Name: …………………………………… Date of Birth: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _ Academic Year: …………… Autumn / Spring / Summer

FS2 / FS3 / FS4 / ELG / Consistently beyond ELG
Dispositions and attitudes (DA) / Show curiosity. Have a strong exploratory impulse. Have a positive approach to new experiences. Anticipates the next steps and outcome of their action. Search out and use resources for familiar tasks. Show an interest in classroom activities through observation or participation (DA1). / Show increasing independence in selecting and carrying out activities. Show confidence in linking up with others for support and guidance. / Display high levels of involvement in self-chosen activities (DA3).
Persist for extended periods of time at an activity of their choosing. Take risks and explore within the environment. Ask questions to find things out. Maintain interest, concentration and motivation to complete tasks. / Continue to be interested, excited and motivated to learn (DA6). Are confident to try activities, initiate ideas and speak in a familiar group (DA7). Maintain attention, concentrate (DA8), and sit quietly when appropriate. Select and use activities and resources independently (DA5). / Communicate with group members about the task, adding relevant detail and responding appropriately to other’s actions, questions or comments. Sustain involvement and resources particularly when trying to solve a problem or reach a satisfactory conclusion (DA9).
Self Care / Show willingness to tackle problems and enjoy self-chosen challenges. Demonstrate a sense of pride in own achievement. / Take initiative and manage developmentally appropriate tasks. Dress and undress and manage own personal hygiene with adult support (DA2). / Operate independently within the environment and show confidence in linking up with others for support and guidance. Dress and undress partly with adult support and partly independently. / Dress and undress independently and manage own personal hygiene (DA4). Are confident to tackle problems and challenge independently. Initiate small problem solving. / Begin to understand how to make simple choices that improve their health and well being. Begin to understand rules for and ways of, keeping safe, including basic road safety, and about people who can help them to stay safe.
Overall Score (DA)
Social Development (SD)
Making relationships / Feel safe and secure and demonstrate a sense of trust. Seek out others to share experiences. Relate and make attachments to members of their group. Play alongside others (SD1). / Demonstrate flexibility and adapt their behaviour to different events, social situations and changes in routine. Co-operate in play involving 2 or 3 others. Build relationships through gesture and talk (SD2). / Value and contribute to own well-being and self-control. Confident and are able to establish effective relationships with other children and adults. Take turns and share with adult support (SD3). / Form good relationships with adults and peers (SD5). Work as part of a group or class, taking turns and sharing fairly (SD4). Understand that there needs to be agreed values and codes of behaviour for groups of people, including adults and children, to work together harmoniously (SD6). / Play and work co-operatively. Agree and follow rules for their group and classroom, and understand how rules help them. Take into account the ideas of others (SD9). Can lead, follow and start an activity. Take on board what others say. Take part in exchange of information, ideas and opinions to make judgements.
Sense of community / Make connections between different parts of their life experience. / Show a strong sense of self as a member of different communities, such as their family or setting. / Have an awareness of, and show interest and enjoyment in cultural and religious differences. Have a positive self-image and show that they are comfortable with themselves. / Understand that people have different needs, views, cultures and beliefs, that need to be treated with respect (SD7). Understand that they can expect others to treat their needs, views, cultures and beliefs with respect (SD8). / Understand that people and other living things have needs and that they have responsibilities to meet them. Understand that they belong to various groups and communities, such as family and school.
Overall Score (SD)
Emotional Development (ED)
Self-confidence and self-esteem / Separate from main carer with support (ED1). Initiate interactions and respond appropriately. / Separate from main carer with confidence. Have a sense of belonging. Show care and concern for self. Communicate freely about their home and community (ED2). / Have a sense of self as a member of different communities. Express needs and feelings in appropriate ways (ED3). Initiate interactions with other people. Take part in new or untried activities. Maintain interest, concentration and motivation to complete tasks. / Respond to significant experiences, showing a range of feelings when appropriate (ED4). Have a developing awareness of their own needs, views and be sensitive to the needs, views and feelings of others (ED5). Have a developing respect for their cultures and beliefs and those of other people (ED6). / Organise themselves independently for familiar routines and activities. Plan simple routines and tasks in a range of contexts. Identify and access resources for a range of activities. Use a variety of strategies for finding out. Question and predict. Display a strong a positive sense of self. Identify and is able to express a range of emotions fluently and appropriately (ED9).
