Curriculum Vitae

Philip Scott Zeitler MD, PhD

Home AddressWork Address:

25318 Foothills Drive NorthDivision of Endocrinology

Golden, CO80401Department of Pediatrics

13123 E. 16th Avenue

Aurora, CO80045

Tel: 720-777-6128




Current Position: Professor of Pediatrics and Clinical Sciences

Head, Section of Pediatric Endocrinology

University of ColoradoDenver

Place of Birth: Malden, MA

Citizenship: USA

Marital Status: Married - Barbara Morris MD

Children: Evan 1/9/87



1974-1978Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude (Biology)

AmherstCollege, Amherst, MA

1978-1984Doctor of Philosophy (Physiology)

DukeUniversity, Durham, NC

Advisor: Stuart Handwerger, MD

Dissertation: The Regulation of Human Placental Lactogen Release in vitro: Arachidonic Acid, Phospholipase C Activation, and Calcium Efflux.

1978-1985Doctor of Medicine

DukeUniversity, Durham, NC



Department of Pediatrics, University of Washington/Children's Hospital and MedicalCenter, Seattle, WA

1988Assistant Chief Resident

Department of Pediatrics, University of Washington/Children's Hospital and MedicalCenter, Seattle, WA

1988-1990Senior Fellow

Dept. of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA


Division of Endocrinology, Department of Pediatrics, Children's HospitalMedicalCenter, Cincinnati, OH

Academic Appointments


Division of Ambulatory Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics

University of Washington, Seattle, WA

1991-1992Research Instructor

Division of Endocrinology, Department of Pediatrics

Children's HospitalMedicalCenter, Cincinnati, OH

1992-1996Assistant Professor

Division of Endocrinology, Department of Pediatrics

Children's HospitalMedicalCenter, Cincinnati, OH

1993-1996Member, Graduate Faculty

Graduate Program in Developmental Biology

University of CincinnatiCollege of Medicine

1993-1996Member, Graduate Faculty

Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience

University of CincinnatiCollege of Medicine

1996-2001Assistant Professor

Division of Endocrinology, Department of Pediatrics

University of Colorado Health Science Center, Denver CO

2001-2008Associate Professor

Division of Endocrinology, Department of Pediatrics

University of Colorado Health Science Center, Denver CO

2002-2008Associate Director

Pediatric General Clinical ResearchCenter

University of Colorado Health Science Center, Denver CO

2008 – Medical Director

Pediatric Clinical Translational ResearchCenter

Colorado Clinical Translational Science Institute

University of ColoradoDenver

2008 - Professor of Pediatrics (with Tenure)

Division of Endocrinology

University of ColoradoDenver

2008 - Professor of Clinical Sciences

University of Colorado Denver

2011-Head, Section of Endocrinology

Department of Pediatrics


1992-1996Attending Physician

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital

1996 - Attending Physician

The Children’s Hospital, Denver, CO

2000-2005Attending Physician

Memorial Hospital, Colorado Springs, CO


1977Phi Beta Kappa, Amherst College, Amherst MA

1978Sigma Xi, Amherst College, Amherst, MA

1980-81James B Duke Fellowship, Duke University, Durham, NC

1981-1985Medical Scientist Training Program, DukeUniversity, Durham, NC

1981Alpha Omega Alpha, Duke University, Durham, NC

1988-1989Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Neurobiology Training Program, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

1989-1991National Research Service Award, National Institute of Child Health and Development

1991-1992William Cooper Procter Scholar, Children’s Hospital Research Foundation, Cincinnati, OH

1992-1994 Pediatric Scientist Career Development Award, Pediatric Center for Gene Expression and Development, National Institute for Child Health and Development

1996-1999Professional Development Award, The Research Council of the Children’s Hospital Research Institute, Denver, CO

