AP Latin Vergil plan for 2011-12


A Vergil Workbook, by Bradley and Boyd; (VW)

A Latin-English dictionary

An English Translation of the Aeneid

Texts assigned to students:

A Song of War: Readings from Vergil’s Aeneid (SOW)


Calendar of Assignments, Meetings, Due Dates, and Assessments:

Week / Assignment, Meetings, Items Due / Notes
5-6 lines per night / SOW, p. 1-19. Wednesday after school meeting re: scansion of dactyllic hexameter, literary devices, reading tips, how to write an AP essay.
VW, Lesson 1, p. 2—read Latin thoroughly for understanding. Use SOW commentary to help. / Do a VERY careful reading of this intro material and make accurate notes for yourself in your notebook.
A “thorough” reading for comprehension begins to feel like you have this segment memorized.
2 / SOW, read pp. 26-29. VW 1—complete all of the questions in this lesson.
Before the week is out come in and check your answers. / Constantly consult the Latin text when answering quesitons. Make notes in your notebook from the intro to book 1. After you have corrected your answers, you MUST show your work to Doctor Patricius.
9 lines per night / VW 2, pp. 8-9—read Latin thoroughly for understanding. Use SOW commentary to help. Answer comprehension questions as you go. Wednesday after school meeting. Bring VW with essay. Examine qualities of a good AP essay; qualities of a good AP translation. / Does your reading of the Latin feel like you almost have it memorized? If not, you are not spending enough time with it. This is not about translating. It’s about understanding and becoming VERY familiar with the text.
4 / VW 2 Complete all questions in this lesson, always referring to the Latin text. Before the week is out come in and check your answers. / Review the guidelines for a good AP exam before writing your essay.
After you have corrected your answers, you MUST show your work to Doctor Patricius.
5 / VW 3, pp. 16-17 read Latin thoroughly for understanding. Use SOW commentary to help. Answer comprehensions questions as you go.
Wednesday after school meeting if needed. / Number of lines per night (5 days a week) are slowly increasing. Your work with these lines should always return to the Latin after any translating to make sure that reading it in Latin makes sense to you AS LATIN.
6 / VW 3 Complete all questions in this lesson, always referring to the Latin text. Before the week is out come in and check your answers. / After you have corrected your answers, you MUST show your work to Doctor Patricius.
10 lines per night / VW 4, pp. 22-23; read Latin thoroughly for understanding. Use SOW commentary for help. Answer comprehension questions as you go.
Wednesday after school bring VW to work on translation and scansion sections.
8 / VW 4 Complete all questions in this lesson, always referring to the Latin text. Before the week is out come in and check your answers. / After you have corrected your answers, you MUST show your work to Doctor Patricius.
9 lines per night / VW 5, pp. 28-29; read Latin thoroughly for understanding. Use SOW commentary for help. Answer comprehension questions as you go.
Wednesday after school if needed.
10 / VW 5 Complete all questions in this lesson, always referring to the Latin text. Before the week is out come in and check your answers. / After you have corrected your answers, you MUST show your work to Doctor Patricius.

Summer Reading: The entire Aeneid in English, and the short Latin summaries of each book. These Latin summaries will be given to you as a handout, and they should become VERY familiar to you.

Latin IV-AP Vergil Option

Dr. Patrick

Fall Calendar of Assignments, Meetings, Due Dates, and Assessments

Grading for Latin AP Vergil

Formative Assessments35 %

Summative Assessments45 %

Performance Final10%

Semester Final10%

For those doing the AP Vergil work as their contracted work, the Vergil Workbook material will always be recorded as “Formative Assessment”, and the Essays you write for each chapter will be recorded as “Summative Assessment”. Your Performance final grade will be based on in class work that we all do together. The written portion will be your Commonplace book. I will let you discard your two lowest essay grades at the end of the semester. Your 10 points will not be added until the end of the semester.

Creating ongoing notes

Your Vergil Workbook in itself becomes a collection of very important review materials for you as you approach the AP Exam. Doing it consistently and completely is essential. In addition to the WK, you should have a notebook in which you make notes about the commentary from Song of War. Learn to look for those insights from the commentary that will help you write good essays. The insight may actually be your own, inspired or initiated by something in the commentary for the reading. Create headings in your notebook that correspond to the Workbook chapter numbers and Aeneid lines so that you can match up your Workbook notes with your own commentary notes. If you do this consistently from now until the end of the year, your review sessions will be much easier for you.

