State of Connecticut

Core-CT Project

Application: HRMS

Module: Human Resources

Business Process: Manage Job Classifications and Positions

Requirement Number: HR001

Requirement Title: Ability to flag "red circled" status on job code and position table

Module Leads: Lina Simonu, Lisa Lagus

1.  Requirement Description

Describe the requirement (gap). Include a description of the delivered PeopleSoft functionality.

Currently in APS there is the ability to identify if a job code or position number has been classified as "Red Circled". This indicator prevents the ability to assign an employee the job code or position number in the system. However, if an employee is currently in that Red Circled job code or position it does not prevent the employee from remaining in that job code and salary updates would occur based on the employees red circled job code. In PeopleSoft, a field does not exist that could represent this type of indicator.

2.  Business Need

Provide a justification for the requirement. Include information about frequency, volume, number of users impacted, etc.

To control the usage of job codes and positions when they are red-circled. Red-circled indicates that a review of the position and job code is in progress which may impact the current characteristics of the job code and/or position. There are 117 positions that are currently red-circled in APS at this time.

3.  Required By: (Y/N)

Federal ____ Agency ____ Bargaining Unit _Y ___

State Statutory __Y__ State Regulatory ____ State Procedural ____

4.  Requirement Priority

Medium (High, Medium, Low – please see “Requirements Prioritization Criteria”)

5.  Recommended Solution

Enter an “X” next to the appropriate category

___X___ Process Solution

_1__ Option Number

______Application Modification

___ Option Number

6.  Explanation for Recommendation

Provide reasons for recommendation. Please do not re-state the description of the solution itself.

Due to the low volume and low frequency of red circling, it is recommended that the manual process change be implemented.

7.  Organizational Impact of Recommendation

Describe the changes to the organization that result from the recommended solution. Include a description of any role, process, statute, or bargaining unit agreement affected.

Central DAS HR Specialists and Agency HR Specialists will need to understand that a red-circled job code and/or position will be indicated by the title change. These should not be assigned to employees until they have been reviewed, and are no longer red-circled. State Statute 5-200 and all bargaining units.

8.  Process Solutions

Describe the possible Process Solutions. Include a description of impacts and benefits of each solution.

Option 1. Indicate in the position or jobcode title that the position or jobcode has been red-circled. Train Agency HR Specialists not to use these positions and jobcodes. Run a query to ensure no one has been hired or transferred into a red-circled position since the date it was red-circled.

Option 2. Inactivate the jobcode and position and move the employees impacted to another jobcode and position.

Option 3.

9.  Application Modifications

Describe the possible Application Modifications. Include a description of impacts and benefits of each solution.

Option 1.

Modification Type (On-line, Batch, Interface, Report, Workflow): On-line

Complexity (Easy, Medium, Difficult): Easy

Description: A field should be added to the jobcode table page and the position data page to indicate the jobcode and position is red-circled. The current employees would remain in the jobcode or position, and HR personnel would need to be trained not to create positions with jobcodes that have been redcircled and not to assign employees to positions that have been red-circled.

Option 2.

Modification Type (On-line, Batch, Interface, Report, Workflow):

Complexity (Easy, Medium, Difficult):


Option 3.

Modification Type (On-line, Batch, Interface, Report, Workflow):

Complexity (Easy, Medium, Difficult):


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