2003 - Study Chair, TODAY


Endocrine Society

Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society

Western Society for Pediatric Research

Society for Pediatric Research

American Diabetes Association

American Pediatric Society


1989State of Ohio

1996State of Colorado

1998State of Wyoming


1986Diplomate -National Board of Medical Examiners

1989Diplomate- American Board of Pediatrics

Recertification 1999

1992Diplomate- Sub- Board of Pediatric Endocrinology

Recertification 2006


Papers published in peer-reviewed journals

1.Handwerger S, Barrett J, Barry S, Markoff E, Zeitler P, Cwikel B, Siegel M: Stimulation of human placental lactogen secretion by arachidonic acid. Molecular Pharmacology 20:609-613,1981

2.Handwerger S, Barry S, Barrett J, Markoff E, Zeitler P, Cwikel B, Siegel M: Inhibition of the synthesis and secretion of decidual prolactin by arachidonic acid. Endocrinology 109:2016-2021, 1981

3.Markoff E, Zeitler P, Peleg S, Handwerger S: Characterization of the synthesis and release of prolactin by an enriched fraction of human decidual cells. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 56:962-968, 1983

4.Zeitler P, Markoff E, Handwerger S: Characterization of the synthesis and release of human placental lactogen and human chorionic gonadotropin by an enriched population of dispersed placental cells. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 57:812-818,1983.

5.Zeitler P, Handwerger S: Arachidonic acid stimulates phosphoinositide hydrolysis and human placental lactogen release in an enriched fraction of placental cells. Molecular Pharmacology 28:549-554,1985.

6.Zeitler P, Murphy E, Handwerger S: Arachidonic acid induced calcium mobilization and hPL release: a role for arachidonic acid and calcium as intracellular mediators. Life Sciences 38:99-107,1986.

7.Harman I, Zeitler P, Ganong B, Bell RM, Handwerger S: Sn 1,2 Diacyglycerols and phorbol esters stimulate the synthesis and release of human placental lactogen from placental cells: A role for protein kinase C. Endocrinology 119:1239-1244,1986.

8.Zeitler P, Argente J, Chowen-Breed J, Clifton D, Steiner RA: Growth hormone-releasing hormone messenger RNA in the hypothalamus is increased by testosterone. Endocrinology 127:1362-1368, 1990

9.Zeitler P, Vician L, Chowen-Breed J, Argente J, Tannenbaum G, Clifton D, Steiner R: Regulation of somatostatin and growth-hormone releasing hormone gene expression in the rat brain. Metabolism 39 (suppl 2):46-49, 1990

10.Tannenbaum GS, McCarthy GF, Zeitler P, Beaudet A: Cysteamine-induced enhancement of growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF) immunoreactivity in arcuate neurons: morphological evidence for putative somatostatin/GRF interactions within hypothalamus. Endocrinology 127:2551-2560, 1990

11.Argente J, Chowen-Breed JA, Zeitler P, Clifton DK, Steiner RA: Sexual dimorphism of growth hormone-releasing hormone and somatostatin gene expression in the hypothalamus of the rat during development. Endocrinology 128:2369-2375, 1991

12.Zeitler P, Wu YQ, Handwerger S: Melittin stimulates phosphoinositide hydrolysis and placental lactogen release: arachidonic acid as a link between phospholipase A2 and phospholipase C signal-transduction pathways. Life Sciences 48: 2089-2095, 1991

13.Zeitler P, Tannenbaum GS, Clifton DK, Steiner RA: Ultradian rhythms in somatostatin and growth hormone-releasing hormone mRNA content in adult male rats. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA: 88:8920-8924, 1991

14. Chua SC, Hennessey KL, Zeitler P, Leibel RL: The little (lit) mutation cosegregates with the growth hormone releasing factor receptor on mouse chromosome 6. Mammalian Genome 4:555-559, 1993

15. Zeitler P, Downs T, Frohman LA: Impaired growth hormone-releasing hormone signal transduction in the dwarf (dw) rat is independent of a defect in the stimulatory G protein  subunit. Endocrinology 133:2782-2786, 1993

