Almost every high school student realizes that every organization needs rules and regulations and that acceptance of these rules and regulations is necessary if the organization is to achieve its stated objectives.

If we get up a vacant lot football game or basketball game, we accept certain rules and regulations, which restrict our behavior. All of our clubs write a constitution and adopt rules of parliamentary procedure. So naturally, Portsmouth High School has rules and regulations, which every student is expected to accept and live by.



Because of space, students are not permitted to park on school parking lots between 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.


Regular attendance is a most important factor in the establishment of a good scholastic record. Work missed through absence from school is difficult to make up. There is no substitute for the actual participation in the daily classroom discussion and work.

No student is allowed a certain number of days to be absent - every student is expected to be in school every day unless the student is ill, a member of his/her family is ill, death of a relative, or observance of a religious holiday. These are the only excuses that an excused absence will be given approval.

There seems to be some misconception that seniors or others are permitted to take a day or days off school. THERE IS NO SUCH PRACTICE SANCTIONED BY THIS SCHOOL DISTRICT THAT PERMITS “SKIP DAYS” FOR ANY STUDENT.

EXCUSED ABSENCE. A student who has been absent from school shall, upon his/her return, bring a written excuse from his/her parent/guardian, stating the length of time and reason for his/her absence, or shall provide this information to the principal or his designee.

1. TARDINESS has reference anytime after the tardy bell

rings. (A student is tardy when he/she comes to school

up to one hour late.)

2. ABSENCE. A student not present at least one-half the

school day in schools operating on the daily session plan

will be counted absent for the period of absence.

Cutting a class or classes is considered a form of

absence. If a student comes in tardy after the first hour,

he/she will be counted a half day absent up until 11:30

a.m. If a student signs out prior to 12:00 p.m., he/she is

absent half a day.

3. TRUANCY is when a student is not in attendance and the parent/guardian is not aware of the student’s absence.

This includes absence from class, study hall or activity

during the school day for which the student is

scheduled. It also includes any after-school special help

session or disciplinary session which the student has

been directed to attend.

4. After 5 unexcused class absences in a nine-week grad-

ing period, students will fail that nine-week grading

period. Students will have the opportunity to make up

missed time in After School Placement during the nine-week

period the absences occurred. After-school Placement meets after regular school hours from 2:45-5:45. Students will be re-quired to stay the entire time. A student’s grade is

determined by adding the 4 nine week grades plus the

final. any combination of three F’s fails a student for

the entire year.

A total of 29 or more excused and/or unexcused

absences will result in failure.

After 3 unexcused tardies, students will be assigned

detention. After 5 unexcused tardies, students will be

assigned ISS. After 8 unexcused tardies, students will

be assigned After-school placement for each unexcused tardy




If a student is absent the day of an activity, he/she may not participate in the activity unless the dean of boys, dean of girls, or principal have given special permission. This policy also applies to SATURDAY events.


A student should have the request submitted five (5) days prior to the planned activity.


A student is not permitted to leave school property during the school day unless he/she has permission from the principal, dean of boys or dean of girls.

If you become ill during the day, secure permission from your teacher to leave the room. You then report to the dean’s office.


The Board of Education supplies all textbooks for the student. All books issued must have a number. The student signs the receipt, which the teacher keeps, and the label in the text. This should be done with ink.

Each student is responsible for his/her textbooks. Any student losing or damaging a text will be required to pay for the same.

Precautions need to be taken against theft, as this does not relieve the student from responsibility.


1. Apology

2. Detention

3. Conference with school official

4. Conference involving student, parent/guardian and school


5. Short Term Alternative Placement

6. After School 3 Hour Placement

7. Long Term Alternative School

8. Referral to legal authorities

9. Police Report

10. Recommendation for expulsion

11. Denial of school privileges

12. Saturday School (if available)

A student may receive only a total of five (5) general detentions for disciplinary behavior. The next step will be a maximum of five (5) after school placements. After that, short term alternative placement, long term alternative school or expulsion will occur. A student can be given alternative school or expulsion at any time if the offense warrants it.


Each student is assigned a locker. Lockers are the property of the school district, and no locker fee is charged. As property of the school, school officials may inspect lockers. Since lockers may be randomly checked, students should NOT expect total privacy. Students should keep a lock on their locker.


Portsmouth High School’s general code of behavior is determined for the most part by those duly constituted by law to make these rules, namely, the Board of Education, the school administration and faculty.


When changing classes, stay to the right side of the corridor, move without rushing; but there is no time to loiter with only three (3) minutes between classes.

Students are permitted to visit their lockers before homeroom, between classes and after school. If a student finds it necessary to visit his/her locker at any other time, he/she must have his/her teacher’s permission and his/her permission book signed.


Students who cause problems at any athletic event will not be permitted to attend athletic events for the remainder of the school year.


Sidewalks and Crosswalks. Occasionally, complaints have been made that some of our students “hog” the sidewalks, do not use the crosswalks, walk on people’s lawns, etc. We expect our students to observe the traffic laws made to ensure our safety and to respect the property of others.

Visitors. All visitors must register in the main office and obtain written permission to remain in the building. Students are discouraged from inviting friends and relatives to school. All requests to talk to a student must have the approval of the appropriate dean’s office.


