Minutes of the Crafty Scrappers General Membership Meeting

Monday, November 7, 2011

Call to Order Bonnie Lenke, Crafty Scrappers Club President called the meeting to order at 3:07 p.m. The President welcomed everyone

to the meeting and on returning after a summer hiatus.

The following members were present: Bonnie Lenke (President), Darlene Rachey (Vice President), Judi Kuczek (Secretary), Cindy Lamm (Treasurer), Eileen Bergstrom, Barbara Berghoff, Angie Storoschuck, and Eleanor DeMizio.

Approval of No meeting minutes were submitted.

General Membership

Meeting Minutes

Treasurer’s Report Cindy Lamm reported that the club’s initial income of $255.00 was the result of membership dues. The current balance is approximately $113.00. Disbursements consisted of $30.00 in printing checks, $25.00 donation to Caring Neighbors for their Thanksgiving Food Drive, $30.00 for a Club Poster for the Sage Center hallway, name badges and magnets, paper cutter and miscellaneous supplies.

Old Business Bonnie reported that the club had received $200 from Bruce Friedman. Bonnie purchased items from Creative Memories and utilized the purchase as a “party” so the club received additional benefits through Bonnie as a representative of Creative Memories. Bonnie showed members the items purchased: punches, page cutters and page planner.

New Business

Room Schedule Bonnie announced that club room assignments had been finalized for the coming year. Crafty Scrappers will utilize the Terra Cotta and Correander room from 9am – 12 noon every Monday and the Terra Cotta room from 12 noon until 9 pm every Monday. Beginning in January the club will add an additional day for scrapping. The club will be able to use the Terra Cotta room every Wednesday from 9am – 3 pm.

Discussion: A question was raised as to whether or not there would be any storage space available for scrappers to house their supplies from Mondays to Wednesday to ease the transporting of supplies.

Action: At this time there is inadequate storage available for personal use. Each officer and Angie Storoschuck has a key to the drawer containing the keys to all the drawers containing scrapping supplies. Arrangements will be made to have the supplies available to members on Mondays as well and on Wednesdays beginning next year.

Membership Dues It is time to renew club membership dues. Dues are $10 each year from January 1st through December 31st. Checks are to be made out to SCF Crafty Scrappers. Members joining in the last quarter will pay $2.50.

Club Donation to Charity Discussion: Crafty Scrappers was asked to support Caring Neighbors and thus the Board decided to donate $25.00 for their Thanksgiving drive. Suggestions were made regarding other charities that would be appropriate for a scrapbooking club.

Action: Bonnie will investigate the Creative Memories organization regarding possible donation recipients. Bonnie will also explore a local church for possible donations of scrapbooks for foster children and military personnel.

Nomination of Officers The current club officers agreed to continue in their present positions being there were no other nominations.

Action: Election of officers will take place at the next General Meeting scheduled for December 5th.

Pot Luck A Potluck Dinner is planned to coincide with the next General Meeting scheduled for December 5th

Action: Scrapping will take place at the Sage Center in the morning with the General Meeting and potluck dinner taking place at 3pm at Bonnie Lenke’s house. Bonnie graciously volunteered her home. Dar Rachey will be in charge of the potluck and will send out an email to determine how many members will be able to attend and what food items will be needed. A gift exchange was proposed but declined by club members.

Sales Event Saturday, November 12th SCF will hold its Fall Festival Sales Event from 11am – 2 pm. Bonnie and Dar will staff a table to promote the Crafty Scrappers Club. Membership applications will be available.

Upcoming Events On January 9th, 2012 Dar Rachey will conduct a scrapbooking class for beginners. The class will allow attendees to complete one scrapbook page. Lisa Annett will send out an email blast to all residents to encourage attendance. The class is intended to generate interest in club membership.

Future Plans Bonnie asked for suggestions for future club activities. Eileen Bergstrom will research upcoming scrapbooking expos and report back to members.

Adjournment It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 3:55 pm.

Respectfully submitted: Judi Kuczek