16. Zeitler P, Downs TR, Frohman LA: Development of pituitary cell types in the spontaneous dwarf (dw) rat: evidence for an isolated defect in somatotroph differentiation. Endocrine 2:729-733,1994

17.Markoff E, Fellows J, Pennington E, Zeitler PS, Cedars MI: Localization of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-4 expression in the mouse uterus during the peri-implantation period. Biology of Reproduction 53:1103-1109, 1995

18.Zeitler P. Delay in diagnosis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia in an acutely ill infant: the confounding effect of unrelated medical therapies. Clinical Pediatrics 34:603-604, 1995

19.Li H, Zeitler P, Small K, ValeriusMT, Potter SS. Gsh-1, an orphan Hox gene, is required for normal pituitary development in mice. EMBO Journal 15:714-724, 1996

20.Korytko AI, Zeitler PS, Cuttler L: Developmental regulation of pituitary growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor expression. Endocrinology 137:1326-1331, 1996

21.Pinhas-Hamiel O, Dolan LM, Standiford DS, Khoury P, Daniels SR, Zeitler P: Increasing incidence of non-insulin dependent diabetes melittus in children and adolescents. Journal of Pediatrics 128:608-615, 1996

22.Pinhas-Hamiel O, Dolan LM, Zeitler P. Diabetic Ketoacidosis among obese black adolescents with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care, 20:484-486,1997

24. Tannenbaum GS, Zhang W-H, Lapointe M, Zeitler P, Beaudet A. Growth hormone-releasing hormone neurons in the arcuate nucleus express both Sst1 and Sst2 somatostatin receptor genes. Endocrinology, 139:1450–1453, 1998