Profanity or obscene language, written or verbal, directed toward school personnel or any member of the school community shall not be tolerated. This shall include use of obscene gestures and signs.


Portsmouth High School practices a closed lunch policy. Students may not leave school property during their scheduled lunch. It is also not acceptable for students to order food to be brought to the school.


Tardy bell rings at 7:55 a.m. Boys reporting to school after 7:55 a.m. are to report to the dean of boys’ office and girls are to report to the dean of girls’ office to be checked in.

Students who were absent from school or need to be signed out of school are to report to Mrs. Novinger or Mr. Poage between 7:45 a.m. and 7:55 a.m.

All students should be in first period class by 7:55 a.m.


A student is not permitted to leave school property during the day unless he/she has permission from the principal, dean of girls or dean of boys.

If it is necessary to leave school before the end of the school day, bring a note from a parent/guardian to the dean’s office during homeroom. You will be signed out unexcused in your permission book, which you must present to your teacher when you leave. Upon returning to school, bring your permission book to the dean’s office with a note from the dentist, physician, etc., verifying you kept your appointment to have it stamped excused.

All sign-outs will be unexcused until verified by an authorized excuse. Students leaving school before 11:30 a.m. and do not return, will be counted absent all day.


All students in high school need help from each other and from teachers with special knowledge about special things. P.H.S. offers the individual student a chance to help himself/herself and to help others. In addition, it offers the student the help of the entire teaching staff as well as several specialists as he/she attempts to make plans for his/her education, for the life work he/she will choose, or for help in solving some personal problem.

Such help may begin in the classroom with the classroom teacher. A student may request time with the principal, deans or with the counselors. A student must be signed by a classroom teacher or make previous arrangements before or after school. Contact a counselor if you need assistance in: (1) educational planning, (b) vocational planning, (c) personal problems, (d) any other important matter.

A student must be signed to the nurse, principal’s office, dean of boys’ or dean of girls’ office by his/her classroom teacher.

Arrangements for appointments with the counselors may be made with them before or after school. These appointments should be scheduled during your independent study time. Students should not remain in the office during class time.

Counselors welcome the opportunity to talk with you and your parents. Encourage your parents to contact counselors and faculty for conference times.

No schedule changes will be considered during the opening week of school. You are to follow the daily schedule as outlined on the schedule given to you. If a schedule adjustment or change must be made, there is a definite procedure you are to follow.

(a) Check with your counselor for this material in the guidance


(b) A slip signed by parent and teachers involved in the change must be filled out and returned.

There is no guarantee that the change requested will be made.


All students will proceed to the next grade level regardless of credit status with the exception of the senior year.

In order to advance to a senior homeroom, students in the classes of 2002, 2003, etc., must have 15 credits.


1. Graduation requirements changed beginning with the Class

of 2002. The class of 2002 and beyond must have 21

credits to graduate (See chart below.) They must also pass

to graduate (See chart below.) They must also pass

Writing, Reading, Math, Citizenship and Science of the

Ninth Grade Proficiency Test or be exempted. Class of 2007 must pass all parts of the Ohio Graduation Test of be exempted.

Classes of

2004 (12)

2005 (11)

2006 (10)

2007 (09)







*-must include 1 credit in biological science and 1 credit in physical science




** - must include 1 credit OR 2

half credits in business/

technology, fine arts or foreign



2. No credit will be give for less than one whole year of a

subject unless the subject is designated as a half-year

subject or unless approved by the principal.

3. Students wishing to enroll or continue in college prep classes

must have a “C” average in that subject area the previous

semester/year unless prior approval is given by the principal.


The State Board of Education has set the criteria for an “honors” diploma. To qualify for an honors diploma, students must be in a college preparatory curriculum and meet eight of the following nine requirements:

1. Four (4) units of English

2. Three (3) units of Math

3. Three (3) units of Science

4. Three (3) units of social Studies

5. Three (3) units of one Foreign Language or two (2) units

each of two languages

6. One (1) unit of Fine Arts

7. A 3.5 grade average

8. Either one unit of business/technology and two additional

units in 1 through 7 above or earn three additional units, in

1 through 7 above.

9. Obtain honors level score(s) on four of the twelfth-grade

proficiency tests or obtain a composite score of 27 on the

ACT tests or an equivalent composite score on the SAT.

Students in the vocational education curriculum must meet seven of the following eight requirements:

1. Four (4) units in English

2. Two (2) units of Math

3. Two (2) units of Science

4. Three (3) units of Social Studies

5. Two (2) units of a foreign Language or two (2) units of

Computer Science

6. A 3.5 grade average

7. Completion of a career passport, including a demonstration

of high proficiency in their occupation course as judged by

at least two experts.

8. A composite score of 27 on the ACT or 1130 on the SAT or

an honors score on the 12th grade proficiency tests.


The State Board of Education has also set the requirements for the “Award of Merit”. Students who meet the criteria specified in A and C or B and C below will qualify.

A. College Prep Requirements - complete the following mini-

mum requirements:

1. English - four (4) units (may include one (1) unit of Fundamentals of Speech.)

2. Mathematics - three (3) units (must include one (1) unit of Algebra and one (1) unit of Geometry.)

3. Science - three (3) units (must include two (2) units from among Biology, Chemistry and