


Core Mercy Values: / Compassion, Hospitality, Respect, Innovation, Stewardship, Teamwork
Position title: / Cleaner / Employee name:
Business Unit/Department: / Mercy Health – Aged Care
Cleaning / Date:
Position reports to: / Team Leader, Environmental Services / Positions reporting to this one: / Nil
Position Purpose: / To ensure the facility is cleaned and maintained in accordance with prescribed routines and in line with infection control guidelines.
Qualifications: / Previous experience in commercial cleaning work.
Resource management: / Total staff management (FTE):
Annual WorkCover Premium:
Personal Competencies required /

Job Competencies Required

  • Effective interpersonal skills and communication
  • Experience in dealing with older people including those with dementia related conditions

  • Actively supports the Mission and Values of Mercy Health
  • Experience in general domestic and food service duties, including working with relevant chemicals and equipment

  • Ability to operate in a team environment
  • Knowledge of resident documentation requirements

  • Ability to work in a busy environment
  • Knowledge of General Infection Control Procedures

  • Able to develop sound and efficient working routines
  • Sound manual handling practices and knowledge of chemical management

  • Able to be adaptable in an unpredictable environment
  • Knowledge of operational processes at Mercy Place Warnambool

Key Result Areas / Key Activities / Standard Measures


Demonstrates and upholds the Values and Mission of Mercy Health /
  • Ensure the values of Mercy Health are incorporated into daily practices in relation to all activities.
  • Be compassionate and provide support to staff and customers.
  • Consistently shows respect and values each person’s dignity.
  • Seeks opportunities to be innovative for improvement.
  • Is accountable for a high standard of care.
  • Communicates and operates openly and honestly as an effective team member.

Customer Service /
  • Effectively communicates with residents and/or their representatives and care staff in relation to cleaning requirements
  • Meets resident needs and wants on an ongoing basis in relation to cleaning requirements

Perform general domestic duties throughout the facility. /
  • Ensure all resident rooms are cleaned thoroughly as per established routines or as required
  • Ensure all public toilets and staff areas are cleaned as per schedules
  • Paper products are at an adequate level in staff, public and resident facilities
  • Ensure duties lists are accurate and up to date
  • High standard of cleaning in the duties performed
  • Participate in reviews of routines and work practices
  • Compliance with Mercy Health policies and procedures
  • No resident complaints re cleanliness
  • Good feedback on cleanliness from resident survey results
  • No adverse feedback on cleanliness of facility through resident forums, resident / family / visitors
  • Cleaning performed as per schedule and documentation on cleaning schedules maintained
  • All duties performed as per duties lists
  • Internal audits show little remedial action on cleanliness
  • Adherence to Mercy Health policies and procedures

Minimise infection outbreaks. /
  • Infection control guidelines for cleaning are followed
  • Appropriate use of chemicals
  • No infection outbreaks because of poor cleaning standards

Proper adherence to OH&S principles. /
  • Manual handling guidelines followed
  • Manutension training undertaken and refreshed as appropriate
  • Appropriate handling and use of chemicals
  • No Workcover claims through inappropriate practices
  • No accidents / incidents due to poor work practices or mishandling chemicals or equipment

Appropriate resident documentation at all times. /
  • Resident documentation in workbooks at assessment time and on admission
  • Participate in daily personal care briefings if appropriate
  • Provide relevant feedback on resident issues to the appropriate supervisor
  • ACFI scores maximised

Team Work


Individually is an effective team member and works with others in a way that empowers them to be effective team members.

  • Promotes positive culture through active engagement in the workplace through concepts of
  • Choose your attitude
  • Be there for all
  • Make their day
  • Have fun
  • TEAM work is evident
  • Effectively manages conflict situations
  • Gossip is effectively managed
  • Evidence of positive culture – core business achieved on time, high staff and resident satisfaction levels and effective use of resources.

Ensure compliance with legislative requirements. /
  • Ensure compliance with OH&S requirements
  • OH&S compliance at all times

Participation in Quality activities. /
  • Participation in the Quality initiatives at facility at all times
  • Keeping up to date with Quality outcomes at our facility.
  • Accreditation maintained

Takes reasonable care to protect the health and safety of them, fellow staff and others in the workplace. /
  • Complete incident reports
  • Elect and support health and safety representatives
  • Contribute to risk assessments
  • Participate in training and meetings regarding safety
  • Reports hazards, near misses and injuries immediately
  • Uses personal protective equipment
  • Comply with risk management policies and procedures and instruction
  • Attend all safety meetings and training sessions

Employee’s Signature: / Date:
Print Name:
Line Manager Signature: / Date:
Print Name:

Mercy Health Cleaner