  1. Zeitler P, Stevens PH, Siriwardana G. Functional Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone Receptor carboxyl terminal Isoforms in Normal and Dwarf (dw) rats. J Mol Endocrinol 21:363-371, 1998
  1. Pinhas-Hamiel O, Zeitler P. The Importance of a name – clinical problem solving. New Engl J Med 340:1418-1422, 1999
  1. Pinhas-Hamiel O, Alfaro MP, Standiford D, Hamiel D, Cohen R, Zeitler P. The Type 2 Family: a setting for development and treatment of adolescent type 2 diabetes. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 153:1063–1067, 1999
  1. Zeitler P, Siriwardana G. Stimulation of mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway in rat somatotrophs by growth hormone-releasing hormone. Endocrine 12 :257-64,2000
  1. Pinhas-Hamiel O, Zeitler P. “Who is the wise man? - the one who foresees consequences" childhood obesity, new associated comorbidity and prevention. Preventive Medicine 31:702-705,2000
  2. Covar R, Leung DYM, McCormick D, Steelman J, Zeitler P, Spahn JD. Risk factors associated with glucocorticoid-induced adverse effects in children with severe asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 106:651-9, 2000
  3. Zeitler P, Siriwardana G. Antagonism of endogenous growth hormone-releasing hormone leads to reduced proliferation and increased apoptosis in MDA231 breast cancer cells Endocrine18:85-90, 2002
  1. Steelman J, Zeitler P. Treatment of Symptomatic pediatric osteoporosis with cyclic single-day cyclic intravenous pamidronate infusions. J Pediatr. 2003 142:417-23, 2003
  1. Pinhas-Hamiel O, Zeitler P. Barriers to the treatment of Type 2 diabetes in adolescents: a survey of provider perceptions. Pediatric Diabetes 4:24-28, 2003.
  1. Maniatis AK, Simmons JH, Zeitler PS. Hypothalamic obesity in a patient with craniopharyngioma:Dysregulation of neurohormonal control of energy balance. Current Opinion in Pediatrics 17:275-279, 2005
  1. Pinhas-Hamiel O, Zeitler P. The global spread of type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents. J. Pediatr146:693-700, 2005.
  1. Nadeau K, Klingensmith G, Zeitler P. Type 2 diabetes in children is frequently associated with elevated alanine aminotransferase. J Peds Gastro Hepat Nutr 41: 94-98, 2005
  1. Simmons, JH, Zeitler PS, Fenton LZ, Abzug MJ, Fiallo-Scharer RV, Klingensmith GJ. Rhinocerebral mucormycosis complicated by internal carotid artery thrombosis in a pediatric patient with type I diabetes mellitus: a case report and review of the literature. Pediatric Diabetes 6:234, 2005
  1. Songer T, Glazner J, Coombs L, Cuttler L, Daniel M, Estrada S, Klingensmith G, Kriska A, Laffel L, Zhang P and the TODAY study group. Examining the economic costs related to lifestyle and pharmacologic interventions in Youth with type 2 diabetes. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 6: 315-324, 2006
  1. Maniatis A, Taylor L, Letson GW, Bloch C, Kappy MS, Zeitler P. Congenital hypothyroidism and the 2nd newborn screen in Colorado. J Peds Endocrinol Metab, 19:31-38, 2006
  1. Siriwardana G, Coy D, Bradford A, Zeitler P. Autocrine/paracrine regulation of breast cancer cell proliferation by growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) via Ras, Raf and MAP Kinase. Molecular Endocrinolog 20:2010-2019, 2006
  1. Love-Osborne K, Butler NS, Gao N, Zeitler PS. Elevated fasting triglycerides predict impaired glucose tolerance in adolescents at risk for type 2 diabetes. Pediatric Diabetes 7:205-210, 2006
  1. The TODAY study group. Treatment Options for Type 2 Diabetes in Adolescents and Youth (TODAY): A study of the comparative efficacy of metformin alone or in combination with rosiglitazone or lifestyle intervention in adolescents with type 2 diabetes. Pediatric Diabetes 8:74-87, 2007. (Chair, Writing Group)
  1. Pinhas-Hamiel O, Zeitler P. Acute and chronic complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus in children. The Lancet 369:1823-1831, 2007
  1. Love-Osborne K, Sheeder J, Zeitler P. Addition of metformin to a lifestyle modification program in adolescents with insulin resistance. J Pediatr 152:817-822, 2008
  1. Love-Osborne KA, Nadeau KJ, Sheeder J, Zeitler P. Presence of the metabolic syndrome in obese adolescents predicts impaired glucose tolerance and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. J Adolesc Health 42:543-548, 2008
