committee...... 5
Possible Screening Committee Configurations...... 6
Search Committee Roles and Responsibilities...... 7
Recommending Hiring Authority...... 7
Screening Committee Chair...... 8
Screening Committee Members...... 9
Search Timeline...... 9
Determine Department’s Need for Position...... 10
Determine Scopeof Search...... 10
External Search...... 10
Internal Search...... 11
Interim Administrative Searches or Appointments ...... 11
Waiverof Advertising Requirements...... 11
Request for Shortening of Advertising Period...... 11
Determination of SelectionCriteria...... 11
Design of the Position Announcement...... 13
Obtaining of Approvals...... 14
Recruiting/Advertising...... 15
Additional Department Advertising/Recruiting Resources...... 16
Receiving Applications...... 17
Acknowledge theApplications...... 17
Confidential Data ...... 18
Public Record Disclosure...... 18
IncompleteApplications...... 18
Screening Reports/Forms...... 18
Preparingfor the Interviews...... 20
Interview Questions...... 21 & 50
Formal Interviews...... 21
Exit Interview Procedures...... 22
Evaluating Written Recommendations...... 23
Obtaining Telephone References...... 23
Conducting Reference Checks- FAQs...... 63
Confidentiality of SearchRecords...... 24
Storing SearchRecords...... 25
Communicating with Applicants/Candidates/ Status Change...... 25
Certification of Search...... 2361
Disclosure Authorization Form (Background Check Authorization)...... 2335
Concluding the Search...... 23
Formal Job Offers...... 23
Personnel ActionForm...... 2434
Notification...... 24
Search Records...... 24
Appendix A: Report Sequence and Sample Timeline
Sequence forSearch Reports...... 28
Search Reports – Flowchart...... 29
Sample Search Process Timeline...... 30
Appendix B: Screening Reports
Position AnnouncementForm...... 32
Posting & Advertising Guidelines...... 33
Personnel Action Form...... 34
Disclosure and Authorization...... 35
Applicant Log Sheet...... 36
Form 1 - Screening Committee Roster...... 37
Form 2 - All Applicants Report...... 38
Initial Review Scoring Sheet (Sample) ...... 40
Form 3 - Unqualified Applicant Report...... 41
Form 4 – Qualified ApplicantReport...... 42
Qualitative Review Scoring Form (Sample) ...... 43
Form 5 - Qualified-Not Interviewed Report...... 44
Form 6A – Telephone Interviewees Report...... 45
Affirmative Action/Diversity Review...... 47
Form 6B - On-Campus Interviewee Report...... 48
Pre-Employment Inquiries & Interviewing; What’s Ok & What’s Not...... 50
Applicants with Disabilities...... 52
Interview Rating Sheet & Sample Questions...... 55
Applicant Exit Interview Form...... 56
Form 7 – Recommendation/Selection Report...... 57
Sample FinalistSummaries for Form 7...... 59
Certification ofSearch...... 61
Appendix C: Interview and Reference Resources
Reference CheckFAQs...... 63
Conducting a ReferenceCheck (Best Practices) ...... 65
Basic Telephone ReferenceCheck Form...... 65
Standard Reference CheckQuestions...... 68
Checklist for Written References...... 69
Email to Obtain References...... 69
Informal Meeting ObservationForm...... 70
Teaching Demonstration or Group Presentation Evaluation Form...... 71
Appendix D: Committee Checklist and FAQs
Committee Checklist...... 73
Search and Screening FAQs...... 74
Section I
Meet the Equal Opportunity Office Staff:
Velveta Howell, J.D.
Interim Executive Director of Equal Opportunity
Paul Hitchcock, B.A.Laura L. Lempe, M.A
AA/Applications Systems Specialist Equity Specialist/Assistant to Equal Opportunity
The MSU Denver EO Office is located in the Student Success Building (890 Auraria Parkway), Room 440, President’s Office; phone 303-556-4746 or .
