OCTOBER 20-22, 2014


These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.

MONDAY, 20-OCT-2014 to WEDNESDAY, 22-OCT-2014


1.1  Call to Order / Quorum Check

The Welding (WLD) Task Group was called to order at 8:00 a.m., 20-Oct-2014 by Steve Tooley.

Introductions were made and the roster circulated for completion by attendees.

It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.

A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:

Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

* / Robbie / Adams / Honeywell Aerospace
* / Osawonuyi / Agbonkonkon / Parker Aerospace Group
Christopher / Borg / Gulfstream Aerospace Corp.
Julian / Buckland / SAFRAN Group
Saeed / Cheema / Textron Inc.
* / Gary / Coleman / The Boeing Company
* / Bill / Fitzgerald / Northrop Grumman Corporation
* / Bob / Fletcher / BAE Systems- Military Air & Information (MAI)
Jenny / Fullum / Parker Aerospace Group
* / Larry / Hamanishi / The Boeing Company
* / Milan / Hanyk / Honeywell Aerospace
Brian / Harvey / Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation
* / Hirohiko / Hattori / Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MITAC/MHI)
* / Les / Hellemann / GE Aviation / Secretary
Rodney / Holt / Triumph Group Inc.
Jerry / Hulin / GKN Aerospace
* / Michael / Irvin / The Boeing Company
* / Jerry / Isoaho / GKN Aerospace Sweden AB
* / Ralph / Kropp / MTU Aero Engines AG
* / Holger / Krueger / Airbus / Vice Chairperson
* / Mario / Leclerc / Bombardier
* / Don / Lenhart / Spirit AeroSystems
* / Scott / Maitland / Goodrich (UTAS)
Jason / Merrell / U.S. Air Force
Tim / Nance / Rockwell Collins Inc.
* / Earl / Pruett / Lockheed Martin Corporation
Joe / Reigle / Parker Aerospace Group
Brittney / Reid / Parker Aerospace Group
* / Brian / Ricks / Raytheon Company
Joe / Sebastiani / Defense Contract Management Agency
Paul / Slater / Rockwell Collins, Inc.
Naoki / Sogabe / Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MITAC/MHI)
Len / Tidwell / Lockheed Martin Corporation
* / Steve / Tooley / Rolls-Royce / Chairperson
Kimberly / Woodside / Parker Aerospace Group

Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

* / James / Ahlemeyer / Ducommun AeroStructures
Christy / Ballinger / Ducommun
Michael / Chmura / Litron Inc.
Aja / Collins / Unison Engine Components
Richard / Freeman / TWI Ltd.
Jim / Harlukowicz / Wyman Gordon
Darron / Harris / Exotic Metals Forming Company
Dan / Isherwood / Yankee Casting
Andrew / Jackson / AMPP Services Ltd.
David / Jones / Precision Protective Coatings
Richard / Kline / X-Ray Industries
Shelly / Lawless / Meyer Tool, Inc.
Steve / McGinns / PCC Airfoils
* / Melinda / Mitton / Advance Welding
* / Angelo / Monzo / Barnes Aerospace
Julie / Motz / Barnes Aerospace
* / Jim / Olejarczyk / Alcoa Forged Products
* / David / Osenar / PAKO, Inc.
T. J / Owen / Geater Machining & Manufacturing Co.
Chris / Reed / Ducommun
* / Mike / Schleckman / Voss Industries
* / Jackie / Sternot / PAKO, Inc.
* / Gigi / Streeter / Barnes Aerospace
Kevin / Vecchiarelli / Yankee Casting Co., Inc.
* / Christopher / Webb / PCC Structurals Inc.

PRI Staff Present

Rhonda / Joseph
Joanna / Leigh
Justin / McCabe
Stacey / McKinley
Kellie / Roach
Ian / Simpson

1.2  Review Code of Ethics (Ref: Attendees’ Guide) and Meeting Conduct

The Code of Ethics and Meeting Conduct policies were reviewed.

1.3  Present the Antitrust Video

The Antitrust policy video was shown.

1.4  Review Agenda

Ian Simpson reviewed the agenda for the October 2014 Nadcap meeting. New business items were identified for inclusion in item 7.0 (in closed meeting) and item 16.0 (in open meeting). Mario Leclerc volunteered to be the Secretary on Wednesday, 22-Oct-2014 in the absence of Les Hellemann.