  1. Dabelea D, Mayer-Davis EJ, Lamichhane AP, D'Agostino RB Jr, Liese AD, Vehik KS, Venkat Narayan KM, Zeitler P, Hamman RF. Association of Intrauterine Exposure to Maternal Diabetes and Obesity with Type 2 Diabetes in Youth: The SEARCH Case-Control Study. Diabetes Care 31:1422-1426, 2008
  1. Rauch F, Plotkin H, Dimeglio L, Engelbert RH, Henderson RC, Munns C, Wenkert D, Zeitler P. Fracture Prediction and the Definition of Osteoporosis in Children and Adolescents: The ISCD 2007 Pediatric Official Positions. J Clin Densitom.11:22-8, 2008
  1. Nadeau KJ, Ehlers LB, Zeitler PS, Love-Osborn, K. Treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease with metformin versus lifestyle intervention in insulin-resistant adolescents. Pediatric Diabetes. 10:5-13, 2009.
  1. West N, Hamman R, Mayer-Davis E, D’Agostino Jr R, Marcovina S, Liese A, Zeitler P, Daniels S, Dabelea D. Cardiovascular risk factors among youth with and without type 2 diabetes: differences and possible mechanisms. Diabetes Care 32: 175-180, 2009
  1. Nadeau KJ, Zeitler PS, Bauer TA, Brown MS, Dorosz JL, Draznin B, Reusch JEB, Regensteiner JG. Insulin resistance in adolescents with type 2 diabetes is associated with impaired exercise capacity. J Clin Endocrinol Metab ePUB ahead of print July 2009.
  1. Nadeau KJ, Regensteiner J, Bauer T, Brown M, Dorosz J, Hull A, Zeitler P, Draznin, B, Reusch J. Insulin Resistance in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes and Its Relationship to Cardiovascular Function. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 95:513-521, 2010.
  1. Woodmansee WW, Hartman ML, Lamberts SW, Zagar AJ, Clemmons DR; International HypoCCS Advisory Board. Occurrence of impaired fasting glucose in GH-deficient adults receiving GH replacement compared with untreated subjects. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf).72:59-69, 2010
  1. TODAY Study Group. Design of a family-based lifestyle intervention foryouth with type 2 diabetes: The TODAY study. Int J Obes34:217-226, 2010
  1. Zeitler P Considerations regarding the diagnosis and treatment of childhood type 2 diabetes mellitus. Postgraduate Med, 122:89-97, 2010
  1. Zeitler P, Solberg P. Food and Levothyroxine Administration in Infants and Children. J. Pediatr 157:13-14, 2010.
  1. Klingensmith GJ, Pyle L, Arslanian S, Copeland K, Cuttler L, Kaufman F, Laffel L, Marcovina S, Tollefsen SE, Weinstock RS, Lindner B, TODAY Study Group. The presence of GAD and IA-2 antibodies in youth with type 2 diabetes phenotype. Diabetes Care 33:1970-1975, 2010
  1. Zeitler P, Haqq A, Rosenbloom A, Glaser N. Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Syndrome in Children: Pathophysiologic Considerations and Suggested Guidelines for Treatment. J Pediatr 158:9-14, 2011
  1. Schweiger B, Zeitler P, Eppley S, Sweitik M, Barker J. Using the Electronic Medical Record to Improve Education in Patients at Risk for Adrenal Insufficiency. Int J Pediatr Endocrinol. 2010;2010. pii: 964525.
  1. Copeland KC, Zeitler P, Geffner M, Guandalini C, Higgins J, Hirst K, Kaufman FR, Linder B, Marcovina S, McGuigan P, Pyle L, Tamborlane W, Willi S, the TODAY Study Group. Characteristics of adolescents with type 2 diabetes: The TODAY Cohort at Baseline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 96:159-167, 2011 (Writing group co-chair)
  1. Hobernicht SL, Schweiger B, Zeitler P, Wang M, Hunger SP. Acquired growth hormone deficiency in a girl with chronic myelogenous leukemia treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy.Pediatr Blood Cancer. 56:671-673, 2011
  1. Nadeau K, Kolotkin RL, Boex R, Witten T, McFann KK, Zeitler P, Abramson NW. Metabolic syndrome and health-related quality of Ljfe in the adolescent population. In press, Journal of Adolescent Health
  1. Moriarty-Kelsey M, Harwood JE, Travers SH, Zeitler PS, Nadeau KJ (2010) Testosterone, Obesity and Insulin Resistance in Young Males: Evidence for an association between gonadal dysfunction and insulin resistance during puberty. J Pediatric Endocrinol Metab 23: 1281-87, 2010
  1. N Tartaglia,S Howell, N Ayari, C D’Epagnier, P Zeitler. 48,XXYY, 48,XXXY and 49,XXXXY syndromes: Not just variants of Klinefelter syndrome. Acta Paediatrica 100:851-60, 2011
  1. TODAY Study Group, Wilfley D, Berkowitz R, Goebel-Fabbri A, Hirst K, Ievers-Landis C, Lipman TH, Marcus M, Ng D, Pham T, Saletsky R, Schanuel J, Van Buren D. Binge eating, mood, and quality of life in youth with type 2 diabetes: baseline data from the today study.Diabetes Care 34:858-60, 2011

