Nomination for an Honorary Award

Before completing this form, please read the criteria for the nomination of honorary awards (overleaf).

Name of nominee:
Current/Former Role:
Name of Nominator:
Biography of nominee:
Reason for nomination (please complete one or more of the following criteria):
Resonant with the values of the University
Distinction for their activities in the fields of work allied to the disciplines studied at The University of Northampton
By achievements, or through overcoming disadvantages, provide a worthy role model for Northampton students, staff and alumni.
Significant (current or possible future) contribution to the academic work, development or reputation of the University

Criteria for Honorary Awards

1Recipients of honorary awards must fulfil one or more of the following criteria:

  1. Resonant with the values of the University;
  2. Distinction for their activities in the fields of work allied to the disciplines studied at The University of Northampton;
  3. By achievements, or through overcoming disadvantages, provide a worthy role model for Northampton students, staff and alumni;
  4. Significant (current or possible future) contribution to the academic work, development or reputation of the University;
  5. Local connection with Northampton or Northamptonshire.

2Whilst it is likely that most recipients of honorary awards will have attained maturity of years in order to demonstrate their worthiness, there is value in recognising people who are likely to make further contributions in their career.

3Care should be taken to avoid any conflict of interest. An award should not be read as reciprocating a gift or political intervention on behalf of the University neither should there by any risk of embarrassment to either the honorand or the University as a consequence of the award being made.

4The contribution made by candidates, in their field, for the award of an honorary doctorate should be of at least national significance.

5A reasonable test of a candidate’s suitability, for honorary awards at any level, should be the ability to fit with the community of honorary award recipients at the University.