Unit 3 Chapter 4

ELD Lesson Plan

Unit 3 Ch 4 Lesson 1.1

Materials Theme Picture #13, Activity Pictures – 2 Sets per pair or team

Behavior Standards Be Respectful, Solve Problems,

Make Good Learning Decisions

Objective: (post)

Student will be able to (SWBAT) use nouns in order to describe physical


Build on prior knowledge

Display Theme Picture #13 and sing “Old McDonald Had a Farm” pointing to the

appropriate animal in the Theme Picture (TP).

Presentation (I Do It)

Teacher uses Picture Cards (PC) and names each animal

Practice (We Do It)

Teacher uses PCs like flash cards for students to say animal name together.

Apply and Extend (You Do It)

Students use Activity Pictures (AP) to play concentration naming each animal that

is turned over.

Note: Most students are familiar with playing concentration using AP.

ELD Lesson Plan

Unit 3 Ch 4 Lesson 1.2

Materials Picture Cards, Word Cards, Activity Pictures – 1 set,

Blank Paper (optional)

Behavior Standards Be Respectful, Solve Problems,

Make Good Learning Decisions

Objective: (post)

SWBAT use adjectives and nouns in order to describe physical attributes.

Build on prior knowledge

Use Picture Cards to ask yes/no questions (see p.417).

Presentation (I Do It)

Teacher use 2-3 riddles on p.418 for class to answer.

Practice (We Do It)

Teacher assists the students is making a riddle for a Picture Card (PC) using

2-3 descriptors like example.

It has ______.

It is ______.

It says, “______.”

It gives us ___.

What is it?

Apply and Extend (You Do It)

Give pairs of students a secret Activity Picture to make up a riddle.

Optional: Students may write their riddle on paper and illustrate the answer.

Partners ask the class the riddle they made up.

ELD Lesson Plan

Unit 3 Ch 4 Lesson 2.1

Materials Chart p. 421, Activity Pictures – 2 sets per team

Behavior Standards Be Respectful, Solve Problems,

Make Good Learning Decisions

Objective: (post)

SWBAT use singular & plurals nouns in order to express needs and

make requests.

Build on prior knowledge

Sing “Old MacDonald” or other farm song.

Presentation (I Do It)

Display the chart on p.421. Use 2 sets of Activity Pictures (AP) to demonstrate

1 chicken – 2 chickens (adding –s for more than 1)

Practice (We Do It)

Teacher and students continue using AP to demonstrate 1 rooster – 2 roosters.

Complete chart in this manner.

Review rules for card game, “Go Fish”

Apply and Extend (You Do It)

Teams play “Go Fish” using AP.

Do you have a _____?

Yes (give the card to the one who asked)*

or No, Go Fish! (draw another card from pile)

*Now, I have 2 ____(s).

ELD Lesson Plan

Unit 3 Ch 4 Lesson 2.2

Materials Chart p. 421 from Lesson 2.1, IDEA PICTURE DICTIONARIES,

Picture Cards, Word Cards

Behavior Standards Be Respectful, Solve Problems,

Make Good Learning Decisions

Objective: (post)

SWBAT use simple verbs and adjectives of color in order to describe actions.

Build on prior knowledge

Choral read the singular and plural chart from Lesson 2.1 (p. 421) in 2 groups.

Group A says the singular form with Group B saying the plural form. Repeat

with Group B saying singular and Group A saying the plural forms.

Presentation (I Do It)

Teacher models choosing a Picture Card (PC) and finding that animal in the

IDEA-DICTIONARY. Teacher models describing the animal using a simple verb

and an adjective of color.

The _____ is (color). The goat is white.

The _____ is (action). The goat is eating.

Practice (We Do It)

Teacher selects another PC, finds it in the Dictionary and asks, “What color is

this animal?” Teacher and students say, “The _____ is _____.” Teacher asks,

“What is the ____ doing?” Teacher and students say, “The is ______-ing.

Repeat with Group A asking the question and Group B responding.

What color is this animal? The ____ is _____.

What is the ____ doing? The ____ is _____-ing.

Apply and Extend (You Do It)

Students use a Talking Stick to practice describing animals in the Dictionary using

simple verbs and adjectives of color. The student with the Talking Stick selects an

animal in the Dictionary for the group to ask each question. Students with the

Talking Stick gets to answer the questions.

