PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following governmental body will meet at the date, time, and place herein set out. The tentative agenda for said meeting is as follows:




MONDAY, JUNE 20, 2016

6:30 P.M.

1.  Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Nelson P. Crabb.

2.  Approval of Agenda.

3.  Consent Agenda:

A.  Minutes – June 6, 2016.

B.  Approval of the bills & claims.

C.  Licenses & Permits:

Amusement License: Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce, 4th of July Carnival.

Fireworks Permit: Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce, 4th of July Celebration.

Sign Erector’s License: Atwood Electric, Sigourney, (renewal).

Street Closing Requests: Antique Boat Show, July 16th; Clear Lake Noon Lions Chicken BBQ, July 17th; Clear Lake Art Sail, July 22nd & 23rd.

4.  Citizens opportunity to address the Council on items not on the agenda:

In conformance with the City Council’s Rules of Procedure, no action can occur on items presented during the Citizens forum.

Please walk to the lectern, state your name (spell last name), address, and subject of your discussion.

Speakers are limited to a maximum of five (5) minutes per person.

5.  Unfinished Business:

6.  New Business:

A.  2016 Street Resurfacing Project:

-  Construction update and review of Pay Estimate #1 and Change Order #1, Jason Petersburg, P.E., Veenstra & Kimm.

-  Motion to approve Pay Estimate #1 and Change Order #1 by City Council.

-  Discussion and consideration of Motion by City Council.

B.  12th Avenue S. Bridge Improvement Project:

-  Project update and review of Pay Estimate #2 and Change Order #1, Joe Weigel, Public Works Director.

-  Motion to approve Pay Estimate #2 and Change Order #1, by City Council.

-  Discussion and consideration of Motion by City Council.

C.  Employee Wage & Salary Resolution – FY 17:

-  Review by Scott Flory, City Administrator.

Motion to approve Resolution #16-20, A “Resolution setting the salaries for appointed officers and employees of the City of Clear Lake for the 2017 fiscal year” by City Council.

-  Discussion and consideration of Motion by City Council.

D.  North Shore Drive Street Reconstruction Improvement Project:

-  Introduction by Scott Flory, City Administrator.

-  Review of Final Plat & Schedule of Assessments, Jason Petersburg, P.E., Veenstra & Kimm.

Motion to approve Resolution #16-21, A “Resolution adopting & levying Final Schedule of Assessments and providing for the payment thereof by City Council.

-  Discussion and consideration of Motion by City Council.

E.  Request for an alley vacation & disposal 400 block S. 9th street:

-  Review of request by Scott Flory, City Administrator.

-  Recommendation from Planning & Zoning Commission, Mike Ritter, Building Official.

-  Public Hearing.

-  Motion to close public hearing by City Council.

-  Discussion and consideration of Motion by City Council.

Motion to approve Ordinance #817, “An Ordinance the vacation of certain City alley right-of-way and disposal of the City’s interest therein to adjacent property owners in Block 1 Anderson & Christensen Addition, City of Clear Lake, Iowa.” (1st, 2nd, & final readings).

-  Discussion and consideration of Motion by City Council.

7.  Chief of Police’s Report:

8.  CLEAR Project Watershed Coordinator’s Report:

9.  Mayor’s Report:

-  Appointment of Mark Ebeling as City Council representative to the Clear Lake Watershed Advisory Board (term ending December 31, 2018).

-  Appointment to Planning & Zoning of Andy Meyer, 55 Four Winds Drive, term ending December 31, 2020

-  Re-appointment to Park & Rec Advisory Board – Tim Raber, 1422 N 23rd Street, term ending June 30, 2019.

-  Re-appointment to Library Board of Trustees – Tom Arndorfer, 12 East Gate Court, term ending July 1, 2022.

10.  Public Works Director’s Report:

-  2016 Sanitary & Storm Sewer Rehabilitation Project bid letting (6/29 at 11:00 a.m.)

11.  City Administrator’s Report:

12.  Other Business:

13.  Adjournment.


This notice is given pursuant to Chapter 21.4(1) of the Code of Iowa and the local rules of said governmental body.