MINUTES of the ANNUAL MEETING of the PARISH COUNCIL held in the VILLAGE HALL at 7.30 pm on Tuesday12th May 2015 – (UNCONFIRMED)
Present:Mr D M Walker (in the Chair)Mr J SantoroMr R Beeby
Mr D BunkerMrs N DaltonMrs A Lovett
In attendance: Mrs R Hague (Clerk to the Parish Council)
Two members of the Publicwerealso present.
1.Apologies were received from Cllr Mr A Brown and Cllr Mr R Adair.
2.Election of Officers for 2015/6
(a)Chairman: Cllr Mr D Walker was re-elected, proposed by Cllr Mrs N Daltonand seconded by Cllr Mr R Beeby. There were no other nominations.
(b)Vice Chairman: Cllr Mr R Beeby was re-elected, proposed by Cllr Mr D Walker and seconded by Cllr Mrs A Lovett. There were no other nominations.
(c)Declaration of Acceptance of Office Form – Elected Chairman
The Clerk received the form from the Chairman and was duly counter-signed for safe keeping in the Parish Office.
(d)Councillors Acceptance of Nomination Forms
All councillors complete the forms which are counter-signed by the Clerk and retained for safe keeping in the Parish Office. Declaration of Interest forms issued to all councillors to be completed and returned to Rushcliffe Borough Council.
3. Appointment of New Clerk and acceptance of Contract of Employment
Cllr Mr D Walkerthanks Mrs A Gardam for her work as Parish Clerk. Mrs R Hague is appointed as the new Parish Clerk, the Contract of Employment is signed by Mrs R Hague and counter-signed by Cllr Mr D Walker.
4.The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 19th January 2015 were accepted, approved and signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record. Proposed by Cllr Mrs N Dalton and seconded by Cllr MrR Beeby.
5.Matters Arising from the Minutes above
Cllr Mr R Beeby requested an update on the works at Stanford Hall. Cllr Mr D Walker advised a visit was being arranged for later in May.
6.Matters Arising from the Annual Parish Meeting held Monday 16th March 2015
No matters arising.
7.Open Discussion Time
A member of the public raised the issue of the Cemex Quarry and concerns of the structural impact on nearby properties.
8.Dog Fouling, Public Footpath, Welfare Field: Provision of Doggie Bin at entrance by VH
Correspondence received from parishioner regarding the dog fouling in Welfare Field. Clerk to get updated costs for installing and maintaining a second dog bin near the entrance to Welfare Field and liaise with Cllr Mr A Brown regarding possible funding. To be discussed at next parish meeting.Also suggested that land owners replace the damaged sign on the entrance to Welfare Field stating dogs should be kept on a lead.
Chairman thanks Mrs J Taylor for collating an update on the allotments. Following a new application all the allotments are now full. Feedback from allotment holders discussed. Clerk to issue new tenancy agreements.
10.Grass Mowing – Village Green
Correspondence received from parishioner regarding the need for additional cuts to the village green. Cllr Mr D Walker would like to thank Trevor Sanderson for the additional cuts he has carried out to the village green. It was confirmed by Land Registry in 2013 that the village green is privately owned by the adjacent houses, therefore responsibility for maintaining the grass remains with the land owners.
11.Planning Issues:
(a) Cemex – application to consolidate previous planning permissions and extension of existing quarry involving the extraction of sand and gravel with restoration to agriculture and conservation wetland, retention of existing aggregate processing plant, silt lagoon and access / haul road.
(b) 14/02642/FUL James & David Parker & Sally Saunders, Rempstone Hall Farm, Ashby Road, Rempstone, Nottinghamshire. LE12 6RG. Residential development of 5 new dwellings: demolition of farm buildings. Permission refused.
(c) 15/00929/LBC Mr V & Mrs C Phillipps, Grange Farm, Wysall Lane, Rempstone, Nottinghamshire. LE12 6RW. Alterations to listed building comprising: door and side screens between kitchen and stairs; windows and doors to west wing; porch/canopy over side door; canopy over front door.No objection but would like further consideration of front porch design as concerns it is not in keeping with the style.
12.To approve and sign the Audit
Internal Audit and Risk Assessment completed. Councillors approved this and Cllr Mr D Walker and Clerk signed form, as per item 9 of the Agenda.
13. Finance
Date / Payee / chq no. / Reason / Amt05/05/2015 / Autela / 10042 / Clerk's PAYE / £11.25
05/05/2015 / Alice Gardam / 10043 / Audit services / £195.00
05/05/2015 / Derrick Rumsby / 10044 / Internal Audit / £45.00
05/05/2015 / Dawn Henfrey / 10045 / Website Services / £10.00
DD / BT / Phone / £72.36
DD / Freeola / Website Services / £10.80
DD / BT / Internet / £99.00
14.Neighbourhood Watch
Cllr Mr J Santoro updates that there has been no crimes. Still awaiting confirmation of when the final CCTV camera will be set up. There has been no feedback from the police regarding the traffic surveys.
No further Correspondence.
16.Any Other Business
a)CllrMr D Walker thanks Cllr Mr D Bunker for his work on the high speed broadband project. Cllr Mr D Bunker advises they are aiming for a 20% uptake and that they’ll report back with the findings soon.Cllr Mrs N Dalton suggests that the village hall should upgrade to superfast broadband and offer free wifi. Clerk to get prices to upgrade connection.
b)Cllr Mrs N Dalton advises that there is now a vacancy for website designer.
c)Cllr Mrs A Lovett advises that the path on Wymeswold Road has an uneven surface and debris on it. Also light 2 by the crossroads is out. County Highways to be contacted.
d)Petition regarding HGVs mounting the pavement rejected. To be followed up with Cllr Mr A Brown.
e)Cllr Mr J Santoro advises British Gypsum are looking to start excavating behind Wymeswold Road within the next 10years. Application expected May.
f)No repair date for damage on the junction for drainage pipe replacement.
17.Date of Next Meeting: Monday 6th July 2015 at the 7.30 pm.
There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and for their contribution to the proceedings and the meeting closed at 9.00pm
Signed: ______
Date: ______