EO web site -
Interim Executive Director's Letter to Screening Committees
Dear Committee Members:
The selection process for a new member of the faculty or administrative leadership at Metropolitan State University of Denver is at the very heart of the future of the University.
Since its inception in 1965, MSU Denver has sought to recruit and hire the finest candidates available. Our philosophy is to hire the best-qualified person for any given position regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin,age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and expressions or veteran status. While we set goals for fuller utilization of women and minorities, the choice of the best-qualified applicant is our top priority.
We also have a legal, moral and ethical obligation to assure that all people seeking employment at MSU Denver have an equal opportunity to gain it and that each individual competing for a position is treated fairly. An effective search process that is free of unlawful bias and prejudice will ultimately result in a workforce that utilizes men, women and minorities to the full extent they are available in the workforce. The University has made significant progress toward that overall result, but until the result is apparent, our pledge of equal opportunity to all will be called into question. By monitoring the University's practice and utilization data, this office can: (1) provide reasonable assurance that individual searches are lawful and that discriminatory hiring patterns do not emerge; (2) evaluate whether general hiring practices and individual searches are effective and non-discriminatory; and (3) apply the lessons we learn to recommend improvements in the process.
The search and screening process outlined here has evolved over time as an approach that helps accomplish both selection of the best-qualified candidate and equal opportunity for all applicants. This information pertains to all searches, whether conducted by a committee or an individual. There is a section that specifically provides information on establishing a departmental pool and selecting affiliate/part-time faculty.
You will find step-by-step information on planning the search and screening process, conducting interviews, checking references, and more. These procedures incorporate the elements of a fair and equitable selection process, as required by Federal and Colorado law and allow us to keep the necessary paperwork for monitoring employee opportunities at MSU Denver. These procedures also serve to foster good relationships with our colleagues at other institutions through timely and courteous response procedures. When the screening committee has been selected, the appropriate hiring authority or designee should make arrangements for the department chair and the screening committee to receive the Equal Opportunity Screening Committee Charge to receive instructions for carrying out the search and screening process.
As you embark on this important effort, we hope that this information will make your job easier and more fruitful. Please do not hesitate to call the Equal Opportunity Office at 303-556-4746 with any questions or concerns.
Best Regards,
Velveta Howell, J.D.
Interim Executive Director of Equal Opportunity
Equal Opportunity Office
Best Practices for a Bias-free Hiring Process
The search committee is responsible for creating and encouraging a bias-free hiring process. The search committee takes the lead in showcasing the welcoming qualities of the department for all candidates.This is accomplished by focusing on ABILITIES and SKILLSthat are obtained and developed through knowledge, education, and experience.
Best Practices
The search process for exempt administrator’s and full time faculty positions (Category I and II) begins only after the official position announcement is approved through the online application system and advertised. The creation, modification, and approval process for position announcements is now done through the Online Application System at . Contact Human Resources for basic training on the system 303-556-3120 or go to for training schedule.
- Attend an EO Search and Screening Training, annual requirement; all committee members, the Chair of the Search, and the Hiring Authority are all required to attend a training – go to to sign up for a training, plan on 60 minutes. Committee members do NOT need to attend together.
- Give all applicants the same information about the position and the search process.
- Answer the applicants' questions in a uniform manner.
- Everyone involved in the search process should maintain a non-discriminatory atmosphere. Make a commitment to maintain a professional decision making environment, free of behaviors from which an observer could infer the process was influenced by unfair bias or prejudice of any kind. Remember that remarks intended as hyperbole, irony, or other forms of communication are not always received and remembered as intended.
- Ensure that the interview process and site is accessible to applicants/candidates with disabilities. Contact the Access Center for Disability Accommodations and Assistive Technology at 303-556-8387 if you have any questions.
- Develop and use assessment tools that allow for the fair and equitable evaluation of ALL candidates; Initial Review Scoring Sheet (p. 40).