Invited papers, commentaries, editorials and reviews

  1. Pinhas-Hamiel O, Zeitler P. Insulin resistance, obesity and related disorders among African American Adolescents. Invited Commentary, Journal of Pediatrics 129:319-321, 1996
  1. Pinhas-Hamiel O, Zeitler PS. Type 2 diabetes mellitus in adolescents, no longer rare. Pediatrics in Review 19:434-435, 1998

3. Pinhas-Hamiel O, Zeitler P.A Weighty Problem - the rising incidence of adolescent NIDDM. Diabetes Spectrum 10:292-296, 1997

  1. Zeitler P. A rose is a rose is a rose – or is it. Invited Editorial. J. Pediatr 135: 142-4, 1999.
  1. Steelman J, Zeitler P. Osteoporosis in Pediatrics. Pediatrics in Review 22:56-65, 2001
  1. Pinhas-Hamiel O, Zeitler P. Type 2 diabetes in Childhood: Not just for grown-ups anymore. Contemporary Pediatrics 18:102 -125 , 2001
  1. Love K, Zeitler P. Type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance in Adolescents. The Endocrinologist, 11:35-40, 2001.
  1. Pinhas-Hamiel O, Zeitler P. The changing nature of diabetes in children and adolescents. Patient Care Magazine 38:33-42, 2004
  1. Maahs D, Zeitler P. Type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents. Curr Opin endocrinol 11:60-64, 2004
  1. Zeitler P. How to strengthen brittle bones. Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium – GH and Growth factors in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2005
  1. Simmons JH, Zeitler PS. Osteopenia: when and how to intervene. Curr Opin Endocrinol Diab 13:21-25, 2005
  1. Zeitler P. School based intervention to reduce obesity and diabetes risks: small steps for a big problem. Invited Editorial, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 92:422-424, 2007
  1. Pinhas-Hamiel O, Zeitler P. Type 2 diabetes in Children and Adolescents. Pediatirc Medicine 3: 24 – 26, 2007
  1. Pinhas-Hamiel P, Zeitler P. Clinical presentation and treatment of type 2 diabetes in adolescents. Pediatric Diabetes 9:16-27, 2007
  1. Zeitler P. Type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents: diagnosis and typology. Obesity Management 2007.
  1. Zeitler P. Type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents: Clinical Features. Obesity Management, 2007
  1. Zeitler P.Type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents: treatment. Obesity Management 2008
  1. Nadeau K, Zeitler P. A boost to the study of insulin secretion in children and adolescents. Invited Editorial, J Pediatr. 152:603-4, 2008
  1. Pinhas-Hamiel O, Zeitler P. Acute and chronic complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in children and adolescents. Anales de Pediatria 68 (Suppl 1):31-37, 2008
  1. Pinhas-Hamiel O, Zeitler P. Prevention and screening for type 2 diabetes in youth. Endocrine Research 33:73-91, 2008
  1. Rosenbloom AL, Silverstein JH, Amemiya S, Zeitler P, Klingensmith GJ. Type 2 diabetes in the child and adolescent. Pediatric Diabetes 9:512-526, 2008
  1. Roman R, Zeitler P. Oral glucose tolerance testing in asymptomatic obese adolescents: more questions than answers. J Clin Endocrinol Metabl93:4228-30, 2008
  1. Taplin C, Zeitler P. Exercise for the treatment of childhood obesity – is it simply too much to ask. Acta Pediatrica, 98:14-16, 2009
  1. Zeitler PS, Klingensmith GJ. They’re still kids. J Pediatr 154:7-9, 2009
  1. Sundaram S, Zeitler P, Nadeau K. The metabolic syndrome and fatty liver disease in children. Curr Opin Pediatr 21:529-535
  1. Zeitler P. Update on non-autoimmune diabetes in adolescents. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 94:2215-2220, 2009
  1. Rosenbloom AL, Silverstein JH, Amemiya S, Zeitler P, Klingensmith GJ. Type 2 diabetes in the child and adolescent. Pediatric Diabetes Suppl 12: 17-32, 2009
  1. Zeitler P. Type 2 Diabetes in Children: Recognition and Complications. Pediatric Health 4:123-127, 2010
  1. Zeitler P. Approach to the obese adolescent with diabetes. J Clin Endocrinol Metab95:5163-70, 2010

Book Chapters

1.Handwerger S, Harman I, Zeitler P, Markoff E, and Costello A: Peptide hormone secretion from isolated human trophoblast and decidual cells. In: In Vitro Methods for Studying Secretion, Poisner & Trifara (eds.), Elsevier Science Publishers, 1987.

