October 18, 2016
The Executive Board of the Virginia Mosquito Control Association held a meeting on October 18, 2016 at Suffolk Mosquito Control at 860 Carolina Rd.
Those present were Past President Jay Kiser, President Josh Smith, President Elect Jeff Hottenstein, Vice President George Wojcik, First Vice President LaToya White, Secretary/Treasurer Penny Smelser, MAMCA Representative Ann Herring, Sustaining Member Representative Jeff O’Neill, Timothy DuBois and Karen Akaratovic.
The Executive Board meeting was called to order at 9:13am.
Motion was made by Jay Kiser and seconded by Jeff O’Neill to approve the financial report, all in favor, none opposed.
Motion was made by Jay Kiser and seconded by Jeff Hottenstein to approve the meeting minutes for August 2016. All in favor none opposed.
Committee Reports
Jay Kiser: Larval ID class, the dates have been set as April 18-19, 2017. Jeff O’Neill has reached out to the vendors who would like to contribute financially. Jeff O’Neill will be creating a form for vendors to indicate how much they would like to contribute. The VMCA will make reservation for Dr. Harrison’s hotel accommodations ASAP.
Jay Kiser: The Student competition is underway, all participating schools have been contacted and they are looking at possibly 10+ submissions. The hotel will provide space and 10 tripods to display the posters. The Student Competition committee will present a plan for the silent auction at the next board meeting.
Karen Akaratovic: Merchandise committee is looking into new products to order. Committee would like to feature one item with a joint MAMCA/VMCA logo. Committee is also looking to order more zip up hoodies and a half order of t-shirts. Exact numbers and costs will be presented at a later meeting.
Unfinished Business
Tim DuBois is finalizing the registration form for the joint MAMCA VMCA 2017 meeting. Suggested including membership to MAMCA and VMCA in the registration fee for $125. Consider doing one price for “early” registration and a slight increase for “late” registration to encourage early registration. Student registration fee will be $35. Sustaining member registration will be $700, $100 of that will be passed to the VMCA. MAMCA business meeting is tentatively scheduled before the banquet on the second day and the VMCA meeting will be held at the end of the last day.
Jeff O’Neill is going to create a sponsorship form for vendors to support the various events at the meeting. The hospitality room will be funded by the VMCA only, no corporate sponsorship to encourage everyone to feel welcome to attend.
One of the agenda breaks will be centered on the student competition to encourage attendees to browse the posters.
The VMCA book of guidelines and protocols will be finalized soon and should be posted to the VMCA website.
Technical advisory team suggests the VMCA try Skype for business for future remote meeting and presenting needs. Cost is $60/year. Part of the Microsoft suite of applications.
New Business
Nominating committee has one candidate for First Vice President and will be seeking another.
Discussion was held on the need for the January pesticide recertification class in such close proximity to the annual meeting. Pesticide recertification class will be planned as usual and only cancelled if registration is low.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 am.
Respectfully Submitted,
Penelope Smelser
Secretary/Treasurer VMCA