1.5  Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes– OPEN

Motion made by Gary Coleman and seconded by Mike Schleckman to accept the June 2014 Nadcap meeting minutes from Dublin, Ireland as written. Motion passed.

1.6  RAIL Review – OPEN

The Rolling Action Item List (RAIL) was reviewed by Ian Simpson. All items with a due date of October 2014 or prior are either closed or are included in this meeting for discussion.

For specific details, please see the current WLD Rolling Action Item List posted at www.eAuditNet.com, under Public Documents.

1.7  Staff Engineer Communiqué

Ian Simpson presented a Nadcap Communiqué to the Task Group.

1.7.1  Revisions to Nadcap Operating Procedure NOP-001 (Membership definition, membership maintenance, Verification Corrective Action audit process, appeal process clarified, addition of time intervals appendix); General Task Group Procedure NOP-002 (allowance for Supplemental criteria to be incorporated in main checklist); Oversight NOP-004 (Scope of Oversight plan, frequency of reporting results); Supplier Advisories NOP-006 (Advisory retraction).

1.7.2  The March 2015 Nadcap meeting will be held in Berlin, Germany.

1.8  Steve Tooley presented his expectations for meeting conduct.


The Auditor Conference was conducted at the weekend prior to this meeting, October 18-19, 2014. The Task Group analyzed the effectiveness of the Auditor Conference and in general the Task Group members who attended stated that it had been positive. Items that were particularly well received were the Audit Professionalism, the Visual weld inspection presentation and the Subscriber witnessed issues post Nadcap audit. Items that could be improved were encouragement for all auditors to participate and conversely limit the discussion of some. The Task Group stated that they would also like to review the auditor’s feedback to establish areas that they felt were beneficial and those that could be improved. This information will be collected by Performance Review Institute (PRI) and can be reviewed at the March 2015 meeting.

Based on this review, items identified by the auditors, previously identified training items and the review of Auditor Consistency per NOP-012, the following recommendations were made for next year’s conference.

·  Subscriber specific training from Textron and Pratt & Whitney

·  Smart checklist – feedback from 2-3 Auditors on how the system is working

·  Nonconformance Report (NCR) writing re-fresher

·  Best / worst audit experience from each auditor

·  Update on professionalism

·  Supplier Feedback

·  Specification update

·  Opportunity for feedback on checklists

·  General Question and Answer

It was also noted that the expectation of NOP-012 is that face-to-face meetings with auditors will occur in 2015 to give them annual feedback. This will require the support of Subscribers to give this feedback. This item is was discussed further; see item 3.1.1

ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to draft the 2015 Auditor Conference based on the suggested training items. (Due Date: 3-Mar-2015)


3.1  Review of NOP-012

Ian Simpson reviewed NOP-012, Auditor Consistency procedure and milestone plan provided by the NOP-012 Implementation Team.

In general, the Task Group is on track to meet the NOP-012 deliverables as defined on the milestone plan.

The following items were discussed:

3.1.1  Annual Review of Auditors

Annual Auditor feedback mechanism. This item has been discussed in detail at the prior 3 Task Group meetings. Initially the Task Group believed that the per audit review was sufficient to negate any further action. This was however challenged by the NOP-012 Implementation team. At the June 2014 Nadcap Meeting the Task Group agreed that they would summarize each individual auditor’s evaluation compared to the average commodity scores. The Nadcap Management Council (NMC) implementation team again challenged the Task Group that this did not meet their expectations. Steve Tooley and Ian Simpson were therefore actioned to propose further additions and seek NMC acceptance. Hence, a template for annual review was created that includes audit score, supplier feedback comments, observation audit results and recommendations. This template was agreed by the NMC Implementation Team and was reviewed by the Task Group. The Task Group agreed to use this template and the Staff Engineer actioned to complete an annual review for each auditor. It was noted, where possible, that the report should include any positive feedback, as well as any opportunities for improvement.

It should be noted that due to the time taken to finalize a method that was agreeable to the NMC, this item will not be completed by October 2014 and is now planned to be complete by December 2014.

