TewksburyTownship Historic Preservation Commission
Meeting Minutes
September 22, 2008
The meeting of the Tewksbury Township Historic Preservation Commission was called to order at 8:02pm in the Mountainville Meeting Hall by Chairman Scheier. The members of the Commission present wereMichael Scheier, Cyril Beveridge,Janet Clark, Rosemary Hartten,eKaren Moriarty and Mary Elizabeth Young. Randy Benson, the Secretary, and Dennis Bertland, the Historic Consultant,were also in attendance. Based on the members present, a quorum was established.
Chairman Scheier read the opening statement that the Commission meeting being held that evening was in compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act of the State of New Jersey, and indicated where notices for that meeting were posted.
The minutes of July 28, 2008 were approved with corrections. On page 1 under Resolutions on the third line from the bottom add the word “to” after the word “drawings”. On page 2 under Miscellaneous add “2008-09” after “resolution”. A motion was made by Commissioner Beveridge seconded by Commissioner Moriarty to approve the minutes with the corrections. The following Commissioners voted in favor of the motion:Commissioner Scheier, Commissioner Beveridge,Commissioner Clark, Commissioner Hartten, Commissioner Moriarty and Commissioner Young.
The following claim was submitted for payment:
Dennis Bertland Associates – Invoice #08-70-1.3 for attendance at the June 23, 2008 and July 28, 2008 meetings and review of applications. $360.00
On a motion by Commissioner Clark seconded by Commissioner Beveridge the claim was approved as submitted. The following Commissioners voted in favor of the motion: Commissioner Scheier, Commissioner Beveridge, Commissioner Clark, Commissioner Hartten, Commissioner Moriarty and Commissioner Young.
The Commission considered Resolution 2008-07 for Theodore Koven. A motion was made by Commissioner Beveridge seconded by Commissioner Moriarty to approve the resolution with one correction. On line 3a under Findings of Fact change the word “rood” to “roof”. The three Commissioners eligible, Commissioner Beveridge, Commissioner Moriarty and Commissioner Young, voted in favor of the resolution with the correction.
The Commission considered resolution 2008-08 for Edward Jaeckle. A motion was made by Commissioner Beveridge seconded by Commissioner Moriarty to approve the resolution with one correction. On line 3a under findings of Fact change the word “rood” to the word “roof”. The three Commissioners eligible, Commissioner Beveridge, Commissioner Moriarty and Commissioner Young, voted in favor of the resolution with the correction.
The Commission considered resolution 2008-09 for amending requirements for Historic Preservation Commission applications. After some discussion the matter was tabled until later in the meeting.
Application 08-09 John & Anne Loughlin
Block 32, Lot 17, 53 Water Street, Mountainville
John and Anne Loghlin, the applicants and the property owners were present and sworn in. Mr. and Mrs. Loughlin are seeking to put an addition on the side and rear of their house. The first floor would be a new kitchen and breakfast area and the second floor would be a renovation of the bathroom. The addition will be built in accordance with plans by John Beattie, Architect. Commissioner Clark questioned the proposed doors on the addition. The applicant stated the doors will be patio doors with individual panes of glass. The Commission questioned the chimney. The applicant stated the existing chimney will be removed and a new chimney will be built to match the existing chimney but in the new location. Dennis Bertland stated the plans showed the second floor wall was being moved out to match the existing first floor wall on the rear. A new dormer was also being added to the second floor on the side addition. The applicant stated the roof will be a metal roof on the first floor and the second floor will match the existing roof material. The siding will match the existing siding. A motion was made by Commissioner Beveridge seconded by Commissioner Clark to approve the application in concept with the following conditions and the applicant will return to the Commission with final plans:
- The siding will be cedar clapboard.
- The new trim will match the existing trim.
- The new posts for the porch will be Italianate in style.
Of the six Commissioners present,Commissioner Scheier, Commissioner Beveridge, Commissioner Clark,Commissioner Hartten, Commissioner Moriarty and Commissioner Young voted in favor of the application in concept with the conditions.
Application 08-10 Stephen and Sandra Roth
Block 38, Lot 11.01, 12 King Street, Oldwick
Sandra Roth, the applicant and owner, was present and sworn in. Mrs. Roth is seeking approval for the installation of a new pool fence that she was required to install by the construction Official. The new fence is wire mesh on top of an untreated wood frame. The Commission questioned whether the frame could be stained to lessen the visible impact. Mrs.Roth stated she is waiting until spring in hopes that the wood will weather naturally. A motion was made by Commissioner Scheier seconded by Commissioner Beveridge to approve the application as submitted.
Of the six Commissioners present,Commissioner Scheier, Commissioner Beveridge, Commissioner Clark, Commissioner Hartten, Commissioner Moriarty and Commissioner Young voted in favor of the motion.
Application 08-11 Tewksbury Athletic Association
Block 44, Lot 12 – 29 Old Turnpike Road
William Berman and Charlie Garrett, the applicants representing the Tewksbury Athletic Association, were present and sworn in. Mr. Berman presented the application for a new storage building and possible food serving area. The building would be used to house all of the sporting equipment that is currently being housed in private garages. The proposed building would be 20 feet by 50 feet with the same characteristics as the existing bathroom building. The building will be a barn like structure. When the Commission was questioned whether a metal building was acceptable, the Commission stated they felt a wood building would be more appropriate with a shingle roof. The applicant stated they would explore the prices on constructing a wooden structure. A motion was made by Commissioner Beveridge seconded by Commissioner Clark to approve the building in concept and the applicant will come back before the Commission with plans for the location and building plans.
Of the six Commissioners present, Commissioner Scheier, Commissioner Beveridge, Commissioner Clark, Commissioner Hartten, Commissioner Moriarty and Commissioner Young voted in favor of the motion.
Letter from Friends of Fairmount Historic District
Public Participation
John Holt, who was representing the Friends of Fairmount Historic District, came before the Commission to discuss the letter that was sent and requested the Commission authorize Dennis Bertland to review the August 28, 2008 letter sent by the New Jersey DEP in regards to the Jersey Central Power & Light application that was before the Land Use Board. Mr. Holt presented computer images of the site with a substation in place and a wall that was being proposed by JCP&L to enclose the compound. Angela Holt and Jerry Kalb, who are also neighbors to the site, also requested the Commission review and comment on the letter. A motion was made by Commissioner Clark seconded by Commissioner Scheier to authorize Dennis Bertland to review the letter from the NJ DEP and the application and appear before the Land Use Board to present his findings to the Board of the impact the substation site will have on the Fairmount Historic District.
Of the six Commissioners present, Commissioner Scheier, Commissioner Beveridge, Commissioner Clark, Commissioner Hartten, Commissioner Moriarty and Commissioner Young voted in favor of the motion.
Secretary Benson announced there would be a Cokesbury walking tour on October 11, 2008 hosted by Clinton Township Historic Commission. The tour will begin at 10:30 am at the CokesburyMethodistChurch and Dennis Bertland will be the guide.
The Commission discussed Resolution 2008-08 for requiring photographs to be presented to the Commission prior to the temporary or final Certificate of Occupancy is given for a project that was approved by the Commission. Amendments were made based on the comments from commission members and the draft resolution will be ready for the next meeting.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, a motion was made by Commissioner Clark and seconded by Commissioner Young to adjourn the meeting. A voice vote was taken and all of the Commission members present voted in favor of adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at9:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Randall Benson
Secretary, Historic Preservation Commission