Unit: Reconstruction & the West Study Guide/Guided Reading

Textbook pages: 55-59 & 80-90

  1. What was the condition of the South after the Civil War?
  1. What did both Presidents Lincoln and Johnson insist the Southern states do?
  1. Why did the Radical Republicans object to the plans of Presiential Reconstruction?
  1. What was the goal of the 3th Amendment?
  1. What was the goals of the 14th Amendment and the series of laws that followed?
  1. Once the 15th Amendment was passed, what could southern black men do?
  1. During Reconstruction, what did women fight for and not receive?
  1. What happened when President Johnson violated the Tenure of Office Act?
  1. What was the result in President Johnson’s impeachment trial?
  1. What goals of Reconstruction were successful?
  1. What did the Freedmen’s Bureau do successfully for the newly freed slaves?
  1. Which were the most visible new black organziations in the South during Reconstruction?
  1. How did Southern state governments restrict the rights of former slaves?
  1. What was a major failure of Reconstruction?
  1. How did the Republican party become strong in the South?
  1. How did Congress respond to the terror of the Ku Klux Klan?
  1. What did the Supreme Court decisions during Reconstruction do?
  1. What was the major problem with sharecropping?
  1. Why did many of the agreements between the Native Americans and the government fall apart?
  1. Why did settlers think they had a greater right to the land than the Native Americans?
  1. How did the government try to change the Native Americans?
  1. What did many white reformers think the Native Americans should do?
  1. What was the major incentive for settling the West?
  1. What happened to the Native American nations as settlers moved west?
  1. Who owned most of the land near prime transportation routes?
  1. Why was the Interstate Commerce Act passed and what did it do?
  1. What was a major contribution to starting the cattle ranching boom?
  1. What inspired the mining boom that started with the California Gold Rush?
  1. What was the lifestyle of the homesteaders like?
  1. What did the challenges and hardships of settling the Great Plains lead the settlers to do?
  1. Why did Western farmers want “free silver”?
  1. What provisions did the Populist Party platform include?