- Ensure that interview questions are designed to elicit information about the applicants'/ candidates' ability to perform the essential functions of the job; Pre-Employment Inquiries and Interviewing Chart (p. 50).
- Review application materials and evaluate information in a consistent manner for all applicants and candidates at each step of the screening and interviewing process.
- Develop interview questions that are tailored to the job criteria; Pre-Employment Inquiries andInterviewing Chart (p. 50).
- Perform uniform reference checks for all candidates and ensure that the questions are job-related; Conducting Reference Checks(p. 63).
- Search committees should obtain permission from candidates before contacting references that are not listed by the candidate. This recommendation is not meant to prohibit recommending hiring authorities from doing an in-depth employment or background check of a finalist prior to extending a preliminary offer of employment.
- Each interviewer is encouraged to examine his/her preferences and pre-judgments so as to lessen any discriminatory impact on the hiring process.
- Interviewers should prepare for cross-cultural interviews. Be aware of gender, racial, or other group differences in eye contact, handshakes, idiomatic expressions, and the like.
- Before eliminating candidates because they "won't fit in," consider that "different" might also mean "excellent.” In addition, diversity might reflect culture, background or life styles that are different, but not relevant to the job.
- Follow MSU Denver’s Search and Screening Policies and Procedures; , full-time Search and Screening Procedures. Search forms can also be accessed at this site.
- Hiring Terminologies and Processes for the University – these processes are outlined at Hiring Terminologies and Processes. They include Interim (Internal and External), Administrative and Classified Hourly, Promotion, Reassignment, and Emergency Hires. This document will assist the department with diversity recruitment programs such as the Target of Opportunity (TOP) and the Faculty Recruitment Incentive Program (FRIP).Refer to this site for step by step instructions on processing the appropriate paperwork once a candidate has been offered and accepted the position as well as the other hiring processes available to the University community.
Section II
Organizing the Screening Committee
The University encourages diverse representation on each screening committee. When the committee is formed, the chair of the screening committee should submit the completed Screening Committee Roster Form – Form 1 (p. 37)to the Equal Opportunity Office. Screening committees should have at least five (5) members, including the chair of the search. To request a committee consisting of less than fivesend an e-mail toVelveta Howell, J.D., Interim Executive Director of Equal Opportunity, at and explain the circumstances. See Possible Screening Committee Configurations (p. 6). IndividualScreening Committee membersdo not have to be approved by the EO Office.
The recommending hiring authority and the screening committee chair discuss who will be represented on the committee.
The screening committee consists of members who have legitimate interests in the selection process; e.g., faculty searches should have screening committee members from the discipline subject area, department, and relevant college/school.
Each screening committee should include a diverse representation from protected groups on campus; students may also be included.
All committee members, including the chair of the search and the hiring authority, need to attend a “Charge” annually in order to serve on a Search and Screening committee. To RSVP go to - EO Search and Screening Training or call the EO team at 303-556-4746 to RSVP. All trainings are held in the SSB, Room 440; plan on 45 minutes.
Any search chair may elect to train their committee members. The search and screening guidelines, “Best Practices for Diversifying the Workforce” can be found at under “Full-time Search and Screening Procedures.” Any questions about the policies and procedures should be directed to a member of the Equal Opportunity Office team at 303-556-4746.
If it is determined during the course of the screening process that the procedures are not being followed, the Equal Opportunity Office may temporarily halt the search to investigate.
Possible Screening Committee Configurations – Remember a committee of five (5), including the chair of the search, is requested. Note – the EO Office does not approve or disapprove the committee.
