Love was in the air at the April monthly meeting of Causeway U3A. Local retired headmaster Leonard Quiggtold the large audience how to get amarriage partner and how to “hauld on to her”, all in the North Antrim dialect.

His advice for women looking for aman was ensure he wasn’t sleekit, always takin skellies at other wimmen. You’d best avoid alazy guy who’d stand aroonwae his two arms the same length and moves so slowly, you’d think the deed lice was drappinaff him. Remember the big guys are not always the most intelligent, the biggest pratties are often bose in the middle. Above all avoid a miserly chap, short on arms and long on pockets or a chap wae a fondness for the divil’s buttermilk.

He also had plenty of advice for the men chasinwimmin and skungin round on speck. If you see her at a dance grab a hault of her and take a spraghl on the dance floor with plenty of birls, ye boy ye. The tovey wans may look good but do you want an ornament in the kitchen? On the other hand, you will probably not want a big hallion with teeth that wudskope out a turnip. On the subject of turnips, it’s also best to avoid a woman wae a tongue that wudsned turnips.

If you both play your cards right, in no time you’ll be cliqued thegither and go afffor a wee dander in the gloamin.

All this good advice from Leonard may have come too late for most of the members, but I’m sure they will pass it on to their grandchildren – in the North Antrim dialect of course.

The Causeway U3A is one of the biggest and most progressive in the province. At this meeting they had a ceremony to recognise the admission of their thousandth active member. This is Maggie Penny MBE and a certificate to mark the milestone was presented to her on behalf of U3A by the Mayor Alderman Maura Hickey.

Anyone who is retired or semi-retired and is interested in joining Causeway U3A will find lots of information about what they do on their website , including how to join the group. Put the date of Thursday 7th September in your diary and you are invited to their Activities Fair and Open Day at the Lodge Hotel.

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From left: Speaker Leonard Quigg, the Mayor Alderman Maura Hickey and Chairman of Causeway U3A Keith Browne.

(photo by Loretto Blackwood)

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The Mayor Alderman Maura Hickey presenting a Certificate to Maggie Penny, the thousandth active member of Causeway U3A.

(photo by Loretto Blackwood)