Mondays of every week are “conference days”. I will be in conference with one group of students each Monday—Personal Project, AP, or SAT option students. While I am in conference with one group, the other groups will work together in cooperative learning. This is the ONLY in class time that you will have for your contracted options. All other contracted options take place outside of class. Essay assignments are due through the assignment submission on the Latin 4/AP page of Dr. Patrick’s website by Sunday night, 10 PM.

Week / Assignment / Monday Conference / Notes
Aug 8-12 / VW 6; commentary in SOW / 55 lines; essay # 2 only and submit through website
Aug 15-19 / VW 7; commentary in SOW / Aug. 15 to look at VW 6 / 47 lines; check VW.
Aug 22-26 / VW 8; commentary in SOW / Group co-op / 51 lines; check VW.
Aug 29
Sept 2 / VW 9; commentary in SOW / Aug. 29 to look at 7 and 8. / 53 lines;submit essay through Website
Sept 6-9 / VW 10; commentary in SOW / Group co-op / 52 lines; You have two weeks for this chapter as it requires a bit more analysis.
Sept 12-16 / VW 10 cont. / Sept. 12 to look at 9 and 10 / Submit one essay through to a partner and send each other feedback.
Sept 19-23 / VW 11; commentary in SOW / Group co-op: take turns re-telling the events of book 1 to each other in Latin. Take notes! / 25 lines; Submit one essay to partner for feedback. This ends book 1 and is a short lesson.
Sept 26-30 / VW 12; commentary in SOW / Sept 26 to review book 1. / 55 lines; Submit essay via Website.
Oct 3-7 / VW 13; commentary in SOW / Group co-op. / 50 lines; check VW and turn in for grading.
Oct 11-14 / VW 14; commentary in SOW / Tuesday, Oct. 11 to look at ch. 13. / 47 lines; submit essay via Website.
Oct 17-21 / VW 15; commentary in SOW / Group co-op / 56 lines; sight translation quiz.
Oct 24-28 / VW 16; commentary in SOW / Oct. 24 to look at 14-15 / 40 lines; submit essay via Website to a partner and send feedback to each other.
Oct. 31-Nov. 4 / VW 17; commentary in SOW. End of book 2. / Group co-op: retell the story of book 2 to each other in Latin! Take notes. / 69 lines; two weeks for this one. The essay is comprehensive. Sight translation quiz.
Nov 7-11 / VW 17 cont. / Nov. 7 to look review book 2. / Submit comprehensive essay via Website.
Nov 14-18 / VW 18; commentary in SOW. Begin book 4. / Group co-op / 64 lines; Check VW.
Nov 28-
Dec 2 / VW 19; commentary in SOW. / Nov. 28 to look at 18. / 63 lines; turn in checked VW for grading.
Dec 5-13 / Review class materials for class final

Second Semester

Jan 3-6
Jan 9-13 / VW18 / Jan 9 look at 18 / no essay
Jan 17-20 / VW19 / no essay
Jan 23-27 / VW20 / Jan 23 look at 19 / essay due Sun. PM
Jan 30-Feb 3 / VW21 / group co-op / Sight translation quiz
Feb 6-10 / VW22 / Feb.6 look at 20-21 / 3 way consult on essay outline
Feb 13-16 / VW23 / group co-op / Sight translation quiz
Feb 21-24 / VW24 / Feb 21 look at 22-23 / essay due Sun via website.
Feb 27-Mar 2 / VW25 / group co-op / Sight translation.
Mar 5-9 / VW26 / Mar 5 look at 24-25 / 3 way consult on essay outline
Mar 13-16 / VW27A / group co-op / Sight translation
Mar 19-23 / VW27B / Mar 19 look at 26-27A / essay due Sun PM
Mar 26-29 / VW28 / group co-op / Sight translation
Apr 9-13 / VW29 / April 9 look at 27B-28 / 3 way consult on essay outline
Apr 16-20 / VW30 / group co-op / sight translation
Apr 23 / final wrap up