2.Kappy MS, Gotlin R, Zeitler PS. Endocrine Disorders. In Current Pediatric Diagnosis and Treatment, Hay, Hayward, Levin and Sondheimer (Eds). Appleton and Lange, Stamford CT, 1998

  1. Zeitler P. and Pickett C.A. Molecular Aspects of Pituitary Development. In: Molecular and Cellular Basis of Pediatric Endocrinology, Handwerger S (Ed), Humana Press, TotowaNJ,1999
  1. Zeitler PS, Travers S, Kappy MS. Advances in the recognition and treatment of Endocrine complications in children with chronic illness. In Advances in Pediatrics, Vol 46, 1999.
  1. Kappy MS,Steelman J, Travers SH, Zeitler PS. Endocrine Disorders. In Current Pediatric Diagnosis and Treatment, Hay, Hayward, Levin and Sondheimer (Eds). Appleton and Lange, Stamford CT,, 2000
  1. Zeitler PS, Slover RH. Disorders of Growth. In Endocrine Secrets, McDermott (Ed), 2001
  1. Zeitler P, Contributing Editor, Intensive Diabetes Management, Klingensmith G (Ed), American Diabetes Association, 2003
  1. Zeitler PS, Travers SH, BUarker J, Nadeau K, Kappy MS. Endocrine Disorders. In Current Pediatric Diagnosis and Treatment, Hay, Hayward, Levin and Sondheimer (Eds). Appleton and Lange, Stamford CT, 2004
  1. Zeitler PS. Disorders of Growth. In Endocrine Secrets, McDermott (Ed), 2004
  1. Zeitler PS, Allen DB, Meacham L, Pinhas-Hamiel O. Endocrine consequences of chronic illness. In Principles of Pediatric Endocrinology, Kappy, Allen, Geffner (Eds), 2005.
  1. Pinhas-Hamiel O, Zeitler P. Advances in Epidemiology and treatment of type 2 diabetes in children. In Advances in Pediatrics Volume 52, Kappy MS (Ed), 2005
  1. Zeitler PS, Travers SH, Hoe F, Nadeau K, Kappy MS. Endocrine Disorders. In Current Pediatric Diagnosis and Treatment, Hay, Hayward, Levin and Sondheimer (Eds). Appleton and Lange, Stamford CT, 2005.
  1. Simmons J, Steelman J, Zeitler P. Advances in the diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis. In Advances in Pediatrics, Volume 54, Kappy MS (Ed), 2007
  1. Zeitler PS, Travers SH, Hoe F, Nadeau K, Kappy MS. Endocrine Disorders. In Current Pediatric Diagnosis and Treatment, Hay, Hayward, Levin and Sondheimer (Eds). Appleton and Lange, Stamford CT, 2007
  1. Pinhas-Hamiel O, Zeitler P. Screening and prevention of type 2 diabetes in youth. In Epidemiology of Diabetes in Youth. Dabelea and Klingensmith (Eds). Informa HealthCare, NY, 2008
  1. Zeitler PS, Travers SH, Kelsey M, Nadeau K, Kappy MS. Endocrine Disorders. In Current Pediatric Diagnosis and Treatment, Hay, Hayward, Levin and Sondheimer (Eds). Appleton and Lange, Stamford CT, 2009
  1. Pinhas-Hamiel O, Zeitler P. Prediabetes among Obese Youth. In Global Perspectives on Childhood Obesity: current status, consequences and pervention. Bagchi (Ed). Academic Press, London UK, 2011.
