7th Grade Language Usage

Verbs 1


Question #1:

Is the verb in parentheses action or linking?

Compound light microscopes (have) more than one lens.

A.  action

B.  linking

Question #2:

Is the verb in parentheses action or linking?

A magnifying glass (is) a simple microscope.

A.  action

B.  linking

Question #3:

Is the verb in parentheses action or linking?

X-rays (pass) through skin and muscle.

A.  linking

B.  action

Question #4:

Is the verb in parentheses action or linking?

Magnified objects (appear) much larger.

A.  action

B.  linking

Question #5:

Write the verb phrase in this sentence.

An earthling would weigh much less on the moon.

Question #6:

Write the verb phrase in this sentence.

What do we call the pull of gravity on an object?

Question #7:

Write the verb phrase in this sentence.

The French will always be known as the developers of the metric t

Question #8:

Which of these verbs is in the miscellaneous group of helping verbs?

A.  am

B.  was

C.  have

D.  can

Question #9:

Which of these verbs comes from the "have" group of helping verbs?

A.  did

B.  been

C.  had

D.  must

Question #10:

Which of these verbs comes from the "be" group of verbs?

A.  may

B.  should

C.  am

D.  has

Question #11:

Which group of verbs includes the verb in parentheses?

He (has) been thinking of moving.

A.  miscellaneous verbs

B.  be verbs

C.  have verbs

D.  do verbs

Question #12:

Which group of verbs includes the verb in parentheses? I (will) tell you the truth.

A.  be verbs

B.  have verbs

C.  do verbs

D.  miscellaneous verbs

Question #13:

Which group of verbs includes the verb in parentheses? Tomorrow, I will have (been) playing for six months.

A.  do verbs

B.  have verbs

C.  be verbs

D.  miscellaneous verbs

Question #14:

Identify the correct principal form of this verb.


A.  present participle

B.  present past

C.  past

D.  participle

7th Grade Language Usage

Verbs 1


Question #15:

Identify the correct principal form of this verb.


A.  future

B.  past participle

C.  past

D.  present

Question #16:

Identify the correct principal form of this verb.


A.  present

B.  past participle

C.  past

D.  present participle

Question #17:

Identify the correct principal form of this verb.


A.  present

B.  past

C.  past participle

present participle

Question #18:

What term is defined as a verb that has two or more words?

A.  verb group

B.  verb compilation

C.  verb phrase

Question #19:

Choose the correct verb form to complete this sentence. He has ______his books in a row.

A.  lays

B.  lay

C.  laid

Question #20:

Choose the correct verb form to complete this sentence.

Do not ______in the sun too long.

A.  lies

B.  laid

C.  lie

Question #21:

Choose the correct verb form to complete this sentence. I'll just ______here a little longer.

A.  sat

B.  sit

C.  have set

Question #22:

Choose the correct verb form to complete this sentence. He will be ______the table soon.

A.  sat

B.  setting

C.  have set

Question #23:

Choose the correct verb form to complete this sentence. I have ______to the test.

A.  rised

B.  raised

C.  risen

Question #24:

Choose the correct verb form to complete this sentence. The window was ______last night.

A.  rised

B.  raised

C.  risen

7th Grade Language Usage

Verbs 1

Answer Key

1. A -action

2. B -linking

3. B -action

4. B -linking

5. would weigh

6. do call

7. will be known

8. D -can

9. C -had

10. C -am

11. C -have verbs

12. D -miscellaneous verbs

13. C -be verbs

14. B -present

15. C -past

16. D -present participle

17. C -past participle

18. C -verb phrase

19. C -laid

20. C -lie

21. B -sit

22. B -setting

23. C -risen

24. B -raised