FS2 / FS3 / FS4 / ELG / Consistently beyond ELG
Behaviour and self-control / Begin to accept the needs of others, with support. / Show care and concern for others, for living things and the environment. / Show confidence and the ability to stand up for own rights. Have an awareness of the boundaries set and behavioural expectations within the setting. / Understand what is right, what is wrong, and why (ED8). Consider the consequences of their words and actions for themselves and others (ED7). / Recognise that their behaviour affects other people.
Overall Score (ED)
Language for communication and thinking (LCT)
Language for communication / Use words and/or gestures, including body language such as eye contact and facial expression to communicate.
Listen and respond (LCT1). Listen to favourite nursery rhymes, stories and songs. Join in with repeated refrains, anticipating key events and important phrases. Respond to simple instructions with up to 2 key words. Listen to others in one-to-one/small groups when conversation interests them.
Use familiar words, often in isolation, to identify what they do and do not want. Use vocabulary focused on objects and people who are of particular importance to them. Use isolated words and phrases and/or gestures to communicate with those well known to them. / Use simple statements and questions often linked to gestures. Use intonation, rhythm and phrasing to make their meaning clear to others. Interact verbally with other people. Understand and follow simple instructions. Initiate communication with others, displaying greater confidence in more informal contexts (LCT2). Listen to stories with increasing attention and recall. Know some songs, rhymes and stories and take part in role-play. Describe main story settings, events and principal characters. Question why things happen, and give explanations. Build up the vocabulary that reflects the breadth of their experiences. Begin to experiment with language describing possession. Begin to use more complex sentences.
Use a widening range of words to express or elaborate ideas. / Have emerging self-confidence to speak to others about wants and interests. Use simple grammatical structures. Ask simple questions, often in the form of ‘where’ or ‘what’. Talk alongside others, rather than with them. Use talk to gain attention and initiate exchanges. Use action rather than talk to demonstrate or explain to others. Initiate conversation, attend to and take account of what others say, and use talk to resolve disagreements. Initiate a conversation, negotiate positions, pay attention to and take account of others’ views. Use language to make up own stories and develop imaginative role-play. Participate as a speaker and listener in a variety of situations. Explore and experiment with new sounds and words. Extend vocabulary, especially by grouping and naming.
Use vocabulary and forms of speech that are increasingly influenced by experience of books. Link statements and stick to a main theme of intention. Consistently develop a simple story, explanation or line of questioning. Use language for an increasing range of purposes. Confidently talk to people other than those who are well known to them. / Interact with others in a variety of contexts (LCT6), negotiating plans and activities and taking turns in conversation. Understand and use a wide and varied vocabulary. Enjoy listening to and using spoken and written language, and readily turn to it in their play and learning. Listen with enjoyment, to stories, rhymes and poems. Sustain attentive listening and respond with relevant comments, questions or actions (LCT4). Make up their own stories, songs, rhymes and poems.
Extend their vocabulary, exploring the meanings and sounds of new words. Speak clearly and audibly with confidence and control and show awareness of the listener (LCT8) for example by their use of conventions such as greetings, ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. / Talk about matters ot interest to individuals and groups. Convey meaning, making their contribution relevant and interesting to the listeners. Sustain a topic of conversation in a group and with individuals, extending ideas or accounts by providing detail. Describe and sequence events fluently and accurately, conveying meaning to a range of listeners, speaking audibly.
Participate as a speaker and listener in a variety of structured and unstructured situations, using language appropriately. Follow, with understanding, what others say, and respond appropriately.
Talk and listen confidently and with control, consistently showing awareness of the listener by including relevant detail (LCT9a).