ELD Lesson Plan

Unit 3 Ch 4 Lesson 3.1

Materials Realia – 3 objects & Labels for small, medium-sized, big

Picture Cards, Word Cards, Pocket Chart

Behavior Standards Be Respectful, Solve Problems,

Make Good Learning Decisions

Objective: (post)

SWBAT use adjectives of size, small, medium-sized, big and an adjective of

color in order to describe physical characteristics.

Build on prior knowledge

Ask students to name animals of a given color. Tell your partner an animal that is

brown, white, etc.

Presentation (I Do It)

Tell students we can describe animals using characteristics like

color, size, and what they do for us. Show 3 objects to represent small, medium-size, and big. Sort the animals into 3 groups to reflect 3 sizes in the pocket chart. Use sentence frames to describe size characteristics.

A ____ is small. A _____ is medium-sized. A _____ is big.

Practice (We Do It)

Teacher points to an animal in the pocket chart and students do choral response to

describe the animal using the appropriate sentence frame.

(I Do It) then (We Do It)

Teacher models describing an animal using adjective of color and size.

The ______is ______. The brown rooster is medium-sized.

The medium-sized rooster is brown.

Note: It may be helpful to write color and size adjectives on word cards and manipulate with Picture Cards in the sentence frame, placing the sentence frame in the pocket chart.

Apply and Extend (You Do It)

Use Lines of Communication for students to practice describing characteristics

of animals using size, color, then size and color.

Line A – each student has a Picture Card (PC)

Line B – responds to teacher prompts*

*What size is it?

What color is it?

What size and color is it?

Rotate 1 person from Line A to the end, so Line B students are looking at a

different partner with an animal. Teacher repeats the prompts.

Trade roles – Line B holds the PC for Line A to answer the prompts.

ELD Lesson Plan

Unit 3 Ch 4 Lesson 3.2

Materials Picture Cards, Word Cards, Lingo Bingo activity strips

Behavior Standards Be Respectful, Solve Problems,

Make Good Learning Decisions

Objective: (post)

SWBAT use target vocabulary in order to describe actions.

Build on prior knowledge

Pass out Picture Cards (PC) and Word Cards (WC) to students and have them

find their match (PC with matching WC). Teacher describes an animal using

color and size and the students holding the animal(s) described sit down.

Presentation (I Do It)

Display PC & WC in pocket chart with students chorally responding as they

are displayed. Teacher describe an animal by what it gives us or does for people

and remove that from the pocket chart. (e.g. Pigs give us bacon.) Repeat for

another PC and remove that PC (e.g. Sheep give us wool so we can make clothes.)

Practice (We Do It)

Ask for a volunteer to describe an animal in the pocket chart by what it gives us

or how it helps people. The volunteer removes the appropriate PC. Repeat with

several volunteers describing an animal using the sentence frame.

A _____ gives us _____.

A_____ helps us ______.

(I Do It)

Replace PCs in pocket chart. Teacher model with a puppet a structured dialogue

#1 What animal do you like? (or don’t you like?)

#2 I like the _____. (or don’t like.)

#1 Why do you like _____? (or don’t you like.)

#2 I like the _____ because it gives us/help us ______. (or don’t like)

Note: Do not add the negative (don’t like) if students aren’t ready for this much language.

(We Do It)

Teacher model with a student playing Lingo Bingo using the activity strips.

Teacher is #1 and student is #2. #1 shows their activity strip and asks questions

for #2 to answer following dialogue. #1 and #2 trade roles then each initial each

other’s activity strip.

Apply and Extend (You Do It)

Each student is given an activity strip and begins playing Lingo Bingo using the

structured dialogue. When someone fills their activity strip with initials, they say

with enthusiasm, “Lingo Bingo!” You may continue the game until everyone fills

their strip with initials following the dialogue.

ELD Lesson Plan

Unit 3 Ch 4 Lesson 3.3

Materials Sentence Construction Chart, Picture Cards, Word Cards

Behavior Standards Be Respectful, Solve Problems,

Make Good Learning Decisions

Objective: (post)

SWBAT use adjectives and prepositional phrases in order to

describe actions.

Build on prior knowledge

Sing a verse or two of “Old MacDonald.”

Presentation (I Do It)

Display the sentence construction chart with target vocabulary nouns listed. Tell

students they will help you fill in the chart with words they’ve been using to

describe these animals – adjectives of color and size.

(describe) / noun
(animals) / verb
(actions) / prepositional phrase

Practice (We Do It)

Teacher illicit from students, adjectives of color and size that describe the farm

animals in the Picture Cards (e.g. small, medium-sized, big, brown, white, etc);

actions animals do, and places farm animals are.