The discussion that Steve Tooley and Ian Simpson had with the NMC on the annual auditor feedback, also defined the feedback mechanism. Due to the delay in agreement of this item, it is logistically impossible to have face-to-face discussions with the auditors in 2014. Hence for 2014, the NMC agreed that for those auditors with no issues, it would be acceptable to e-mail the evaluation, giving them an opportunity to discuss if desired. For those auditors that the Task Group have noted issues, it was decided that at least a telephone discussion with the Staff Engineer is required.

Beyond 2014, it would be desirable to have face-to-face discussions with each auditor. This would require the support of Task Group Subscriber members at the Auditor Conference.

There was some discussion on how this should be accomplished and Steve Tooley stated he would request further guidance at the NOP-012 Roundtable meeting. This was duly completed and the minimum that would be acceptable would be to have face-to-face meetings with any auditor who has issues. The NMC would however prefer for all auditors to be addressed in face-to-face meetings from 2015. The Task Group will need to further evaluate the logistics of how these meetings will be conducted in 2015 and beyond.

ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to create an annual auditor review chart for each auditor. Steve Tooley to be consulted if deemed necessary by Ian Simpson during their creation. (Due Date: 30-Nov-2014)

ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to provide each auditor with an annual report and discuss with individuals as deemed necessary. (Due Date: 31-Dec-2014)

3.1.2  Open Communication Plan

This was also an outstanding item post the June 2014 Nadcap Meeting. At the meeting Steve Tooley and Ian Simpson had with the NMC, the method utilized by the WLD Task Group was discussed and agreed. i.e.

·  No internet forum discussion group, instead using the Staff Engineers as a single point of contact for general and checklist issues

·  Subscriber Task Group representatives can be contacted for Subscriber specific questions either directly or via the Staff Engineer

·  Suggestion for checklist content / revisions can be provided to the Staff Engineer directly at any time, in response to the annual review or at the Auditor Conference

The NMC agreed that this was sufficient to meet the Open Communication requirements imposed by NOP-012. The auditors were reminded that they have these options at the October 2014 Auditor Conference.

3.1.3  Supplier feedback data review

It was noted at the June 2014 Nadcap Meeting that the next 6 months of data would be available prior to this meeting. In order to ensure the Auditor Conference included the most recent information, Steve Tooley and Ian Simpson were actioned to review the data and include any generic items in the Auditor Conference. This was completed. The summary was however reviewed by the Task Group to establish if any specific items were required.

The Task Group agreed that the generic training on the vast majority of items was sufficient at this time, however, also noted that some specific feedback was required for a few of the auditors and that this should be included on their Annual Feedback forms.

ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to include auditor specific items as a result of supplier feedback comments to relevant Auditor’s Annual feedback forms. (Due Date: 30-Nov-2014)

It was also noted that the existing form that is used to show daily debriefs have occurred could be modified to show attendees of the opening meeting. The Task Group felt that this would be beneficial to provide evidence that the opening meeting had occurred, should there ever be a dispute after the audit.

ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to modify the existing daily debrief log to add an entry for the opening meeting. (Due Date: 31-Dec-2014)

The next 6 months of data will be available for analysis prior to the March 2015 meeting. Steve Tooley and Ian Simpson volunteered to analyze this and provide a summary at the March 2015 Nadcap Meeting.

ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson and Steve Tooley to analyze the supplier feedback and provide a summary to the Task Group. (Due Date: 3-Mar-2015).

3.1.4  Standard data set

The standard data set charts were reviewed by the Task Group. No specific items resulted from this review; however it was noted that once Modified cycle checklists are introduced this would likely skew the data, and as such it may be necessary to flag the data as standard cycle or modified cycle so that the data is not misinterpreted.

ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to investigate the feasibility of segregating standard and modified scope audit data in the standard data set provided to the Task Group. (Due Date: 3-Mar-2015)

ACTION ITEM: Ian Simpson to request modification of the standard data sets to allow for segregation between standard and modified scope data. Note that this request will be via the Annual report to NMC on NOP-012 implementation. (Due Date: 30-Nov-2014)

The discussion on chart effectiveness also resulted in how the chart that defines where each auditor writes NCRs compared to specific checklist paragraphs could be manipulated to establish if there are statistical variations that could allow the Task Group to perform any deep dives. Brian Ricks volunteered to review this chart and establish if this is possible.

ACTION ITEM: Brian Ricks to evaluate where each auditor is writing NCRs by checklist item and establish if there is variation that warrants further investigation by the Task Group. (Due Date: 3-Mar-2015)