FS2 / FS3 / FS4 / ELG / Consistently beyond ELG
Language for thinking / Use action, sometimes with limited talk, that is largely concerned with the ‘here and now’. / Use talk to give new meanings to objects and actions, treating them as symbols for other things. Use talk to connect ideas, explain what is happening and anticipate what might happen next. Use talk, actions and objects to recall and relive past experience. / Begin to use talk instead of action to rehearse, reorder and reflect on past experience, linking significant events from own experience and from stories, paying attention to sequence and how events lead into one another. Begin to make patterns in their experience through linking cause and effect, sequencing, ordering, and grouping. Begin to use talk to pretend, imaginary situations. In small and large groups listens attentively and respond to discussion, longer stories, poems, songs and explanations. Are aware of rhyme and alliteration, makes up own rhymes and stories. Talk activities through, reflecting on and modifying actions (LCT3). / Use language to imagine and recreate roles and experiences (LCT5). Use talk to organise, sequence and clarify thinking, ideas, feelings and events, exploring the meaning and sounds of new words (LCT7). / Begin to use thinking skills to learn how to learn.
Use language to work out and clarify ideas, showing control or a range of appropriate vocabulary (LCT9b).
Overall Score (LCT)
Linking sounds and letters (LSL) / Enjoy and join in with rhyming and rhythmic activities (LSL1). Distinguish one sound from another. / Show awareness of rhyme and alliteration (LSL2). Recognise rhythm in spoken words. / Continue a rhyming string. Hear and say the initial sound in words and know which letters represent some of the sounds. Link some sounds to letters (LSL3). / Hear and say initial and final sounds in words (LSL5). Link sounds to letters, naming and sounding the letters of the alphabet (LSL4). Hear and say short vowel sounds within words (LSL6). Use phonic knowledge to read simple regular words (LSL7). Attempt to read more complex words, using phonic knowledge (LSL8). Use their phonic knowledge to write simple regular words and make phonetically plausible attempts at more complex words. / Use their knowledge of letters, sounds and words to read simple texts with meaning. Use knowledge of letters, sounds and words when reading and writing independently (LSL9).
Overall Score (LSL)
Reading (R) / Listen to and join with stories and poems, one-to-one and also in small groups. Are developing interest in illustrations and print in books and print in the environment (R1). Begin to be aware of the way stories are structured. Can choose books they know and enjoy. Turn pages appropriately. / Know that print conveys meaning (R2). Have favourite books. Handle books carefully. Suggest how the story might end. Know information can be relayed in the form of print. Look at books and talk about the pictures, turning pages one at a time. Anticipate words or recognise an omission when listening to familiar stories. Recognise own name in print. Understand the concept of a word. / Enjoy an increasing range of books and handle them carefully, understanding how they are organised.
Recognise a few familiar words (R3).
Know that information can be retrieved from books and computers. / Express their response to familiar texts by identifying aspects they like and dislike. Recognise familiar individual words in responding to books and print. Explore and experiment with sounds, words and texts. Retell narratives in the correct sequence, drawing on language patterns of stories (R7). Read a range of familiar and common words and simple sentences independently (R6). Know that English, is read from left to right and top to bottom (R4). Show an understanding of the elements of stories, such as main character, sequence of events, and openings (R5), and how information can be found in non-fiction texts to answer questions about where, who, why and how (R8) / Read to an adult, simple personal and/or published books of own choice with some fluency and accuracy (R9).
Talk about characters, events or ideas in stories, poems and non-fiction. Express their personal response and understand how information can be found in non-fiction texts to answer questions. Use books for information.
Overall Score (R)
FS2 / FS3 / FS4 / ELG / Consistently beyond ELG
Writing (W) / Experiment with mark-making, sometimes ascribing meaning to the marks (W1). / Copy and make patterns. Enjoy using writing materials. Draw pictures. Use some clearly identifiable letters to communicate meaning (W2). / Begin to break the flow of speech into words. Use writing as a means of recording and communicating. Use letters, words or phrases to communicate meaning. Can write first name. Sometimes use their knowledge of letter sounds in own writing. Represent some sounds correctly in writing (W3). Show awareness of some of the different forms and purposes of writing. / Use their phonic knowledge to write simple regular words and make phonetically plausible attempts at more complex words (W7). Attempt writing for a variety of purposes, using features of different forms (W6) such as lists, stories and instructions. Write their own names and other words from memory (W4). Begin to write labels and form captions and, begin to form simple sentences, sometimes using punctuation (W8). / Write simple words, phrases and simple sentences, making some use of punctuation. Some words spelt conventionally, prepared to attempt more complex words based on phonic knowledge. Make some choice of appropriate vocabulary. Write unaided in simple sentences. Communicate meaning through phrases and simple sentences with some consistency in punctuating sentences (W9).