Example A:
Screening Committee for Instructor/Assistant Professor of Management
- Three (3) members from the Department of Management
- One (1) member from a department deeply involved with the Department of Management, e.g., Marketing, Communications
- One (1) member from the Office of Student Services
- Two (2) students (optional)
Example B:
Screening Committee for Dean of the College of Professional Studies
- Three (3) department chairs within the College of Professional Studies (SOPS)
- Two (2) each, senior and junior professors from any SOPS department
- One (1) member from the professional staff or Academic Affairs office
- Two (2) senior students (optional)
Example C:
Screening Committee for Director or Admissions
- One (1) professional staff member from the Vice President for Student Service's office
- One (1) Admissions counselor
- One (1) or two (2) representatives from the Financial Aid Office
- One (1) lower and One (1) upper division student
- One (1) faculty member
Example D:
Screening Committee for Vice President for Administration and Finance
- One (1) member from professional group of vice-presidents, deans and department chairs
- One (1) member from classified personnel
- One (1) member from contract administrators (required for vice-president or president opening)
- One (1) member from each of the following:
Equal Opportunity
Advisory Council
Hispanic Faculty Staff Association
Institute for Women's Studies and Services
Student Government
- One (1) faculty member
- One (1) upper division student (optional)
Note – the EO Office DOES NOT approve or disapprove the committee. The requirement is a committee of FIVE (including the chair of the search). Requests can be made to the EO Director for a committee of less than five BUT must be preapproved. The President will often choose a committee for high level national searches, this is at the discretion of the President.
Screening Committee Roles and Responsibilities
The Recommending Hiring Authority is responsible for:
- Informing all offices involved that a search is to be conducted. The position description is generally written by the hiring authority. Faculty positions must utilize the “Minimum Requirements for Rank Upon Appointment” guidelines listed at .
- Related Fields – if an announcement refers to degree requirements and “related fields” those fields must either be listed on the announcement or referred to at “Related Fields for Faculty Appointments,” under the specific schools.
- Administrative and Faculty positions utilize the Online Application System and approval process electronically. Contact HR at 303-556-3120 for basic training and access to the Online Application system.
4. Appointing a screening committee chairperson and reviewing the list of committee members with the chairperson.
5. Directing the members of the screening committee to meet with the Equal Opportunity Office to receive instruction on the search and screening process, referred to as a “Charge.”
6. Informing the screening committee about matters affecting the screening process including, but not necessarily limited to:
- Clearly defining the scope of the screening committee's involvement with the screening process if it differs from the role set forth in these procedures.
- Advertisement exposure to maximize recruitment efforts.
- Scope of administrative/clerical support that will be available to committee.
- Desired timetables and timeframe for completion of the search.
- Any special institutional concerns, determined in conjunction with the Associate Director of the Equal Opportunity Office.
- Budget for search matters.
- Number of candidates to be selected for on-campus interviews and/or option for Skype Interviews.
7. Meeting regularly with the committee chairperson to discuss the screening progress or any problems that may occur.
8. Authorizing and approving the expenses to be incurred by the committee, including:
- Interviewing costs.
- Advertising costs incurred beyond the advertising paid for by the Equal Opportunity Office.
- Other necessary and appropriate expenditures following Colorado State fiscal rules.
- IMPORTANT: All advertising must be approved by the Equal Opportunity Office.
- Search firm, or search consultant costs.
9. Determining if qualified applicants, who are eliminated after the second screening (Form 5 Qualified but Not Interviewed), will be invited for an on-campus interview. The applicants to be reviewed will be identified by the Equal Opportunity Office, they may include qualified women, minorities,Veterans and persons with disabilities.
10. Accepting or rejecting recommendations for selection received from the screening committee.
11. Reviewing candidates selected for on-campus interviews and review of interview plans.
12. Ensuring that an offer is made to the successful candidate in a timely manner:
- after the hiring authority approves the recommendation;
- the search has been CERTIFIED by the EO Office; and
- Human Resources has responded on the salary assessment recommendation and background check requirements. These three items should be done PRIOR to making the offer.
- NOTE: Faculty Searches – consult with the Dean’s Office for specific protocol related to salary assessment, background check authorization, and offer letters.
13. Ensuring that applicants are notified if they are “no longer under consideration.” Applicant notification can be done through the online application system; call a member of the EO Team for instructions.