PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following governmental body will meet at the date, time, and place herein set out. The tentative agenda for said meeting is as follows:
MONDAY, JUNE 20, 2016
6:30 P.M.
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Nelson P. Crabb.
2. Approval of Agenda.
3. Consent Agenda:
A. Minutes – June 6, 2016.
B. Approval of the bills & claims.
C. Licenses & Permits:
- Amusement License: Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce, 4th of July Carnival.
- Fireworks Permit: Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce, 4th of July Celebration.
- Sign Erector’s License: Atwood Electric, Sigourney, (renewal).
- Street Closing Requests: Antique Boat Show, July 16th; Clear Lake Noon Lions Chicken BBQ, July 17th; Clear Lake Art Sail, July 22nd & 23rd.
4. Citizens opportunity to address the Council on items not on the agenda:
- In conformance with the City Council’s Rules of Procedure, no action can occur on items presented during the Citizens forum.
- Please walk to the lectern, state your name (spell last name), address, and subject of your discussion.
- Speakers are limited to a maximum of five (5) minutes per person.
5. Unfinished Business:
6. New Business:
A. 2016 Street Resurfacing Project:
- Construction update and review of Pay Estimate #1 and Change Order #1, Jason Petersburg, P.E., Veenstra & Kimm.
- Motion to approve Pay Estimate #1 and Change Order #1 by City Council.
- Discussion and consideration of Motion by City Council.
B. 12th Avenue S. Bridge Improvement Project:
- Project update and review of Pay Estimate #2 and Change Order #1, Joe Weigel, Public Works Director.
- Motion to approve Pay Estimate #2 and Change Order #1, by City Council.
- Discussion and consideration of Motion by City Council.
C. Employee Wage & Salary Resolution – FY 17:
- Review by Scott Flory, City Administrator.
- Motion to approve Resolution #16-20, A “Resolution setting the salaries for appointed officers and employees of the City of Clear Lake for the 2017 fiscal year” by City Council.
- Discussion and consideration of Motion by City Council.
D. North Shore Drive Street Reconstruction Improvement Project:
- Introduction by Scott Flory, City Administrator.
- Review of Final Plat & Schedule of Assessments, Jason Petersburg, P.E., Veenstra & Kimm.
- Motion to approve Resolution #16-21, A “Resolution adopting & levying Final Schedule of Assessments and providing for the payment thereof by City Council.
- Discussion and consideration of Motion by City Council.
E. Request for an alley vacation & disposal 400 block S. 9th street:
- Review of request by Scott Flory, City Administrator.
- Recommendation from Planning & Zoning Commission, Mike Ritter, Building Official.
- Public Hearing.
- Motion to close public hearing by City Council.
- Discussion and consideration of Motion by City Council.
- Motion to approve Ordinance #817, “An Ordinance the vacation of certain City alley right-of-way and disposal of the City’s interest therein to adjacent property owners in Block 1 Anderson & Christensen Addition, City of Clear Lake, Iowa.” (1st, 2nd, & final readings).
- Discussion and consideration of Motion by City Council.
7. Chief of Police’s Report:
8. CLEAR Project Watershed Coordinator’s Report:
9. Mayor’s Report:
- Appointment of Mark Ebeling as City Council representative to the Clear Lake Watershed Advisory Board (term ending December 31, 2018).
- Appointment to Planning & Zoning of Andy Meyer, 55 Four Winds Drive, term ending December 31, 2020
- Re-appointment to Park & Rec Advisory Board – Tim Raber, 1422 N 23rd Street, term ending June 30, 2019.
- Re-appointment to Library Board of Trustees – Tom Arndorfer, 12 East Gate Court, term ending July 1, 2022.
10. Public Works Director’s Report:
- 2016 Sanitary & Storm Sewer Rehabilitation Project bid letting (6/29 at 11:00 a.m.)
11. City Administrator’s Report:
12. Other Business:
13. Adjournment.
This notice is given pursuant to Chapter 21.4(1) of the Code of Iowa and the local rules of said governmental body.