Using sticky notes, select 2 adjectives, 1 noun, 1 verb, and 1 prep. phrase to

sing the sentence to the tune of “Old MacDonald”

(e.g. A big brown horse walks to the barn, EIEIO)

Teacher models writing the sentence on a sentence strip. Repeat with students.

Apply and Extend (You Do It)

Partners use the chart to create a sentence to write on a sentence strip and share

with the class.

ELD Lesson Plan

Unit 3 Ch 4 Lesson 3.4

Materials Blank paper

Behavior Standards Be Respectful, Solve Problems,

Make Good Learning Decisions

Objective: (post)

SWBAT use the conjunction because in order to express

feelings and preferences.

Build on prior knowledge

Brainstorm pets students know.

Presentation (I Do It)

Teacher model sketching a personal pet while describing why it was

or was not a good pet. Teacher model using the frame to express pet


_____ is/is not a good pet because ______.

Practice (We Do It)

Students think about a pet that is or is not a good pet and sketches a pet.

Teacher asks student volunteers about they pets they sketched.

“Is a ____ a good pet?”

Student answers using the frame.

____ is/is not a good pet because ______.

Repeat several times.

Apply and Extend (You Do It)

Use Lines of Communication for students to express preferences regarding

the pets they sketched.

Line A looks at Line B’s picture and asks, “Is ___ a good pet?”

Line B answers, “____ is/is not a good pet because _____.

A and B change role.

Rotate Line B so students face a new partner and repeat.

ELD Lesson Plan

Unit 3 Ch 4 Lesson 3.5

Materials Real Objects: fur, feather, hard shell, scales (or Rainbow Fish book)

Theme Pictures #7 & #13, Animal Coverings Chart p. 424

Behavior Standards Be Respectful, Solve Problems,

Make Good Learning Decisions

Objective: (post)

SWBAT use descriptive nouns in order to request assistance and


Build on prior knowledge

Show and name the real objects and allow students to pass them around if


Presentation (I Do It)

Display Theme Pictures (TP) #7 & #13 and model naming some of the

animals’ coverings.

Practice (We Do It)

Display Chart p. 424 and use prompt: Does a _____ have ____?

Teacher completes the chart with students. Model Asking & Answering

Questions using the chart.

Does a ____ have a _____?

Yes/no, a ____ has _____.

Teacher asks a question using the chart for students to chorally answer.

Student volunteer asks a question for class to answer. Repeat multiple times.

Apply and Extend (You Do It)

Partners take turns asking and answering the prompt using the response frame.

ELD Lesson Plan

Unit 3 Ch 4 Lesson 3.6

Materials Picture Cards, Toy Farm Animals if available

Behavior Standards Be Respectful, Solve Problems,

Make Good Learning Decisions

Objective: (post)

SWBAT use adjectives and verbs in order to describe physical


Build on prior knowledge

Use student sketches from Lesson 3.4 and discuss pet preferences.

Presentation (I Do It)

Select a Picture Card (PC) or toy farm animal and describe its size, color,

# of legs, how it moves, and its covering.

____ are small/medium-sized/big.

They have ___ legs.

They are can ___ and _____ .

_____ are (color)____.

______have (covering) _____.

Practice (We Do It)

Place toy animals or Activity Pictures in a container. Ask a volunteer to select

an animal and make several descriptive statements. Students may give a score for

the number of descriptive statements the student can make (1 point/statement).

Apply and Extend (You Do It)

Students work in small groups using Activity Pictures or Toy Animals in a

container to play the describing game modeled above.

ELD Lesson Plan

Unit 3 Ch 4 Lesson 4.1

Materials Big Red Barn by Margaret Wise Brown

Behavior Standards Be Respectful, Solve Problems,

Make Good Learning Decisions

Objective: (post)

SWBAT use the verb will in order to make and report observations.

Build on prior knowledge

Show the cover of the book and have students tell what they see.

Presentation (I Do It)

Show pictures in the book and ask students to think about words they

expect to hear in the story. Tell students some stories have happy endings and

some are sad.

Practice (We Do It)

Have students share words they expect to hear in the story and predict

if the story will be happy or sad. Have students make predictions about

the ending of the story.

I predict the story will have a happy/sad ending.

Read the story aloud.

Apply and Extend (You Do It)

Students discuss if their predictions were accurate and what words they